Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 823 Ancient Building Exploration

When I woke up the next day, Yin Xinyue suddenly went home. It turned out that the second half of her scene had been castrated by the boss, so it was completed in advance. This made me extremely happy.

From getting married and having children to now, Yin Xinyue and I have always been together less and more apart. In the blink of an eye, Fanfan has reached the age of going to kindergarten.

So the two of us decided to spend the next period of time with Fanfan and enjoy the happy life of a family of three.

We packed up our things that day and prepared to leave early the next morning to pick up Fanfan from my father-in-law's place.

The next day Yin Xinyue and I woke up very early. Wuhan was very quiet at five o'clock, the sky was clear, and the sunshine was warm but not dazzling, which was very pleasant.

I opened the store door and took a few breaths of fresh air greedily, when a black thing suddenly bumped into my leg.

I was startled, and just as I was about to speak, the dark thing stood up. It turned out to be a well-dressed middle-aged man.

Damn it, do all the people who touch porcelain dress so well now?

I looked at the middle-aged man warily, fearing that his next sentence would be that I had been damaged somewhere and had to pay for it.

This middle-aged man's face was very vicissitudes of life, and his eyes were full of scarlet bloodshot eyes. He looked at me blankly for a long time. I thought this man was a lunatic and was about to sneak away with Xinyue, but unexpectedly he grabbed my hand and started crying.

A black line flashed across my forehead, and I thought to myself that I was hit by you, and I haven’t cried yet, but you still cried!

But he doesn’t look like a madman. After all, if he was really a madman, the nearby security guards would have captured him long ago. My antique street is a place where both black and white have to respect each other!

I looked at the middle-aged man with a confused face. After a while, he seemed to realize that he had lost his temper. He quickly wiped his tears and asked eagerly: "Are you Master Zhang Jiulin? I've been waiting for you!" "

Generally speaking, hearing this sentence means that I am coming to do business, and Yin Xinyue naturally understands this. She looked at me with resentful eyes, obviously not wanting me to admit her identity.

It was rare that I was going to see my son. Naturally, I didn’t want the plan to go to waste, but I didn’t want to ruin my own brand, so I thought of a plan and replied with a smile: "Brother, Zhang Daxian is not here, I will leave you a phone number. Just call him."

After saying that, I gave him Li Mazi’s phone number. Not to mention that I am shameless, after following Li Mazi for a long time, I was forced to learn the ability to tell lies with my eyes open.

Thinking of Li Mazi's unreliable energy, I thought to myself that I would have to send him a message later and ask him to help me deal with it.

Although the middle-aged man was confused, he still took the note I gave him and kept thanking me.

While talking, I casually glanced at his forehead and found a black aura lingering in the center of his eyebrows.

This man was probably possessed by a ghost. I was just about to give him some instructions when Yin Xinyue reached out and pinched me hard. I had to swallow the words that came to my lips.

In fact, what she did was right. As the saying goes, the speaker is unintentional and the listener is intentional. Especially the dealer of femininity cannot talk casually. If I really mentioned something to him just now, it would actually be regarded as intervening in the cause and effect.

After the middle-aged man left, Yin Xinyue asked angrily: "Did you suffer from occupational diseases again? What's the plan you agreed on!"

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, let's go, let's pick up Fanfan."

I hugged Yin Xinyue and blew into her ear. This was my best way to make her happy.

Sure enough, Yin Xinyue snorted and stopped pursuing the issue and asked me to drive quickly.

As if I was amnesty, I stepped on the accelerator and headed north. Unexpectedly, before I even got on the highway, Li Mazi's phone called.

My heart skipped a beat, and an idea suddenly occurred to me: I had been tricked by Li Mazi again.

"Brother Zhang, we have a big deal!"

Sure enough, as soon as I connected the phone, I heard Li Mazi's excited voice, and I could seem to see his obscene smile from ear to ear through the phone.

"Is he the one I asked you to call?"

I asked angrily.

"Yes, little brother, I was willing to pay five million. Fortunately, I didn't listen to you, otherwise we would have suffered a big loss this time..."

Listening to his endless chatter, I wanted to hit him with the sole of my shoe. I refused before he could finish his words: "Li Mazi, if you want to pick it up, you can pick it up yourself."

