Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 831 Jubaozhai, a family of Taoist priests

Huo Ze had been possessed by a ghost for too long, and his body couldn't handle telling the story for so long, so not long after he finished telling it, Huo Guodong helped him back to his room to rest, and Li Mazi and I were left alone downstairs.

"Brother Zhang, have you thought of a way to deal with the Yin spirit?" Li Mazi asked.

I shook my head in agony. I only knew that this evil spirit was at Chaonei No. 81, and that it was very powerful. Apart from these clues, nothing else was clear.

Besides, I hurt it again. According to the character of Yin Ling Yazui who must retaliate, I am afraid it is impossible to persuade it.

What should be done?

When things have reached this point, there is no point in complaining about Li Mazi for taking matters into his own hands. The only way is to go on an expedition to Chaonei No. 81 like Huo Ze and the others.

"Brother, you don't want to go to Chaonei No. 81, do you?"

Li Mazi finally had a connection with me. When he saw me nodding, his face instantly turned pale.

"Brother, it's not that Mazi won't accompany you, it's just that I..."

His grandma, I knew what Li Mazi was going to say when he opened his mouth.

"Brother, what will happen to Xiaomeng and Nianchu if I tell you where they are?"

Li Mazi moved his children out, and looking at his heartbroken expression, I felt as if I was a very vicious person.

However, this operation is very dangerous, and it would be a burden to take Li Mazi with me. It is better to let him stay at the Huo family, otherwise I will have to take care of him when we get there.

"Okay, you don't need to come with me."

As soon as I finished speaking, Li Mazi immediately smiled again on his face.

This coward was just like an eggplant battered by frost, but now spring has blossomed. I just wanted to say something bad to him, but he affectionately told me to be careful this time.

If you don’t hit the smiling person with your hand, Li Mazi’s trick is like no one else.

"Li Mazi, let's go and buy something with me."

I sighed and asked Mazi to go out with me. I never fight a battle I am not sure about. Since I am going to explore a haunted house, I must make complete preparations in advance.

When Li Mazi heard that he didn't need to accompany me to Chaonei No. 81, he was so happy that he readily agreed and said with confidence: "Brother, if nothing else, I, Li Mazi, am a living map. Just tell me, where are we going?"

Although he said it with great joy, I didn't think he was pretending. Everyone has their own skills, and what Li Mazi is best at is traveling around to meet talents from all walks of life.

If my antique street is a traditional triad, then this guy is a well-deserved straw sandal, so I said habitually: "Go to Jubaozhai."

"Jubaozhai? What kind of place is this?" Li Mazi asked in surprise.

Okay, it's rare to believe him for a moment and then slap him in the face immediately.

“Fuck your grandma’s living map!”

I cursed silently, turned around and ran upstairs to ask Huo Guodong. Huo Guodong is a real Beijing expert. He directly told me the location of Jubaozhai and even offered to drive us there, but I refused.

When I'm shopping, I don't like to be looked at or held back by others. I don't like the invisible restraint.

Every time I go out to do business, I usually drive. This time, I felt that Li Mazi was too relaxed, so I asked him to act as the driver. So along the way, Li Mazi talked non-stop.

I simply ignored his protest and enjoyed the sunshine very comfortably.

The Huo family's villa is in the suburbs, far away from the city center. We drove for about three hours to get there.

"Damn, the traffic jam here is really serious. Look at the BMW and it's stuck like a snail."

Li Mazi gritted his teeth and cursed, but he was helpless. I smiled softly and pretended to be asleep.

We waited for more than an hour before we drove out. I took him on foot to Panjiayuan and found Jubaozhai according to the address given by Lao Huo.

"I won't buy a house in the capital anymore. I have to catch up with the traffic jam and spend all my day on the road."

Li Mazi showed his character of being a man who can't chew his shit, and he cursed, attracting the attention of many people, which made me subconsciously distance myself from him.

"Brother Zhang, what are you looking for?"

Li Mazi realized his gaffe from the looks of others, quickly raised his chest and raised his head, straightened out his newly grown pubic hair, and asked seriously.


I said angrily, and bought two pieces of pineapple with sugar water from the side, and started looking for them while eating.

