Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 835: Those who fight against the enemy will be defeated!

"Uncle, please help mom! I saw that you saved that sister, and I know that you are a capable person."

The little boy grabbed my clothes and begged: "Mom is in pain every day. Uncle, I beg you to help mom. Mom is a good person. She didn't intentionally harm those brothers and sisters."

A child's heart is always kind. Even though he has turned into a ghost, he still thinks about his mother.

I touched the boy, nodded, then looked away and wiped my tears.

Seeing me nodding in agreement, he laughed happily, and then his body became more and more transparent.

Yin spirits exist in the world mostly because of their inner obsessions. At this time, their wishes are fulfilled, and they naturally go to reincarnation.

Although I didn't find the culprit on this trip to Chaonei No. 81, I managed to let a little Yin spirit go away without any worries, and I accumulated a lot of Yin virtue!

I returned to Huo's house happily. When Li Mazi saw me, I looked like I had seen a ghost. He frowned and asked, "Brother, weren't you driven crazy by that female ghost?"

Damn it, Li Mazi can't spit out ivory from his mouth, and when he opens his mouth, he says things I don't like to hear.

But I was happy today and didn’t care about him. The little boy in Chaonei No. 81 told me that the evil spirit lives in the diamond ring, and I had already put the diamond ring in my bag yesterday.

Now that I know where the Yin spirit is, am I still worried that I can’t cure her?

What's more, she has been injured by me, and now she is weak. I used to worry about not knowing where the Yin spirit was. I was worried that she would break out and hurt people after she recovered from her injuries. Now its nest is under my control, hum. …

But I wasn't careless. I took Li Mazi to the Jubaozhai again and picked up some treasures that might be used in the recipe.

Li Mazi watched me swiping my card on the POS machine and shouted with a bared teeth: "Brother, you really spend money like water!"

In this regard, he and I have different values ​​and cannot communicate at all.

After we bought the things and returned to Huo's house, I started to prepare nervously. By the time everything was arranged, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

On a dark and windy night, it’s time to recover the Yin spirit.

I placed the diamond ring in the Huo family's yard, and placed high-level talismans I drew around it. The talismans were connected with a red rope stained with black dog's blood.

In the end, I stood outside the formation with a wolf brush and a silver-moon scimitar, while Li Mazi was at the edge with a dog blood basin to attack me.

After everything was ready, I threw a evil-breaking talisman on the ring and shouted sternly: "Lin, Bing, Du, Zhe, break!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the talisman exploded like a firecracker, and at the same time, a shrill scream came from the ring.


It seems that the little boy did not lie to me, and the evil spirit is really hiding in the ring. However, I only heard a scream, but the evil spirit did not come out.

The young man didn't believe in evil anymore, so I threw another evil charm at the diamond ring, and another burst of screams came out.

Fortunately, there was no one near the Huo family's villa, otherwise the police would have been attracted!

"You can't get out! My patience is limited." I shouted at the diamond ring.

The evil spirit replied full of resentment: "Don't even think about it!"

It seemed that she was still fighting with me, but I didn't have that much time to play with her, so I dipped the invisible needle in the black dog's blood and controlled it to stab the ring.

The female ghost's screams became even more intense. She persisted for a while and finally couldn't bear it any longer. She saw the ring beating in place a few times, and then the ghost wearing a red cheongsam flew out of the diamond ring.

"I want you to die!"

The woman in red cheongsam yelled viciously.

But in my opinion, she is now a poisonous snake with its teeth pulled out. She was just injured by me, and now she is injured by my evil-breaking talisman and black dog blood. I don't believe she can make any waves. .

"Stop bragging. Don't you know our little brother is here? His family has been a businessman of evil things for generations."

When Li Mazi saw that the evil spirit was no longer a threat, he became more motivated to fuck the camel and scolded the evil spirit.

The evil spirit was touched by Li Mazi's words, and her eyes widened. She kept repeating: "Haha, I want you to die!"

As she spoke, black energy appeared all over her body, and the cheongsam on her body became redder and redder.

Damn it, she is going to be evil! The evil spirit is a higher-level existence than the Yin spirit, and it needs to be supported by more resentment and anger.

The Yin spirits that have become evil spirits no longer have a trace of reason. They can only be controlled by the evil spirits in their bodies. The evil spirits are extremely destructive!

However, the chance of a Yin spirit becoming an evil spirit is very small, and I didn’t expect that Li Mazi and I would catch up.

"Brother Zhang, isn't it about to lose its soul?"

Li Mazi said tremblingly, and I gave Li Mazi a hard look. If this guy hadn't used such evil words to stimulate the evil spirits, he really wouldn't be able to turn evil spirits into evil spirits.

Li Mazi also knew that he was wrong, and looked at me with tears in his eyes, but even if he regretted it now, it was too late, the evil spirit had already become evil!

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