Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 852 Green-faced Grimace

Li Xiaomeng saw through the trick and smiled sheepishly: "Uncle Jiulin, Sister Xinyue, why are you here?"

Li Mazi was shocked: "Xiaomeng, when did you wake up?"

"I woke up a long time ago." Li Xiaomeng replied.

"Are you okay?" Li Mazi asked.

Li Xiaomeng straightened up and suddenly made a hissing sound. It turned out that his back was injured by the rope and he had to apply a lot of medicine, but it seemed that his spirit was not serious.

Li Mazi asked me how I could see the flaw, and I explained that firstly, it was because there was no yin energy in the house, and secondly, because it had been several months since I had been covered with a quilt, and it looked like he was just faking it!

Yin Xinyue frowned and said, "Xiaomeng, your joke is too big. I left my work to come and see you. It turns out you were just faking it."

Li Xiaomeng quickly explained: "No, no, sister Xinyue, I really don't know why I was beaten like this..."

I found some students from outside and asked Li Xiaomeng why he whipped himself. Several students were talking so much that my head was spinning, so I asked them to choose a representative to speak, and then the thin monkey-like student started talking.

Today was originally Li Xiaomeng's seventeenth birthday. Everyone bought cakes and candles. After studying in class, they planned to celebrate Xiaomeng's birthday. Li Mazi was also invited to the dormitory. At that time, everyone turned off all the lights and asked Xiaomeng to make a wish and blow out the candles.

Unexpectedly, after the candles were blown out, Xiaomeng disappeared. Everyone searched separately and found Xiaomeng on the rooftop of the dormitory building. What happened next was what was captured in the video, and then Xiaomeng fainted.

After listening to it, I felt like the whole thing was caused by an evil spirit. Li Xiaomeng's entire memory was blank. When he woke up, he found himself lying on the bed in the infirmary with terrible pain in his back.

I asked Li Xiaomeng: "Then what do you remember?"

Li Xiaomeng said with some confusion: "I feel like I didn't blow out the candle."

As soon as he said this, everyone present was shocked and asked him what was going on. Li Xiaomeng said in a daze: "At that time, I felt something cold behind me, as if there was something. I was about to blow out the candle, and the candle puffed. It went out in an instant. Then it seemed like someone hit me with a sharp object, and I suddenly saw a terrifying face, and I don’t remember anything."

"A scary face?" I pondered.

Is it the old man with the white beard who appears in the video? Although it was strange that a face suddenly appeared, the old man didn’t look scary. I immediately showed the photo on my phone to Li Xiaomeng: “Is he an old man?”

"No, it's the face of a monster, green face and fangs, very scary!" Li Xiaomeng gestured with his teeth and claws.

Several students started discussing at random, which made me have a headache again. I said to Li Mazi: "Since Xiaomeng is fine and it's getting late, let him rest first. We'll talk about anything tomorrow. "

The students made a sound of disappointment and prepared to go back to the dormitory together with Li Xiaomeng. These students lived a monotonous life of three o'clock and one line every day. In addition, they were in the third year of high school and were under great pressure. They were worried that the world would not be chaotic and they were all eager for something exciting to happen.

Li Mazi looked at me and said, "You should also rest. When I was waiting for you to come, I had already opened a hotel for you."

"Okay, let's go!"

The three of us came to a hotel near the school. Yin Xinyue said: "It's quite unexpected to come to Macheng this time. I'll take a few days off from the company tomorrow, so I might as well just spend a few days here to relax."

"Okay, let's go to Magu Mountain to see the azaleas." I suggested.

At this time Li Mazi came and knocked on the door and said he had something to tell me, so I followed him there.

I entered Li Mazi's room. He opened two cans of beer, handed one to me, sat on the edge of the bed, and said to me sincerely: "Brother Zhang, you heard it on the phone at that time. I really mean it." I cried! Chuchu left early, and Ruxue died too. My precious son is my only hope now. If something happens to him again, I feel that my life will be meaningless. "

I consoled you: "You are so pessimistic. Now that I am here, I swear that nothing will happen to Xiaomeng."

