Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 851 Something happened to Li Xiaomeng (additional update)

Three months after the Lop Nur incident, Li Mazi said that Xiaomeng was about to take the college entrance examination and was about to celebrate his seventeenth birthday. He planned to go to school to see him and throw a grand birthday party for his son.

I said this is a good thing, then go ahead!

But Li Mazi insisted on dragging me along. Li Xiaomeng was studying in a private high school in Huanggang. I was a little resistant when I heard that I was going to school. When I was in school, I was not a student who was liked by the teacher. Besides, the word "Huanggang" It always reminds me of "Huanggang Secret Volume" and "Three-Year and Five-Year College Entrance Examination Simulation" which tortured me to the point of death when I was in school. All in all, I didn't have a good impression. He didn't want to go anyway, so Li Mazi had to go see his son alone.

I was running around here and there without even catching my breath. I thought I could relax for a while, but unexpectedly, Li Mazi fell into trouble just three days after leaving.

At ten o'clock that night, Li Mazi called and said in a very panicked tone: "Brother Zhang, something happened to my son. Please take a look!"

"Look, what do you think?" I wondered.

"Wait a moment, his classmate just took a video, I will send it to your phone now." Li Mazi said anxiously.

After hanging up the phone for a while, a video of about five minutes was sent to my mobile phone. The picture was very dark, with some dots of lights behind it. It looked like it was a rooftop or something. There was a shirtless boy kneeling on the ground. I recognized it as Li Xiaomeng. He was holding a rope in his hand and kept beating his back. His expression was painful and he was shouting "spare life" and "spare life". .

The screen was shaking violently, and there were some noisy voices shouting: "Xiaomeng, what's wrong with you?", "Go call the security!", "Xiaomeng! Xiaomeng!" There were also some shouts from Li Mazi. sound.

Then someone ran over and tried to stop him, but Li Xiaomeng pushed the student away and continued to beat herself with the rope.

A group of people watched helplessly as Li Xiaomeng tortured himself for five minutes. Then he rolled his eyes and fainted on the ground. There were blood marks on his back, which was shocking to see.

As soon as I finished reading, Li Mazi called and asked almost in a tearful tone: "Brother Zhang, is my son possessed by an evil spirit? Will he be okay?"

I sneered: "Are you being dishonest and went to Huanggang to collect some unclean things?"

"Damn it, why are you still suspicious of me? This matter has absolutely nothing to do with me!" Li Mazi repeatedly clarified the relationship.

"How is Xiaomeng doing now?" I asked.

"He has been sent to the infirmary. I am guarding him. Brother Zhang, please think of a way. Xiaomeng is my only sustenance now. I can't lose him again..." With that, Li Mazi actually started crying on the phone.

I kind of sympathize with Li Mazi. The successive changes these days have hit him hard.

Immediately he said: "Don't panic, send me your address and I'll rush there now."

From Wuhan to Huanggang, taking the train is not as convenient as driving. I immediately packed up and put everything I might need into a big bag. But it's late at night now, and it's better to have a companion by your side when driving to another place alone.

So I called Yin Xinyue and asked her if she was free to accompany me. If the company was busy, forget it.

As soon as she heard that something had happened to Li Xiaomeng, Yin Xinyue became excited and asked me to wait for her for a while.

After a while, Li Mazi sent the address to my mobile phone. In fact, the Huaying Middle School that Xiaomeng attended was not in Huanggang City, but in a county-level city below Huanggang: Macheng.

After Yin Xinyue arrived, we took her car and drove to Macheng. I explained the situation roughly on the way, and Yin Xinyue said in a dumbfounded voice: "Li Mazi is having a bad time, why do he always encounter bad things. "

"You must never say that in front of him." I warned.

"Of course I will be careful!" Yin Xinyue nodded.

The distance from Wuhan to Macheng is only more than 70 kilometers. It takes an hour and a half to drive quickly. While Yin Xinyue was driving, I pulled up the video and watched it over and over again. As I watched, I suddenly realized that something was not right.

I tried to pause in one place and tried several times before I succeeded. When I saw it clearly, I was shocked!

On the paused screen, a translucent face appeared on the upper right side of Li Xiaomeng's back. It looked like an old man with a white beard and a stern expression. This face was very blurry and could not be found without looking carefully.

Yin Xinyue was driving, so I couldn't discuss it with her, so I took a screenshot of the scene first.

More than an hour later, we entered Macheng. I suddenly remembered some legends about Macheng, and said to Yin Xinyue: "Isn't this the Macheng where 'Ma Qiu built the city' in the historical allusion?"

Yin Xinyue asked: "Who is Ma Qiu?"

Ma Qiu is worth mentioning. He was a foreign general during the "Five Husties" period. History books say that this man was "violent and prone to murder." He killed many innocent people while building the city here. Later, some adults frightened children by saying, "Here comes Ma Hu." Because Ma Qiu was a Hu, they called him "Ma Hu." This is still used in some places to scare children.

Many people may not know about Ma Qiu, but Ma Qiu's daughter Magu is well-known to every household. She said she was Ma Qiu's daughter, but she was actually a longevity fairy empress who was entrusted to Ma Qiu's family.

It is said that there is still a Magu Mountain in Macheng, and the two allusions "Magu offers longevity" and "Visible changes in the sea" come from her.

I looked out the window to see if I could find Magu Mountain, but it was almost twelve o'clock and it was pitch black outside and I couldn't see anything. Yin Xinyue smiled and said, "Look at how excited you are. When you mention these folk The legend makes you happy."

I smiled: "If you do something, you will love something!"

At one o'clock in the morning, we arrived at Huaying Middle School and saw Li Mazi standing at the school gate waving to us. He saw Yin Xinyue was there too, and said sheepishly: "My brothers and sisters are here too. I made you run so far at night. I can't bear it." .”

I waved my hand and said, "Okay, okay, don't talk nonsense, take us to see Xiaomeng."

Li Mazi has been in and out of school in the past two days and has become familiar with the janitor. He told the janitor that we are Li Xiaomeng's cousin and cousin-in-law. We came from Wuhan specially to see him and asked him to make it convenient for him. Let me in.

The teaching building is naturally dark at night, but there are street lights on the road. We came to the only infirmary with lights on in the school and saw four or five students standing outside, chattering. Li Mazi said that these were Xiaomeng's classmates.

A fat student asked: "Uncle Li, is this the master you found?"

He pointed at me while he was talking. I thought to myself that this kid was too rude.

Another thin student said to Yin Xinyue: "Damn it, sister, you are so beautiful, you look like a star in a movie."

Yin Xinyue smiled: "I have seen a lot of celebrities."

"Really? Sister, what do you do?" the student asked excitedly. He gave people the impression that he was a monkey.

"Okay, okay!" I said, "It's important to go see Xiaomeng first."

"Tch, you stinky brat!"

"I'm a master, so of course I have to put on airs."

"I don't know if he is a real master or a fake master..."

A few students were sharp-tongued and merciless. A black line appeared on my face. I was at my wits end when dealing with these children. Yin Xinyue looked at me and covered her mouth and laughed.

Li Mazi took us into the infirmary. Li Xiaomeng was lying on the bed, probably because his back was injured, and he was covered with a thick quilt. Li Mazi asked: "Xiaomeng, Xiaomeng, are you feeling better?"

I didn't feel the yin energy. When I listened carefully, there seemed to be some movement in the room. The movement came from under Xiaomeng's quilt.

I lifted the quilt and saw that he was holding a mobile phone in his hand and playing "Honor of Kings". I cursed angrily: "You bastard, how dare you pretend to be sick in front of me!"

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