Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 853 Beautiful Teacher

Early the next morning, I was woken up by the school bell ringing for early self-study. Standing in front of the window, watching the students in the school rushing into the classroom for morning reading classes, I felt inexplicably relieved because the thing I disliked the most was going to school.

Yin Xinyue was also woken up. She hugged me from behind, looked out the window, and said, "These students work so hard. They have to get up at six o'clock every morning."

"No, think about it now. A person goes to school from the age of three until he is in his twenties, and then goes to work in society. What Confucius said is absolutely right, there is nothing to live for." I sighed with emotion. road.

"Husband, do you think you are happier after going to school or after graduation?" Yin Xinyue asked.

"I'm happier with you." I replied.

Yin Xinyue smiled sweetly and said, "You have become good at coaxing people now!"

"No, I mean it." I laughed.

At this time, someone knocked on the door outside and asked if we were up. The voice belonged to Li Mazi.

Because this matter was related to his son, Li Mazi became more active than anyone else. Originally, I wanted to be with Yin Xinyue for a while, so I had to quickly get dressed and get ready to go out.

The three of us went downstairs to have breakfast, and Li Mazi bought one for Li Xiaomeng to take with her.

Although Huaying Middle School is a private school, its teaching staff is no worse than that of key high schools. Many teachers are hired from famous schools in Huanggang. Naturally, the tuition is not low. The annual tuition plus accommodation fee is more than 100,000 yuan.

The school covers a large area, with a junior high school and a high school, several teaching buildings and a large playground. The location here is originally relatively remote, but because there is such a big school, the surrounding catering, accommodation, and entertainment are all brought up.

When we walked into the school gate, we were stopped by the gatekeeper. Li Mazi said we were allowed in last night, why not today? The uncle said that the school is under closed management, and it would be bad if the leaders saw him if he let people in without permission during the day.

After saying that, the gatekeeper pouted to the side. Many parents who brought breakfast to the students were waiting in front of the gate. Let us wait here too.

I was worried for a while that I couldn't go to school and would be in trouble. Li Mazi said a lot of good things, saying that we really had important matters. The gatekeeper finally gave in, waved his hand and said: "Then you come in quickly and get out quickly, don't embarrass me."

After entering the school, I said to Li Mazi: "Mazi, it's okay. You are getting better and better at talking now."

Li Mazi smiled bitterly: "This is not my credit, it is mainly the credit of Grandpa Mao!"

After working on it for a long time, he had just quietly stuffed a hundred dollars into the caretaker's hands. It was true that money could make a fool of himself.

We arrived at Li Xiaomeng's class. At this time, the students were still having morning reading classes. We stood outside and waited. Li Mazi was going to ask the class teacher for a morning off and asked Li Xiaomeng to take us to the dormitory.

Standing and waiting was boring, so Li Mazi said: "By the way, Zhang family brother, I thought about it last night. Could the old man with the white beard be Ma Hu in the story of Macheng's fortification?"

"My name is Ma Qiu. Ma Qiu is bloodthirsty and cruel, and he is tall and tall. He cannot be like this. Moreover, he was beheaded and he should have been middle-aged when he died." I retorted.

Yin Xinyue asked curiously: "What old man with a white beard are you talking about?"

I showed her the screenshot. Yin Xinyue turned over and over again, unable to figure out the reason. Then she opened the video from yesterday. Li Mazi waved her hands repeatedly: "Brothers and sisters, don't look at it. I'm still crying inside. It's so embarrassing."

"What's so embarrassing about this? How pitiful are the hearts of parents in the world!" Yin Xinyue said nonchalantly.

When the broadcast came to the part where the old man with the white beard appeared, I pointed out my finger to show it to Yin Xinyue. At this time, Li Mazi suddenly screamed and took a few steps back, startling both of us.

I asked: "What's wrong?"

Li Mazi's face turned pale and he covered his chest and said, "No, I just saw a monster's face!"


Li Mazi asked me to go back to the video, suddenly called for a pause, pointed to a place and said: "This is it! Do you see it? Do you see it?"

Yin Xinyue and I looked at him in astonishment, because the face he pointed out was the old man with the white beard we saw.

Seeing that we had no reaction, Li Mazi added, "Can't you see? It's just like Xiaomeng said, with a green face and fangs, and a sharp horn on his head."

In order to confirm that there was nothing wrong with my eyes or that I was possessed by evil spirits, I asked Yin Xinyue: "Honey, what did you see?"

"Old man with white beard, what's wrong?" Yin Xinyue asked strangely.

"Did my brother and sister see something different from me?" Li Mazi was shocked.

I watched that video several times. It was so strange. Why did we see an old man and Li Mazi saw a monster with the same face? Is there something hidden in this?

At this time, I heard the crisp sound of high heels, and a tall, bespectacled beauty appeared behind us, looking very young. She has long hair tied back on her head and wears a neat white shirt, short skirt and black stockings, which outlines her convex curves and a pair of towering breasts that make it difficult to look away.

She frowned and said, "Mr. Li, why are you yelling here all morning? Do you know that this affects the students' learning?"

"Oh, Teacher Xia, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Li Mazi said very politely.

It seemed that this was Li Xiaomeng's teacher. She looked us over and asked angrily: "Who are these two?"

Li Mazi quickly explained: "They are Xiaomeng's cousins."

The beautiful teacher didn't pay much attention to me and Li Mazi. Instead, she looked at Yin Xinyue more. I noticed that Yin Xinyue was also observing her. Beautiful girls always compare themselves secretly when they see beautiful girls.

This teacher probably just graduated, and in terms of looks alone, he is even worse than Yin Xinyue! Perhaps due to her career, her expression is very serious, giving people the impression of a royal sister who is as cold as an iceberg and is distant from others.

Teacher Xia sighed: "Mr. Li, you came all the way from Wuhan to see your son. I have made several exceptions for you, but you can't always ignore school discipline like this. Even if you pay the tuition, it doesn't mean You can mess around here, but if other parents are like you and make loud noises outside during class, are you willing?"

What I said made me feel a little ashamed. After all, I am a teacher. I carry an air of authority about me and I am merciless when I preach.

She asked again: "Did the gatekeeper Lao Wang let you in again?"

Li Mazi said with a smile on his face: "I'm sorry, we're leaving right away, right away. Teacher Xia, can I trouble you with one thing? My son hasn't had breakfast yet, can you hand him this bag of breakfast?" .”

Teacher Xia hesitated for a moment, with a somewhat conflicted expression, but still reached out and took the bag of breakfast.

I thought to myself that this was going to be very dangerous. It was almost impossible to move around in the school. I was thinking about whether I should release the Odama and do something so that I could use my master's aura to intimidate the other party?

At this moment, there was a scream from the direction of the gate, and someone shouted there: "Someone, come quickly, something happened!"

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