Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 832 A stroke of luck (more updates)

"Are you satisfied?" Seeing me finish inspecting the goods, the boy asked with a smile.

I smiled and nodded. The boy understood what I meant and said, "A total of 1 million, I will issue the invoice to you."

When Li Mazi heard this, his small eyes as big as sesame seeds widened.

"What, 1 million?"

The boy was extremely well-educated. He did not laugh at Li Mazi's appearance, but said politely: "Yes, sir, a total of 1 million."

Li Mazi originally wanted to say something, but I covered his mouth. This guy is so embarrassing. My face was completely embarrassed by him.

After leaving the door, Li Mazi's face was still filled with shock. He said dissatisfiedly: "Brother, what did you buy? It's so expensive!"

Li Mazi, a fool, doesn’t understand anything. To me, these things are rare. I came to Jubaozhai today just to try my luck. I didn’t expect to encounter so many good things, let alone these things. The value in my heart is far more than 1 million.

Many things cannot be measured in terms of money. Take the wolf brush for example. Although its main function is to draw talismans, it can also be used as a magical weapon to deal with Yin spirits. If I use the techniques in the cheat book to strengthen it later, the effect will be Even more amazing!

But Li Mazi knows nothing.

I didn't bother to explain to him. When I got back to Huo's house, Li Mazi still looked distressed.

For a person like him who values ​​wealth as much as his life, can he not feel distressed that this million has already caught up with his son?

I don't have time to talk nonsense with Li Mazi now. I just arrived at Huo's house and ran into the room to draw talismans without even having a sip of water.

I'm going to fight the Yin Spirit tonight, so I need to make more preparations.

I first drew a few guiding talismans on ordinary talisman paper. This was just in case of emergencies. If a ghost came to cause trouble, I would be able to find a way out by covering my eyes with a ghost or something.

After drawing the guiding talisman, I recited the Tao Te Ching silently for a while, because next I had to use blue talisman paper to draw the talisman, which required extreme concentration.

The talismans are all drawn in one stroke, without any pauses along the way. After my mind completely calmed down, I took a deep breath, lifted the pen and followed the movements of the pen tip on the paper in one breath, and then let out the breath I was holding.

A stroke of luck!

I was overjoyed and quickly recited the incantation silently. The talisman glowed with a faint blue light as I chanted the incantation. It was done!

I looked at this evil-breaking talisman and couldn't help feeling a little proud. This was my first time using blue talisman paper to draw talisman. It seems that I am still very talented.

Thinking of the days when Senior Pit Rat and T-Shirt Man were medium and high-level spiritual talismans, I couldn't help but feel my face getting hot.

Although blue talisman paper is standard for medium-level talismans, I can’t afford to have a wolf-hair talisman pen. Combined with this, the talisman I drew is actually a high-level talisman.

Next, I drew a few more armor charms, armor-breaking charms, etc. It wasn’t until the sun set and Li Mazi knocked on the door and asked me to eat that I came back from the joy. I have been in the room for five full days now. Hours.

Seeing that there were fifteen talismans on the table, I felt a sense of accomplishment. I went downstairs to have dinner with Li Mazi, Huo Guodong and others and drank two glasses of liquor.

I have always coveted Erguotou in Beijing, but I have never been able to find the authentic Erguotou.

What Huo Guodong gave us to drink today was home-brewed wine, which tasted sweet and was completely different from the watered-down ones sold in supermarkets.

Although I wanted to drink a few more drinks, I had to give it up when I thought of my plan for tonight. I thought that after I finished dealing with the Yin Spirit, I would have to let Huo Guodong treat me to a drink when I came back!

I handed Li Mazi some talismans for him to use for self-defense, and then set up the Five Elements Formation in the Huo family's living room.

It would be terrible if the Yin Ling Gou jumped over the wall and went to Huo's house to attack Li Mazi and Huo Guodong. Wei Yu might not be able to deal with it if it was injured, so I still made complete preparations.

Then, I divided the black dog's blood into two, handed half of it to Li Mazi, and warned: "Mazi, if there is any abnormality, just spill the black dog's blood. Be careful, this thing is worth 100,000 yuan!"

Mazi nodded seriously. This matter was related to his safety, so he would definitely keep a high degree of vigilance. After all, this kid was a man who cherished his life!

Before leaving, I pasted a few more charms on the door and windows of Huo's house, and then I drove Huo Guodong's car toward No. 81 Chaonei according to the route planned by the navigation system.

Chaonei No. 81 is in the eastern suburbs of Beijing, far away from the Huo family. Halfway through the drive, I let Otama out and asked her to keep me company while I spent the boring time in the car.

