Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 837: Disaster-Blocking Jade

After I came back from Beijing, I fulfilled my promise and took Yin Xinyue back to my hometown to pick up Fanfan and started having fun around.

For several months, I fell asleep and woke up to the sound of joy from my wife and children. Many times I feel that I will always be so comfortable, but I understand that this is just a luxury wish...

That morning, my cell phone rang in the room. The usually pleasant ringtone was like a magic spell, pulling me out of my sleep.

Who is it, calling me so early in the morning that I can't sleep well?

As I lifted the quilt, I thought to myself, I must scold him!

I answered the phone angrily, but before I could speak, Li Mazi's familiar voice came from the other end of the phone: "Brother Zhang, when will you be back?"

"Li Mazi, if you have something to say, say it quickly! If you have a fart, say it quickly!" When I heard it was him, I lost most of my temper, but I still said angrily.

Li Mazi said aggrievedly: "Brother, can you be gentler to me?"

Damn, is my gentleness just for you?

"Hurry up and tell me what's going on? I still have to sleep." I said to Li Mazi.

"No, little brother, you don't know today is my birthday, right?" Li Mazi said slightly disappointed.

When I heard this, I suddenly felt a little guilty. Counting that I had been out for a few months, Li Mazi had been supporting the antique street.

Although Li Mazi is carefree and busy on weekdays, when it's a holiday and I'm not around, he seems to have no one to talk to.

"Look at what you said, can I forget your birthday? I don't want to give you a surprise tonight." I smiled.

Fortunately, Li Mazi said it himself, otherwise I would have completely forgotten about it.

"Brother, Mr. Huo said he wants to celebrate my birthday in Beijing. You can come to Beijing with your siblings and nephew. I have booked the tickets for you." Li Mazi said happily.

I agreed again and again. I would say that Li Mazi was definitely an advantage. In his eyes, no matter what kind of person he was, he could make friends and really get along with him.

Take Mr. Huo from Beijing as an example. According to my personality, once I pay my remuneration after handling the business, it won’t matter to anyone. But Mazi left his contact information with him, chatted frequently, and even became sworn brothers after going back and forth.

Anyway, Mazi and I have achieved a small amount of success, and we are not trying to reach the top of the Huo family, so I didn’t stop him.

But then again, what birthday gift should I give to Li Mazi?

Although this kid loves money, it's a bit inappropriate for me to give him something that's too expensive. It feels like I'm helping him in disguise, and I feel sorry for him if it's too cheap.

Fortunately, Yin Xinyue was smart. She suggested that I go find a valuable antique and give it to Li Mazi.

After all, we are both in this field and are interested in this field. We happened to be staying in Xi'an in the past few days.

As an ancient cultural center and the starting point of the ancient Silk Road, Xi'an has a strong historical flavor. Many literati have an inexplicable concern for this place.

Standing on the ancient city wall, it seems that you can still see the prosperity of Chang'an in the past.

The lush trees on both sides of the road bear witness to the changing times of this charming city.

In such a famous historical and cultural city, it couldn’t be easier to find a birthday gift for Li Mazi!

It was not long before dawn, and Fanfan was still asleep. I kissed Yin Xinyue and Fanfan, leaving Yin Xinyue to take care of Fanfan, and went out alone to the antique market on Zhuque Road, Chang'an.

Although it was just dawn, there were already many people coming to the antique market. Small stalls were being set up everywhere on both sides of the road. The vendors who had already set up their stalls were sitting on a small bench waiting for customers to come.

I am in this business myself and am not interested in most items. I can even tell what is real and what is fake at a glance.

After walking around, I found that the antiques here are richer than those in Panjiayuan in Beijing. There are porcelain from the Song Dynasty and clocks from the Republic of China period, as well as calligraphy and paintings from the Tang and Song Dynasties and paintings from the Sui Dynasty. It is dazzling to see.

After walking around, I found that most of them were unattractive. The only thing that caught my interest was a piece of emerald green jade pendant.

The jade pendant is in the shape of a Pisces, all green, and exudes a faint light. It looks like a good piece of jade at first glance!

I quickly stepped forward, held this piece of jade in my hand and looked at it carefully. This jade pendant immediately gave me a warm feeling when I held it in my hand, and it was engraved with thunder cloud patterns.

Most of the thunder cloud patterns appeared in the Han Dynasty. From this point of view, this jade is also quite old.

Generally speaking, jade pendants are cold, which means that jade itself emits a faint yin energy, so many people like to use jade to carve ghost gourds or other magical objects. Some people even use jade pendants to make longevity materials.

Now that I have this piece of jade, not only is it not cold, but it has a slight warmth. It is very likely that it is a piece of spiritual jade. Spiritual jade can protect the owner, not only can it ward off evil spirits and diseases, but at critical moments, it can even ward off disasters and even die on the owner's behalf!

The small jade Buddha that Huo Ze wore before was made of spiritual jade, but it shattered after blocking Huo Ze's attack from the female ghost. Later, Mr. Huo bought a Maitreya Buddha carved from spiritual jade from me. At that time It also made Li Mazi jealous for a long time.

Yes, this time I will give Li Mazi a piece.

After making up my mind, I discussed it with the boss, but the boss didn't know much about the goods and I missed it. Finally, the deal was made for 5,000 yuan.

After I returned happily with Guyu, Fanfan and Yin Xinyue had already woken up. Seeing that I was so happy, Yin Xinyue asked me what happened. I told her what happened, and Yin Xinyue pouted and said, "Aren't you trying to trick me?"

"You can't say that. Antiques have been like this since ancient times. Why are antiques valuable? It's not that authenticity is elusive!"

I explained helplessly, and she rolled her eyes at me angrily, handed her son to me, and turned to pack her things.

I looked at Fanfan who was white and tender in front of me, and I wanted to tease him. The little guy didn't seem to be fully awake, and his eyes were still half-closed. I secretly flicked the little guy's forehead, and he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at me blankly.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

I laughed with joy, this little guy was so cute.

When Yin Xinyue saw me teasing Fanfan, she curled her lips and said, "Zhang Jiulin, are you childish?"

childish? I shrugged and continued to tease Fanfan. Yin Xinyue gave me a decisive roll of the eyes...

At five o'clock in the afternoon, we arrived at the Capital Airport.

Li Mazi and the Huo family were standing in the front row, and they greeted me happily when they saw me.

"Brother Zhang, here!"

Damn it, I haven’t seen him for a while, Li Mazi has really changed a lot, he is now fair and fat, with short hair and big sunglasses, he looks like the leader of the underworld.

Round face, bald head, and sparse stubble, isn’t this the standard look of a big brother in society?

"I mean, Mazi, all you've been eating lately is delicacies and seafood! Are you so fat?"

I walked over and gave him a smile on the shoulder, while saying hello to Mr. Huo and the others.

Li Mazi grinned and said excitedly: "I thought you weren't coming."

"screw you!"

We chatted at the airport for a while and then went directly to the hotel.

"Mr. Huo, how is Ozawa doing lately?"

I didn't see Huo Ze at the airport just now, so I asked him politely in the car.

(Additional updates will be sent to recommended tickets!)

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