Li Mazi became anxious when he heard it, and said quickly: "Brother, how can I take it on my own? Otherwise, we can split the score 80-20, and I will score 80-80 for you."

"You just give it all to me, and I won't go."

Seeing how determined I was, Li Mazi felt a lot depressed. He said in embarrassment that he had already promised to me, but now...

"Your uncle's!"

Unexpectedly, this guy has already picked up the phone. He picked up the phone in my name, Zhang Jiulin. It seems that he can’t hide this time even if he wants to. Since that person can easily spend 5 million as travel expenses, there is no need to say more about his financial strength. It might ruin my reputation.

After hanging up the phone, I told Yin Xinyue what happened. Although she was a little unhappy after hearing this, she still nodded and agreed to let me go.

"Okay, I've been waiting for so many years, and I'm not going to miss it for a few days. Just be careful. We'll go over there after you've finished dealing with it."

Seeing my face full of guilt, Yin Xinyue took the initiative to comfort me.

I scolded Mazi Li thousands of times in my heart. I felt like this guy was my disaster. He always teased me and asked me to wipe my ass. He also often made me look like a human being.

If I knew what he was like at the beginning, I would definitely not cooperate with him. As a result, I have no choice but to accept my fate now.

Li Mazi invited me to meet the middle-aged man in a teahouse called "Xanadu". The decoration in the teahouse is elegant yet exquisite, with antique murals on the walls. The tables, chairs, benches, and tea sets are all antique wood products. This couple For those of us who play antiques, it is simply paradise.

I cursed Li Mazi in my heart, and walked into the teahouse without knowing it. A waiter immediately came forward and led me to the door of a private room.

I pushed open the door of the private room and found that Li Mazi and the middle-aged man I bumped into in the morning were there.

When Li Mazi saw me coming, his little eyes suddenly burst with light, and he said happily: "Brother, you are here."

Alas, I feel unhappy now when I see Li Mazi’s stern look. If he hadn't disrupted the situation, I would have been able to hug Fanfan now. Who would have thought that a good plan would be messed up by him.

The middle-aged man had already talked with Li Mazi, so he naturally knew that I had deliberately lied to him that morning, but he didn't mention that at all, but nodded to me as a sign of goodwill.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang, my surname is Huo!"

The middle-aged man smelled like Beijing when he opened his mouth. It seemed that his name had spread to the imperial capital. I couldn't help feeling secretly happy, and my mood after being ruined by Li Mazi also improved a lot. He nodded to him and then asked: "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

"Mr. Zhang, please save my son and our family."

Mr. Huo suddenly became very excited. He took my hand and knelt down. The man in his forties or fifties burst into tears, which made me feel guilty.

I quickly pulled him up from the ground and said seriously: "Brother, don't be so excited. Tell me about the matter first. If I can help, I will do my best!"

He listened to me and poured out everything like beans.

His name is Huo Guodong, he is an authentic Beijinger, and he can be considered a moderate success in Beijing.

Because he was usually busy with work and his wife died early, his only son Huo Ze was spoiled by him.

A few days ago, Huo Guodong went out for a meeting. Unexpectedly, within two days, his son Huo Ze was in trouble again.

It turned out that Huo Ze participated in an ancient building expedition organized by an Internet celebrity. Unexpectedly, several people who went on the expedition together died unexpectedly, and only he survived.

The police called Huo Ze to investigate the situation. Unexpectedly, he seemed to be crazy at the police station, telling everyone he met that someone was trying to kill him. The police conducted a psychological evaluation on him, and the results showed that Huo Ze was frightened and went crazy!

Huo Guodong felt sorry for his son, so he paid for his son to be taken back home in advance. Unexpectedly, since Huo Ze came back, the Huo family has been in peace every day. Three nannies have died in a row, and every night there will be howling ghosts and wolves in the Huo family. sound.

Although Huo Guodong didn't particularly believe in the theory of ghosts and gods, he couldn't stand the trouble. Gradually, he felt that his son had rushed into something, so he found someone in Beijing to do it at home.

Unexpectedly, after inviting famous Taoist priests and monks one after another, not only did the situation at home not improve, but the trouble became more and more violent.

Now the entire Huo family is in danger, the remaining employees have resigned one after another, and their villa has become a lonely building!

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