Panjiayuan is very famous in Beijing, and this is not the first time I come here to buy things. However, it is not just an antique market. There are many unwritten rules here, and there are also many very fantastic things.

Panjiayuan is ostensibly managed by the government, but is actually run by a mysterious Taoist family!

I once heard my grandfather mention that when entering Panjiayuan, you must abide by three rules. First, business cannot be done without righteousness, and there should be no quarrels and fights over price issues. Second, only those with invitation letters can participate in Panjiayuan's ghost market. Third, evil things are not allowed to be sold in Panjiayuan.

Panjiayuan is a long street similar to an ancient alley. There are shops and stalls on both sides. There are people buying and selling antiques along the way. I scanned it and found that they were all ordinary goods.

In addition to Chinese people, there are also many foreigners who go to Panjiayuan with translators to select antiques. However, foreigners do not understand our Chinese culture, and most of them are miserably deceived.

Antiques are a matter of fighting or suffering. Even the government doesn't care. Anyone who is deceived can only admit that he is unlucky.

Li Mazi and I walked for about 20 minutes and finally found Jubaozhai with the help of mobile phone navigation.

Jubaozhai, like other shops, is a replica of the Qing Dynasty architecture. There are two lifelike stone lions outside the door, and the three words Jubaozhai on the plaque are flying and phoenixes.

"What do you two need?"

As soon as he entered the door, a man dressed like a boy came out and asked.

"I want something to drive away yin."

Exorcism is a jargon term in our industry. To put it bluntly, it is something to fight ghosts, which is different from ordinary ancient objects. After hearing this, the boy looked at me carefully and then led me into the back hall with a smile.

The back hall of Jubaozhai is decorated the same as the front hall, except that the items are all separated out.

"What do you need?" the boy asked.

"I want the blood of a purebred male black dog, as well as the best cinnabar, talisman paper and talisman pen." I nodded and said.

The boy smiled and asked me to wait, and then went to prepare it for me. Li Mazi took advantage of this opportunity and asked, "Brother, what is the origin of Jubaozhai? How come they sell antiques in the front and these things in the back?"

"Jubaozhai is very famous in our industry. It not only sells antiques, but also some things that are useful to us. Because of its high quality, it is sought after by people in the industry."

I explained, and Li Mazi nodded in realization. He wanted to ask something else, but the boy came back.

"This is your stuff, please check it out." As he said that, the boy opened the stuff.

The first is cinnabar. Cinnabar belongs to Yang and is a must-have for drawing talismans. The yang energy carried by ordinary cinnabar is weak, and the talisman drawn is less powerful, but the cinnabar given to me by Jubaozhai emits a faint red light in the sun, which is dazzling.

This is cinnabar with rubies added, so the yang energy is very strong. It is most suitable to use it to draw talismans to deal with the Yin spirits in Chaonei No. 81.

The black dog's blood is contained in a jade bottle. The bottle is completely transparent, and the dog's blood is dark red.

The dog blood must have just been extracted today. It looked very fresh. After opening the bottle cap, the smell of blood penetrated my nose. I tasted it carefully and concluded that it was the blood of a mature black dog. It was very pure!

As for the talisman paper, it is not ordinary yellow paper, but blue.

Taoist talismans are not just yellow, there are actually five kinds of talismans, in order: yellow, white, blue, purple, and gold.

Each type of talisman can carry different powers. The yellow talisman that appears in ordinary supernatural movies and TV dramas is the lowest and most common.

The blue talisman paper seemed to be made of silk. It was very delicate and smooth in the hand, but it was harder than ordinary paper.

The last item is the talisman pen. This talisman pen is dark brown in color and has a translucent luster on it.

The hair is soft and gray-white. This is no ordinary rabbit hair. If I guessed correctly, it should be wolf hair. The yang energy in the wolf is very strong. As a kind of canine, it can also be psychic.

What's more, there are rumors that the longer a wolf lives, the lighter its hair will become. The wolf hair on this pen is not dark in color. It was taken from a one-year-old wolf at least!

(Thank you all for your recommendation votes, there will be more updates tonight.)

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