Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 824 Dark clouds overwhelm the old house (additional update)

Huo Guodong knew that something big would happen sooner or later if he continued like this, so he asked someone to find a real master. Finally, he was introduced to me, and he drove to Wuhan overnight to ask me to come out, which led to the scene in the morning!

After Huo Guodong finished speaking, he instantly relaxed and sat down like a puddle of mud.

Poor parents in the world. I understand his feelings very well. Anyone who encounters such a thing will be burdened with a lot of psychological pressure.

Many people would be directly crushed. Huo Guodong just looks haggard now, so the situation is considered good.

Li Mazi was afraid that I would not agree, so he quickly pulled me aside and said in a low voice: "Brother, Mr. Huo promised to pay five million yuan. You must agree. How many antiques do you think we have to sell to get five million?" Ten thousand."

I was speechless and glared at Li Mazi fiercely. This guy really cares about money. What happened to five million? Am I short of that five million?

But putting aside Li Mazi's factors, I also decided to help Huo Guodong.

The black mist on his body has spread from his forehead to his neck, which means that the Yin Qi has taken root in his body. If it is allowed to develop, when the black mist spreads to his chest, his life will be over.

So I decided to live up to my conscience. I was indeed a little irresponsible because I thought about Fanfan. Now that I have calmed down, I will never leave him alone!

"Mr. Huo, don't worry. When I go back and pack the things I need, I will go to Beijing with you right away."

Seeing me relenting, Huo Guodong nodded repeatedly, and his gloomy face finally relaxed a little.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I got home, I found that Yin Xinyue had already packed my luggage.

"I knew you would leave, so be careful." She pouted and said.

Looking at Yin Xinyue's delicate face, a warm current surged through my heart. I felt that it was my grandfather's good deeds during his lifetime that allowed me to marry such a virtuous and sensible woman.

I hugged her subconsciously and kissed her cherry little mouth.

I'm afraid this trip will take another ten or eight days, so I need to feel good before leaving.

Yin Xinyue's face turned red. She closed her eyes and let me do whatever I wanted. My breathing became heavier and I carried her to the bedside...

After a lot of trouble, Yin Xinyue combed her hair with one hand, waved the wind on her red face with the other hand, and said angrily: "Get out of here when you are full, don't make people wait in a hurry."


I carried my luggage downstairs with a smile, drove to the airport with Mazi and Huo Guodong, and arrived in Beijing successfully three hours later.

After entering the city, Huo Guodong originally wanted to find a place to pick up the wind for us, but when I thought of the current situation of the Huo family, I decided to go directly to the Huo family to have a look.

As for Jie Feng, let’s wait until the Huo family’s affairs come to an end!

Huo Guodong's home is a villa located in the suburbs. The villa is surrounded by tall trees, lush and green, and the scenery is very good.

Standing at the door of the villa and looking into the distance, you can vaguely see a mountain range, with its nine twists and turns like a circling dragon.

This is the small dragon vein, which is second only to the emperor's dragon vein in Feng Shui. It seems that Huo Guodong put a lot of effort into choosing a residence. I couldn't help but admired: "Mr. Huo, your villa has good Feng Shui."

Although I am not very proficient in Feng Shui, Mr. Feng Shui and the Yinwu merchants are of the same ancestry and have some similarities, so I still have this bit of insight.

After hearing this, Huo Guodong couldn't help but give me the thumbs up, and said excitedly: "Mr. Zhang has a good eye. This is an old land that has been passed down by my family for several generations. It used to be an old house, but I later converted it into a villa. "

I laughed out loud after listening to this. Huo Guodong almost regarded me as his savior. In fact, these tricks are very simple, and anyone who knows some metaphysics can figure them out.

If I could really read Feng Shui, I would have changed my career long ago. I would not be a trader of negative things for others.

Huo Guodong said that his family has been in the capital for several generations, with a history of at least a hundred years.

The Huo family's ancestors were from a scholarly family, and they started doing business after the reform and opening up. The Huo family has been operating in Beijing for so many years, so it is not difficult to find a homestead with excellent Feng Shui.

The main building of the villa is more than ten meters high. From a distance, I can feel the Yin Qi slowly exuding from inside. Even the black mist has occupied the top floor of the villa, and the flowers, plants and trees planted in front of the villa have all turned yellow. There is a thick layer of yellow leaves on the ground.

"Brother Zhang, what's wrong?" Li Mazi asked softly when he saw my heavy face.

I didn't speak, I just kept observing the villa shrouded in black air.

This black energy is not pure black, but has traces of blood red on it. It seems that Huo Guodong's son is right, there is indeed a ghost haunting him.

Ordinary Yin spirits only emit a faint black energy, but the black energy in the Huo family villa is mixed with blood, which shows that the things in the building are more violent than the Yin spirits in the past!

We entered the villa under the leadership of Huo Guodong. As soon as we entered the door, we were greeted by a gust of cold wind. Li Mazi and I shivered. Huo Guodong was even worse than us. He sneezed several times before saying in confusion: "No. That's right, there are no servants at home anymore, and I didn't turn on the air conditioner before I left."

As soon as Huo Guodong finished speaking, Li Mazi and I looked at each other and both understood that the chill was coming from Yin energy, so we both read the Tao Te Ching.

Li Mazi's "Tao Te Ching" was full of dissatisfaction, and half the bottle was sloshing around, but there was no problem in protecting myself. I had to take care of Huo Guodong, and it was very difficult to read for a while.

Fortunately, I have practiced my mouth, and with the quick recitation of the sutra, the air around us returned to normal.

Huo Guodong breathed a sigh of relief and looked at me with eyes full of awe, as if he were looking at a god!

I'm not as optimistic as he is. The yin energy in the room is so strong. Either the yin spirit has been here, or it is very powerful.

But it shouldn't be where you just walked in, but in a corner of the building, most likely in Huo Guodong's son's bedroom.

"Son, where are you?" Huo Guodong shouted to the dark second floor.

My heart skipped a beat, thinking that his son actually lived here. Who could the ghost look for if he wasn't looking for him?

Huo Guodong shouted several times, but did not get any answer. Only his voice echoed throughout the villa.

"Mr. Zhang!"

Huo Guodong suddenly grabbed my hand tightly, like a drowning man grabbing duckweed.

His eyes were full of fear and anxiety, and he obviously wanted me to go up and help him look for Huo Ze, but he had no intention of accompanying me.

Maybe in the concept of rich people, as long as they pay the money themselves, they don’t have to worry about anything, right? But he really couldn't help me much, and might become a burden, so I nodded and asked, "Mr. Huo, which room does your son live in?"

"Mr. Zhang, my son's room is on the second floor. Since the death of the three nannies, no one has dared to go up to the second floor. Usually only Huo Ze comes down by himself. As soon as I left him downstairs, he would Smashing things like crazy! I had no choice but to follow him..."

When he said these words, Huo Guodong's tone was full of helplessness and bitterness. As a father unable to take good care of his son, he must be feeling very painful inside.

The weather in Beijing is good today. Although it is already afternoon, there is still plenty of sunshine outside, but the second floor of Huo's house is pitch black. Looking up, not even a ray of sunlight can shine in, but this is not a problem with the Huo family's decoration.

"Li Mazi, you stay with Mr. Huo downstairs while I go to the second floor to take a look." I ordered.

Li Mazi nodded immediately after hearing my words. His expression of fear of life and death gave me a crazy urge to beat him.

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