Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 836 Xiang Yu destroys the evil spirit

I saw the black energy on her body getting thicker and thicker, like a ball of ink that was constantly churning, and finally the black energy disappeared!

The female ghost who was dying just now was staring at me and Li Mazi fiercely. Her eyes were blood red and her black pupils had disappeared.

Damn, this is the most obvious sign of evil!

"Little...little brother, what should we do now?"

Li Mazi hid behind me and asked tremblingly.

The Yin spirit's eyes are so fierce that it makes us feel scared from the bottom of our hearts. Now I have no doubt that it has the strength to defeat me.

The most important thing is that she has become evil and there is no possibility of admonishing her anymore. I can no longer do what I promised the little boy.

This is a lifelong regret in my heart. It trusted me and asked me to save its mother, but I could only destroy its mother!

I sighed and prepared to drip blood on the Eternal Spirit Ring.

Unexpectedly, the evil spirit that had become evil moved and fiercely rushed towards Li Mazi.

Although Li Mazi was usually lazy, he was absolutely unambiguous in situations of life and death. He quickly took out a piece of talisman paper from his pocket and threw it at Sha's body.

Sha paused because of the power of the talisman paper, but it was just a talisman written on yellow paper, and it was not very powerful to Sha.

It just paused and then bit Li Mazi's neck again. At this critical moment, Li Mazi tilted his head.

The evil spirit originally wanted to bite Li Mazi's artery, but because of Li Mazi's movement, it bit off the path and instead bit Li Mazi's shoulder.


It is estimated that Li Mazi's screams, like those of a slaughtered pig, can be heard within a ten-mile radius. These sounds are trivial to say, but they actually happened between lightning and flint.

I was not idle either. I threw the talisman at Sha and spit out a mouthful of blood into the Eternal Spirit Ring.

With a sizzling sound, my blue magic talisman exploded on it. It felt pain in its body, let go of Li Mazi, and turned to look at me fiercely.

No, the evil spirit has now changed its course and rushed towards me!

At this critical moment, the little ring spirit was finally awakened by me and asked me which general I should choose to fight? Do you need to turn on the third level mode: double generals attack.

"No, just invite Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu, to fight!"

Double-general attack means that after selecting a general, the system can immediately add a related character of the same era. For example, if you select Guan Yu, you may summon Zhou Cang who carries the sword together.

I felt that this evil spirit was not qualified to take care of so many heroes, so I only asked Xiang Yu to help.

I saw a flash of light before my eyes, and a man wearing black armor and bronze muscles appeared in front of me.

He held a thunder knife filled with lightning and glared at everything around him.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the master for summoning Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu. Xiang Yu's name is that he is the grandson of Xiang Yan, the famous general of Chu State. Xiang Yu was invincible in the world all his life, and he was the only one who favored Concubine Yu. The story of his suicide in Wujiang River is widely circulated to this day. Xiang Yu's ghost has died since then. With skill: Overlord. There is a chance to intimidate the target and break his heart."

As soon as the Overlord of Xichu came out, the evil spirit instantly became obedient. It lowered its body and lay on the ground shivering.

"How can a chicken or a dog be worthy of a lonely king to take action?"

Xiang Yu yelled, but his tone was full of disdain. I was really afraid that Xiang Yu would let the Yin spirit go because he looked down on it.

Fortunately, he did not leave. Sha was intimidated by Xiang Yu's aura and shivered and huddled up.

Xiang Yu nodded to me, and struck out directly at Sha's life gate with his sword. Sha also started to attack Xiang Yu in order to save his life.

It's a pity that Sha didn't even hold back a single move, and Xiang Yu's thunder knife was directly inserted into her life gate. Her body first trembled like an electric shock, and then turned into powder, leaving only the tarnished diamond ring on the ground.

Immediately, Xiang Yu made a farewell gesture to me and retreated into the Eternal Spirit Ring. This haunted house adventure finally came to an end!

In order to express my apology to the little boy, I collected the diamond ring and other burial objects from the female ghost, and built a new tomb for her at Chaonei No. 81. There were only three words on the tombstone: Mother and Son Monument!

For the evil spirit, perhaps this is the best ending.

If it is allowed to continue to do evil, it will definitely cause great harm to the world. At the same time, due to the cycle of heaven, one day the crimes she has committed will be repaid on her one by one.

In a sense, I have fulfilled my promise to the little boy and helped his mother get relief.

The tragedy of "Sha" stems from the disrespect for women by bureaucrats in the old society, but as it develops today, there are many similar tragedies.

What's more, the female ghost even killed her own son, so she deserved to die. I can't comment too much on the past, but it was no accident that Huo Ze became the only survivor among the five people on the expedition.

He showed no greed in the face of profit, but still insisted on bringing his friends with him in the face of death.

This is a beautiful quality that today's rich second generation is missing, and it is something that everyone should learn from.

Don’t fight, don’t grab, don’t be greedy, what’s yours will eventually be yours.

It's not yours, you can't take it away!

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