Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 833: Fake Corpse

The Yin Qi in Chaonei No. 81 is very heavy, so heavy that it makes me a little bit intolerable.

I had no choice but to recite the Tao Te Ching silently. For me, the Tao Te Ching has almost become a must-have condom for traveling at home. I will use it whenever I am invaded by Yin Qi or disturbed by Yin spirits. , even if you have insomnia, you will use it to calm your nerves.

However, it’s not about having too many skills, it’s about being precise.

Although it is just a simple scripture, it has countless wonderful uses for me!

I continued walking towards the depths of Chaonei No. 81. It was dark inside and it was quiet all the way. I didn't see the human head that Huo Ze said.


At this moment, a sneer suddenly came from the air, but I had been reciting the Tao Te Ching silently, so this sneer posed no threat to me.


In the darkness, something only over one meter high appeared in front of me. It was so dark all around that I couldn't see clearly what it was.

But it was not a living person after all. Anyway, I had made complete preparations. I calmly took out an armor talisman from my pocket and stuck it on my chest, and then grabbed another evil-breaking talisman and held it in my hand.

The armor talisman is to protect oneself from being plotted, and as for the evil-breaking talisman...

Hehe, of course it’s a feast for the female ghost!

That thing was still laughing sinisterly, and I was a little frightened by its laughter. I unexpectedly shouted at it: "Hey, stop laughing!"

"Hey Hey……"

The laughter still continued, not only did it not stop, but it laughed even louder. It seemed that the young man's words didn't work.

Damn it, I have always ignored others, and this was the first time I was despised. Angrily, I picked up the flashlight, rolled up my sleeves, and shined it at it, thinking that it didn't matter what the smiling thing was, I would just take a picture of it later.

I held the magic talisman in my right hand and looked at the little guy who was getting closer. I suddenly changed my attention, pulled out the invisible needle and threw it directly.


The ghost finally stopped laughing sinisterly and screamed.

Although this scream was very sad, to me it sounded much better than the sinister laughter just now.

"I want you to die!"

The ghost stopped screaming and yelled at me.

The voice sounds like a woman's. Could it be that this is the Yin spirit that was injured by me at Huo's house that day? But the sound is wrong!

I quickly raised the flashlight and was a little confused when I saw this thing: What kind of ghost was it? It was obviously Bingbing who was blocking the door just now!

Bingbing lost her limbs and was planted in a large flowerpot by the female ghost like a flower, so she looked only over one meter tall. But wasn't she dead?

I checked her nose just now, and it was true that she was not breathing at all. Could it be that Bingbing had faked her corpse?

Fake zombies are more terrifying than ordinary ghosts, because there are many types of corpses after fake corpses. Some corpses will stiffen and become zombies, while others will still maintain the flexibility of their bodies. These are walking zombies, and fake corpses The power and destructive power of the corpse are amazing, so it is more difficult to deal with.

"Hey, I want you to stay with me!"

Bingbing was still saying these words. Although she had no limbs, she jumped out of the flower pot and crawled toward me while supporting her whole body with her chin.

Come on, you are still so vicious when you look like this. No wonder nine out of ten people who become ghosts are women, because some women are really small-minded.

I don’t mean to be sexist. An authoritative psychology organization in the United States has conducted a questionnaire survey, and the results show that girls are indeed more likely to be aggressive than boys.

I looked at Bingbing who kept rushing toward me, and couldn't help but think of what she did to An Qi during the live broadcast.

Although the Yin spirit controlled her at that time, not all of her actions were controlled by the Yin spirit. At least half of those things were her true inner thoughts.

"Bingbing, you still don't know the crime!"

Bingbing was very fast, and in less than a minute, she came to my feet.


There was no skin on her face, and it was all scarlet flesh. Now that she was so close to me, I could almost see the fleshy residue on her face being tossed around as she moved. It was so disgusting.

"I want you to accompany me!"

Bingbing stared at her dark eyes and said, Damn, I am not a fool. Why would you leave your beautiful wife at home to accompany you, a shameless monster like you?

I was no longer polite. Although I never hit a woman, but facing Bingbing, who could only be called a human pig, I didn't have the feeling of pity and pity for her, so I kicked her aside.

But after she landed, she quickly got up and attacked me again.

Sure enough, if a person is shameless, he is more difficult to deal with than a ghost.

I was too lazy to waste time with Bingbing, so I threw out the Evil Breaking Talisman in my hand and stuck it to Bingbing's body.

Bingbing seemed to think it was something delicious, so she opened her mouth and stuffed the Evil Breaking Talisman into her stomach.

Her move actually helped me a lot, which will make the spell more powerful!

"The one who comes, fights, and fights will be destroyed!"

I took one last look at her and shouted sharply, and then a burst of blue light appeared in Bingbing's abdomen.

The next second, with a muffled sound, Bingbing's remaining body was blown to pieces.

I feel more sad for this girl in my heart. This girl's heart is too greedy. From the moment she put on that diamond ring, she was probably destined to have her current end.

Therefore, it is not a good thing for girls to be too mean and mean. Bingbing is an example. She was too jealous of An Qi's beauty, and she felt extremely inferior in her heart.

She is narrow-minded, but she is also sarcastic towards An Qi. Most of what she did after being possessed by the Yin spirit came from her deep inner desire, but was given to her in an extremely cruel way by the Yin spirit. Let it out.

The information provided by Boss Huo showed that Bingbing was only 22 years old and still a college student.

Who would have thought that such a beautiful young girl would die so miserably?

All I can say is that if you do evil by God, you can still forgive it; if you do evil by yourself, you will not live.

I hope that if she can be reincarnated as an adult in the next life, her fate will no longer be so bumpy.

Then, I read the Tao Te Ching for Bing Bing to help her, hoping that she could wash away her sins as soon as possible and be reincarnated.

After being delayed for about 20 minutes, I started my adventure journey towards No. 81 again.

"My sister carried the doll on her back and walked to the garden to see the flowers. Baby, baby, why are you crying? Do you miss your mother?"

As I was walking, this nursery rhyme suddenly sounded in the originally quiet corridor. However, unlike in the live video, the nursery rhyme now was not sung by a woman, but by a boy's voice.

"I also had a family in the past, with mom and dad. One day, my dad was drunk and picked up an ax and walked towards my mom. Dad, dad, he chopped it down many times, and the bright red head fell to the ground. Mom, mom, her eyes were still looking at Me."

The lyrics are the same as in the live video, becoming more and more scary and weird.

I slowly pulled out the Silver Moon Scimitar from its sheath and looked cautiously towards the source of the sound.

It was a room on the second floor, but it was hidden in the darkness and I couldn't see anything.

But I had already labeled the Yin spirits here. I looked at the Silver Moon Scimitar and told myself in my heart: No matter what comes out of it, chop it first!

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