Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 834 Crazy murderous night

But there was only the sound of a little boy singing in the room, and nothing else.

How is this going? Could it be that the female ghost deliberately blinded me?

After a stalemate for a while, I decided to find out. I have no choice, my curiosity is too strong, and I might be killed by my own curiosity one day...

But then again, how many of us in this industry are not very curious?

The singing still continued, and I could feel the sadness and sorrow in the singing. This little boy's singing voice was as deep as the shores of Lake Baikal, which really attracted me.

I walked to the door of the room, pushed the door open and walked in. Unexpectedly, as soon as I opened the door, there was a flash of white light. The first thing that came to my mind was that I had been plotted against.

However, after the white light flashed, it did not cause any harm to me, and a picture appeared in front of my eyes.

I was slightly startled and realized that this was what Yin Ling wanted me to see on purpose. Take it as it comes, since it deliberately led me here to let me read the story, then I naturally can't live up to its good intentions!

So I found a comfortable position and watched it just like I was sitting in a movie theater.

The first person to come out was a woman wearing a red cheongsam. She had a good figure and smooth skin.

She sat on the table with her back to me, holding a thin stick of tobacco in her henna-stained hand.


The woman sighed and kept puffing away. Just this back view made me feel the sadness and loneliness of a woman.

Then the scene changed, and red happy characters were hung everywhere in the crowded hall.

A majestic-looking man was changing glasses in front of a group of guests. He had a smile on his face and a big red flower hanging on his chest. He was obviously the protagonist of the night.

The woman who was wearing a red cheongsam just now was also at the same table, and this time I saw her face.

This is a very beautiful woman, with eyes like ginkgo biloba, mouth like cherries, skin like cream, and eyebrows like dark blue. However, the beauty's eyebrows are lightly frowning at this moment, and a tear streaks across the corner of her eye.

Seeing this, I understood a little bit. This woman is probably a man's wife. What is happening now is probably a scene of a man marrying his mistress.

Suddenly, I saw a very dazzling diamond ring on the woman's hand, which was exactly the same as what Bingbing was wearing in the live video.

Then the scene changed again, the man stared at the woman angrily, and the woman stared at him very stubbornly.

However, there is no sound in this free movie. I can only guess based on the man's mouth shape. He seems to be saying: "I'm going to divorce you!"

I guess I guessed it right, because several women next to me showed secretly happy looks. It seemed that this beautiful woman in a red cheongsam was not favored.

The scene changed again, this time the beautiful woman had a ferocious look on her face. She seemed to have made up her mind and walked towards the dark second floor step by step.

She breathed heavily, as if this was the only way to calm the fluctuations in her heart. Finally, she arrived at her destination: a room at the end of the second floor.

There was a faint light in the room shining through the crack in the door, and she subconsciously retracted her hand on the doorknob.

She seemed to have experienced a fierce struggle in her heart. After a while, she gritted her teeth and opened the door.

At this time, I could suddenly hear the sound clearly. It was no longer the pantomime just now. Screams came from inside the door, and soon there was no movement.

Then, scarlet blood flowed out from the crack in the door, flowing like a stream towards the low-lying part of the corridor.

The door opened again. Under the weak candlelight, the woman's beautiful face was covered with blood. She licked the blood on her hand with her tongue, showing an expression of obsession, as if the blood on her hand was the most delicious in the world. stuff, and then she closed the door and walked to another room...


Immediately afterwards, screams came from the room and spread throughout the second floor.

The strange thing is that the second floor is still quiet, as if no one heard the sound.

She walked through five rooms like this, and the entire corridor on the second floor was already covered in blood. She finally completed the massacre.

The woman carried out heavy corpses one after another from one room after another. She arranged the corpses neatly and counted them carefully. Suddenly her expression changed and became unusually ferocious.

"Where are you? Come out quickly."

She held the dagger, her eyes were fierce but her voice was very gentle.

High heels stained with scarlet blood hit the ground, and the sound of gada gada made a boy who had been hiding in the dark tremble.

"This is not a good boy, come out quickly."

Very close. The voice was already very close to the child. Maybe she would find the child in the next second.

"Haha, I know you are here."

The woman was obviously deceiving him. These words were like a reminder, making the boy tremble even more violently, and a smelly liquid flowed out of his crotch.

The little boy was so scared that he peed.

"Haha, I saw you, come here quickly."

She said softly, and the child turned pale at this time and kept crying: "Mom...Mom..."

The boy's cry made her eyes flash with a hint of unbearability. She looked at her hands with an expression of disbelief.

She covered her head and started shaking violently. However, in the end she picked up the dagger she had just thrown away and walked towards the boy with bloodshot eyes.

The boy seemed to know his fate. He stopped struggling, closed his eyes and waited for his mother's arrival.

She stabbed her child again and again. The originally beautiful boy was now like a shabby rag doll.

Finally, she placed the boy's body in the center of a group of corpses.

She counted again, and when she saw that the number was correct, a satisfied smile appeared on her face.

She put on a new cheongsam and dressed up carefully in front of the mirror. After putting on makeup, her face was white, but her lips were extremely scarlet, like the blood flowing in the corridor.

She asked gently to one of the corpses: "Am I beautiful?"

Seeing that the corpse didn't answer, she stabbed the dagger at the corpse again as if she was crazy, one after another...

Finally, she got tired and looked at the corpse that had been pricked into a hedgehog and smiled with satisfaction.

I couldn't bear to see this, but the next scene that I couldn't imagine appeared: she stabbed herself with the dagger again and again, first in the eyes, then in the mouth, and then in the body.

As if the woman didn't know the pain, she stabbed herself full of holes, blood continued to flow from her body, and finally she fell in the middle of the arranged corpses.

When she died, she still had a smile on her face!

The picture ended abruptly here, and a very beautiful little boy appeared in front of me. He asked pitifully: "Are you finished reading?"

This boy was the child who was stabbed to death in the picture. I asked him why he wanted me to see this.

"She's my mother."

After the boy finished speaking, a line of blood and tears flashed from the corner of his eyes, and he continued: "But my father didn't love her. He married many concubines and wanted to divorce her. My mother couldn't bear it and killed the whole family."

The boy's words verified the legend about Chaonei No. 81. It seemed that this place was really the home of a warlord.

"Why did she kill those four young people a few days ago?"

I asked the question that I wanted to know most.

"They took my mom's things, so she was angry."

The little boy's words verified my guess, and I once again felt the horror of greed. Judging from the little boy's intentions, if Dacheng and the others didn't open the coffin, they probably wouldn't have died.

"Then do you know...where is your mother?"

The little boy was only eight or nine years old. I knelt down and touched his head.

"I don't know. Mom hasn't come back recently."

The little boy shed tears and said, "Uncle, can you help mom? She is becoming more and more scary now."

I sighed. Who would have thought that the Chaonei No. 81 Ghost Building that shocked the world was just caused by an emotional dispute?

It's a pity that this little boy, only eight years old, became a ghost.

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