Unexpectedly, the little girl scolded her mercilessly as soon as she came out: "Bad brother, you want me to be your pathfinder again!"

Um...I felt helpless for a while, thinking to myself that this girl is really getting more and more powerful. Could it be that she is reading my mind?

Weiyu and Daji have the same origin. As a descendant of the demon fox Daji, it is normal for her to be able to read minds.

"Bad brother, this is not mind-reading. Every time you try to trick me, your words will be unreasonable!"

Oudama rolled his eyes at me and said.

I didn't answer the call, but became more and more embarrassed, so I called Yin Xinyue.


Yin Xinyue's voice was very hoarse. It seemed that she fell asleep and was woken up by me.

"Xinyue, it's me."

Yin Xinyue was very excited when she heard my voice, and said in surprise: "Husband, how are you doing over there?"

Listening to Yin Xinyue's excited voice, I felt a sense of melancholy and heartache. Originally I was supposed to be on vacation with Xinyue and Fanfan, but now...

"I'll finish it right away. After I'm done, I'll go back to accompany you and Fanfan right away." I said.

"Husband, come back quickly!"

Yin Xinyue's words made my eyes sore, so I hung up the phone after saying a few words.

There were very few vehicles on the road at night. After driving for about an hour and a half, I finally arrived at the mysterious Chaonei No. 81.

No. 81 is located in a remote place, with no buildings around except that quaint building.

"finally reached."

I looked at No. 81, held my backpack and said something to myself. Then I walked to the door of No. 81 and really saw the tomb that Huo Ze mentioned.

But it had been vandalized, the whole thing had been opened, and the coffin boards were thrown to the ground.


I sighed. Bingbing and the others dug this grave for profit. I am afraid this is the most direct reason for angering the Yin spirit. Otherwise, it would not have tortured these people like that.

I stopped paying attention to the grave and continued walking forward. It was pitch black inside No. 81, with no light source.

At this time, the moon hung on the treetops, emitting soft light. I stopped at the door of No. 81, carefully checked my belongings, and after making sure everything was in order, I took a deep breath and pushed open the door of No. 81. There was a strong smell of rotting meat in the air that greeted me.

I frowned and turned on the flashlight, and at a glance I saw a female corpse that had been made into a human pig facing me.

She had no shame, her whole face was bloody, and the solidified blood formed a curtain. It seemed that this woman should be Bingbing.

However, Bingbing's body did not rot and smell. Instead, it was very fresh, especially the skin was still well preserved.

Is Bingbing really dead?

In the end, Huo Ze didn't know whether Bingbing was dead. I was lucky enough to step forward and check Bingbing's breathing. Unexpectedly, Bingbing suddenly opened her eyes!

I was so frightened that I took two steps back, patted my rapidly beating heart, and carefully observed Bingbing.

There was no sparkle in her eyes. Instead, they were very empty and without any emotion. This look was like the eyes of a dead fish, without any vitality. Only dead people would have this look.

It seemed that Bingbing was indeed dead. Maybe it was because my yang energy touched Bingbing, so she opened her eyes reflexively.

I closed Bingbing's eyes together. For a dead person, opening his eyes is because he is unwilling or has suffered great grievances. I hope this girl can return to her ashes!

After doing all this, I continued to move forward. Who would have thought that Bingbing's eyes would open again after I left, and this time her eyes were full of resentment!

However, these are all things for later.

Continuing to walk forward, I found another severely decomposed corpse. There was a blood hole about the size of a fist on his chest. A large number of maggots were crawling around on the male corpse. The rotten flesh in the air This is where the smell comes from.


The stench was so great that I couldn't help but vomit. After vomiting, I felt much better and my brain became clearer. This corpse should be Bingbing's boyfriend Dacheng.

But this kind of decay makes me suspicious. Bingbing's body was well protected, as if he had just died, but Dacheng's body was severely decayed, which is a bit unreasonable.

Chaonei No. 81 gives people a cold feeling. The coldest place is no different from a refrigerator. How could Dacheng's body rot so quickly?

I covered my nose and observed, only to see that Dacheng’s body was covered with tiny teeth marks.

Come on, is it possible that this person named Dacheng was tortured after his death?

How much hatred and hatred is there to not let him live in peace after his death. I thought that after I finish solving the Yin Ling matter, I will let Huo Guodong bury the bodies of Dacheng and the others properly. After all, among the few people, only Huo Ze is not dead. If these people still linger, Huo Ze will also have no good fruits to eat.

Resentment will inevitably arise after death, let alone such a violent death! Although Huo Ze was haunted by ghosts, he still managed to save his life. Unlike people like them, who died unjustly and ended up with incomplete corpses.

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