"Of course I believe you..." Li Mazi took a sip of wine: "By the way, don't hide anything from me. Although I am Xiaomeng's father, I have experienced so much in the past two years. I still have the mental endurance.”

When he said this, I remembered the strange face I just saw on the video, so I took it out and studied it with him.

After researching for a long time, we didn’t know who the old man with the white beard was. I only knew that he was probably an ancient person, but there were no photos of the ancient people handed down for comparison.

Li Mazi frowned and asked, "Brother from the Zhang family, what do you think the person who is targeting Xiaomeng is?"

"Xiaomeng said that something seemed to push him just now, the sharp horns and the old man with a white beard. When these two things were combined, I really couldn't think of a reason for it. But my intuition told me that this time there was a chance that Nine, it’s the evil things that are causing trouble." I thought thoughtfully.

"Then do you think someone will target me?" Li Mazi asked doubtfully.

Li Mazi was also frightened by the impact of life. I analyzed it and thought it was unlikely. Li Xiaomeng has been living on campus. If someone wanted to target Li Mazi, they would not do it when he was present. They would have done it long ago.

I said, "By the way, I've told you. You have nothing to hide from me, right? Have you come into contact with any strange people or things recently?"

"No, no, I've been hanging around Xiaomeng the past two days. When he was in class, I was watching TV in the hotel and didn't go anywhere." Li Mazi replied.

"Where's Xiaomeng?" I continued to ask.

"He is now a senior in high school. He has a heavy academic workload. He goes to school every day. The school is under closed management. What kind of evil things can he be exposed to?" Li Mazi sighed helplessly.

I thought about it for a while, and felt that everything happened for a reason, and it was impossible to get into trouble for no reason, so I tried to ask: "Li Mazi, you were alone outside, did you secretly look for a woman?"

Li Mazi said sternly: "Damn it, absolutely not. Do you think I have such an immoral image in your eyes? Besides, you can't even find one near the school."

When I heard this, I almost spit a sip of beer in his face.

I wiped my mouth and said, "Okay, okay, I believe you."

I felt like the two of us couldn't analyze anything while sitting around, and it was getting late, so I was about to go back to sleep. Li Mazi suddenly stopped me and said, "By the way, there's a little thing I forgot to mention."

"What?" I asked.

Li Mazi thought for a while and said, "Oh, forget it, this matter has nothing to do with what happened tonight, there is definitely no connection."

"Let me decide whether it matters or not, you tell me!" I said sternly.

Li Mazi scratched his head: "Oh, this can be considered a family scandal. I had a quarrel with Xiaomengxiao yesterday."

It turned out that Li Mazi took advantage of Li Xiaomeng's class and checked his dormitory drawer to see if this kid was studying seriously? The drawers were filled with study materials, but one of the drawers was locked, but Li Mazi knew how to unlock it. After opening it, he found several explicit adult magazines inside.

After Li Xiaomeng came back, Li Mazi threw the magazine in front of him and asked him what were these?

There were several classmates in the dormitory at that time. Li Xiaomeng blushed and told him to leave him alone. The father and son had a big quarrel, during which Li Xiaomeng pushed Li Mazi and ran out angrily.

After listening, I criticized: "I think this is your fault. Xiaomeng is your son, but he also has his own privacy. You shouldn't go through his drawers, and it's normal for him to read this kind of magazine at his age. "

"This didn't happen to you, so of course you don't take it seriously. He is still young, how can he watch such unhealthy things." Li Mazi said angrily.

I smiled bitterly. Most parents have this mentality. Xiaomeng is not considered a child anymore at the age of seventeen. Who can guarantee that he did not watch any Sora Aoi movies when he was seventeen years old?

I knew that Li Mazi was a parent, and it was hard to reason with him, so I said, "Then you will be happy when you find a bunch of gay magazines in his drawer?"

Li Mazi was stunned for a moment: "Oh, that's true, but it has nothing to do with what happened tonight, right?"

I didn't know how to answer, and I couldn't see any connection between it, so I was going to think about it again and go to Xiaomeng's dormitory tomorrow.

(ps: This volume is the story of Li Xiaomeng, please remember to vote for recommendation!)

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