Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 830 Escape (Part 2)


At this time, An Qi's scream sounded again, but several people did not complain about An Qi anymore, because a bloody head appeared behind An Qi!

Both girls screamed in fright, and the boy gasped and did not dare to move. At this time, the head moved, and it flew quickly in the direction of Dacheng.

Because the door was blocked by heads, the five people subconsciously ran to the second floor.

In the darkness, everyone could only hear each other's breathing.

Huo Ze ran to the second floor and hid in a room. Behind him was Yu Shu. The other three people disappeared and must have ran to other rooms.

"Huo Ze, did you see it? That one just now..."

Before Yushu finished speaking, Huo Ze covered his mouth, and the sound of high heels suddenly came from No. 81, which was originally quiet.

"Click... click..."

The sound kept coming closer to where Huo Ze and the two were hiding.

"Huo Ze, I'm afraid."

Yushu kept trembling and stared at the door tightly, as if something would break through the door in the next second.


After Huo Ze made a silent gesture, he pulled the jade book and stepped back. At this time, the jade Buddha became hotter and hotter. Huo Ze felt that his hands were about to be cooked by the jade Buddha.


The sound of high heels stopped when they reached the door. Huo Ze and the others were about to breathe a sigh of relief when they heard a burst of women's laughter, which stopped right at the door!

At that time, the Jade Buddha was as hot as boiling water. Huo Ze couldn't bear it anymore and threw the Jade Buddha out.

With a crisp click, the laughter at the door stopped, and then there was a knock on the door.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The things outside were very powerful. Huo Ze didn't know how long the loose wooden door could hold on, and he felt a little desperate.

"Huo Ze, you want to kill me!"

Yushu changed from being shy just now and became very fierce.

Huo Ze didn't say anything. The jade Buddha had become very hot just now, so he couldn't help but throw it out. Unexpectedly, just this sound actually attracted the thing.

"Dong dong dong!"

The knocking on the door became louder and more urgent, as if the door would shatter into pieces in the next second.

Huo Ze and Yu Shu both had their hearts in their throats.

What is that knocking on the door? Is it the bloody head just now, or...


At this time, another scream came from outside. As the scream disappeared, the knocking on the door suddenly stopped.

"Was it Bingbing's voice just now?"

Yu Shu took a long breath first, and then asked.

"Hey, are you looking for me?"

As soon as the two people stood up and wanted to go out and take a look, a sudden laugh came from above their heads, and then some unknown liquid fell from above onto their faces.

Huo Ze gritted his teeth and looked up, only to find the bloody human head staring at them.

"Fuck, run!"

Huo Ze was the first to react, picked up the jade Buddha at his feet and ran away.

As soon as he went out, Huo Ze found that Yushu didn't follow him. He cursed in annoyance, turned around and rushed into the house to save him.

Unexpectedly, the human head was biting the aorta in Yushu's neck.

Yushu's blood gurgled out like a fountain. He saw Huo Ze coming back again, and he stretched out his hand as if he wanted Huo Ze to save him.

Huo Ze came back to save him, but at this moment he was so frightened by the scene in front of him that he could not move. It was not until Yin Ling threw away the jade book and turned to look at him that Huo Ze came back to his senses.


Looking over at Yin Ling's voice, Yushu's eyes widened, with fear and uneasiness on his face. His throat was bitten with a bloody hole the size of a walnut, and he was obviously a corpse.


The desire to survive made Huo Ze roar, and he got up with all his strength and tried to escape, but the head moved very fast, and it came to Huo Ze's eyes in the blink of an eye.


The head laughed sinisterly, then bit Huo Ze's throat.

He felt a fishy smell coming towards his face, and desperately stretched out his hand to block it.

At this time, there was an explosion in the hand, and the Jade Buddha shattered in response. The human head quickly retreated as if it had been attacked by something.

Huo Ze didn't think too much and took advantage of the gap to run out quickly. Halfway through, he bumped into another person.

"Huo Ze!"

After being knocked to the ground, he heard Dacheng's voice.

"Dacheng, there is really a ghost!"

Huo Ze could no longer maintain his grace. He held Dacheng's hand tightly and shouted like a madman.

"Huo Ze, I know there is a ghost, let's leave quickly."

Dacheng grabbed Huo Ze's hand and pulled him up, saying nervously, and then the two of them quickly ran towards the exit.

"Dacheng, where are you going?"

At this time, Bingbing suddenly appeared at the door, and her limbs were missing! There was no trace of skin on his face, and he was lying in a large flower pot, bleeding from his body.


Both Dacheng and Huo Ze were stunned by the scene before them, and subconsciously wanted to run away. Bingbing asked again: "Dacheng, where are you going?"


Dacheng was so frightened that he couldn't even speak. He even dared not look at Bingbing.

"Dacheng, do you want to leave? Can you stay with me?"

Bingbing grinned, and Huo Ze realized that Bingbing's teeth had also been knocked out. He made a sound of vomiting and couldn't help vomiting it out.


The sinister laughter came again. Huo Ze looked at the jade Buddha that had been broken into several pieces and didn't know what to do.

"Huo Ze, I'm sorry."

Dacheng took advantage of Huo Ze's daze and pushed him towards the stairs, using him to block the Yin spirit.

The laughter was getting closer and closer to Huo Ze, and his eyes widened in despair. Finally, it came.

The first thing that was revealed was a pair of scarlet high-heeled shoes, and then the body of a woman wearing a red cheongsam was revealed, but there was no head on it!

Next to her, the human head just now was floating strangely. Rentou saw Huo Ze and sneered in triumph.

"Bingbing, please don't stop me, I want to leave!"

Dacheng was so frightened that he pushed Bingbing away and ran out as hard as he could, as if he could be safe just by opening the door.

"Dacheng, don't leave."

Bingbing screamed miserably, but Dacheng just shouted sorry and didn't look back at all.

Finally, his hand touched the door handrail, but then a pair of pale hands grabbed him.

"Are you leaving?" Rentou asked faintly.


Dacheng was speechless, his eyes were filled with fear.

"Your girlfriend is still here, are you leaving?" Rentou asked again.

"Just leave like that? Don't care about your girlfriend?"

The head floated in front of Dacheng's eyes and said viciously: "You really have no conscience."

Its eyes were full of sarcasm, as if it had deep resentment towards Dacheng.

"What is your heart really like?"

Rentou murmured, stretched out his hand to rub Dacheng's chest, and said quietly: "I want to see if your heart is dark!"

At this point, Ren Tou's voice suddenly rose in pitch. Huo Ze only heard a muffled groan from Dacheng, and a red substance appeared in Ren Tou's mouth.

"Haha, he is indeed a black heart!"

Rentou cursed angrily, and after saying that, it bit into Dacheng's heart and chewed it until it completely devoured the heart.

When Huo Ze saw this scene, he felt that his heart also stopped beating.

After eating Dacheng's heart, Rentou turned his head and looked at Huo Ze.

Huo Ze saw the head getting closer and closer to him, his vision went dark and he fainted.

When he woke up again, the head and the female ghost in red were gone, as if everything that happened last night was a dream.

But the smell of blood in the air and the bodies of Dacheng and Bingbing told him that those memories really happened last night.

Huo Ze yelled and ran out. The sunshine outside was very warm, but there was an unexplained coldness on his body.

He stood in the sun for a full hour before bursting into laughter like a madman.

I'm afraid only those who have experienced it can understand the feeling of surviving a disaster.


But before he could be happy, a sinister smile came from his body.

Huo Ze could no longer control his inner fear and asked for help!

He ran to the police station to call the police, but everyone in the police station thought he was playing a prank. Huo Ze had no choice but to go back to Huo's house first, but he didn't expect that at night he would dream about everything that happened that night.

Those horrific scenes were like movies, replaying over and over again in his dreams. He went to the police station again, but was regarded as a madman by everyone.

After Huo Ze finished speaking these words, he let out a long breath.

Too many things have happened to him recently, and it is normal for him to have difficulty digesting them for a while. I patted his shoulder to express comfort.

(Thank you all for your recommendation votes, there will be more updates tonight.)

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