Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 856: Ancient Saint, Gao Tao

Gao Tao is the originator of Chinese law and a figure in ancient times. Together with Yao, Shun and Dayu, he is called the "Four Ancient Sages"!

Legend has it that Gaotao formulated the first criminal law in ancient times, the "Five Punishments", to help the kings at that time govern the world. He strongly advocated integrity and fairness in handling cases, which brought harmony to the Xia Dynasty at that time.

Gaotao himself died at the age of 106 and was buried in the fiefdom of Gaocheng, which is today's Liu'an, Anhui.

The reason why I knew it was him was through two things.

The first is that the Yin Ling who just appeared calls himself ‘this king’ because he was the successor chosen by Dayu himself.

The second thing is that horn. He stabbed me with it and said I was not guilty. Legend has it that Gao Tao raised a very magical unicorn called Haechi to help him examine cases. As long as the unicorn touched the criminal with its horn, he would know whether he was guilty or not.

Whether this mythical beast exists or not cannot be inferred because the history is too long, but through the observations just now, I estimate that the so-called mythical beast itself is a ghost object. Gao Tao used it to touch the other party lightly when he was examining the case. The innocent person would not react, but the guilty person would see an extremely terrifying monster face. Perhaps this is how the legend of Haechi breaking prison came from...

The function of this divine horn is to examine cases, so whenever someone in the school makes a mistake, they will be forced to use ancient criminal methods to torture themselves. Beating yourself with a rope is whipping, and hitting yourself with a mop or cane is caning. , chopping off one's hands means amputation, and disappearing means exile. These all belong to the five ancient punishments. However, there are several versions of the five ancient punishments. In fact, there should be more than five criminal laws.

After hearing what I said, Teacher Xia said in surprise: "Gaotao? My hometown is Lu'an. Everyone in our place knows this name. There is also a unicorn sculpture in the city. Lu'an's alias is also Gaocheng."

I said: "What a coincidence!"

"It's unbelievable. The saint from my hometown is actually causing trouble in this school. But Mr. Zhang, I just heard you talk about evil things. They are all very resentful things. Does Gao Tao, the ancient saint, also have resentment?" Teacher Xia asked puzzledly.

"I don't know if he has any grievances. I only know that he is using ancient criminal laws to judge today's right and wrong." I put down the teacup with a cold face and said.

The principal asked: "How do you say this?"

"The criminal law formulated by Gaotao proposed that fatherly righteousness, motherly kindness, brothers and friends, brotherly respect, and son's filial piety could bring peace to the world at that time, but they are not suitable for modern society. For example, in ancient times, unfilial piety was a It's a serious crime, but today it's just a moral issue." After obtaining Li Mazi's consent, I told what happened last night. After hearing this, the principal and Teacher Xia were both surprised.

Li Xiaomeng pushed Li Mazi last night, which was unfilial in the eyes of Yin Ling, so he was sentenced to caning!

I added: "And the punishments he used were too excessive. Such things as flogging and amputation of hands are completely inhumane in today's legal society. This femininity object is quite special. It is a functional item. Femininity.”

The principal asked: "Excuse me, what is a functional vagina?"

I thought for a while and said: "I would like to compare it to a beheading knife. This knife may have chopped off thousands of heads. One day it suddenly became worn out and was thrown away, but it still wanted to chop. Head, this is the obsession mentioned in Buddhism. If you have obsession, you will cause trouble! The same is true for this horn. It likes to examine cases, and if it is attached to the obsession left by the user, it will cause trouble out of control. "

The principal nodded and said, "Mr. Zhang's analysis is really reasonable. Listening to Mr. Zhang's words, I was really enlightened and enlightened."

I smiled humbly. In fact, I have a headache now because this cannot be solved by just resolving grievances.

Obsession is a very powerful thing. As the saying goes, three armies can rob the commander, but an ordinary man cannot rob the will! It is extremely difficult to convince an ordinary person, and it is even more difficult to resolve such a thousand-year obsession...

However, the principal actually said these words. He meant to entrust me with it, that is, there was business to be done. I couldn't show my cowardice in front of the entruster, right?

Li Mazi asked: "That's not right. Then how did I get tricked just now? I didn't steal or rob, so why do you think I committed a crime?"

I couldn't help but laugh: "Didn't you give the gatekeeper a hundred yuan as a favor? You're considered a bribe, and he's considered a bribe!"

Li Mazi was shocked: "A hundred yuan fine is required. Damn it, this is too much."

Yin Xinyue raised a question: "Husband, how could this character come to Huanggang without any problems? Logically speaking, this kind of thing should happen in Lu'an?"

I said, "I'm afraid someone is causing trouble. I guess it's related to the student falling from a building three months ago."

Teacher Xia said: "Wait a minute, I seem to remember a piece of news, let me look for it!"

She took out her phone, searched, found a news item from last year, and read it to us. It turns out that some thieves dug up Gaotao's tomb in Lu'an City last year. When the police arrived, they solved the case because those thieves kowtowed to Gaotao's tomb all night, until their heads were broken. It was blood that knocked him unconscious. It seemed that these thieves accidentally triggered the magic horn, and they were sentenced on the spot.

Afterwards, cultural relic experts came to the scene to inspect and all the stolen items were recovered and sent to the city museum. In fact, there were only some broken earthen jars. Although Gao Tao was an ancient saint, the Xia Dynasty at that time had just emerged from the barbaric era, and the ministers were relatively poor. How could there be any burial objects? It is different from those nobles who built their tombs into underground labyrinths after the Spring and Autumn Period and buried them with thousands of treasures.

I asked, "Has this horn been mentioned in the news?"

Teacher Xia shook his head: "I didn't say it above, how about I call back to my hometown and ask?"

"Don't bother. Since this horn is causing trouble in this school, it means it must have been taken away by someone..." I sighed.

The principal asked: "Mr. Zhang, can you subdue this troublesome corner?"

I said, "I don't dare to finish my words. It's not convenient to move around in the school during the day. I'll come and take a look at it in the evening."

"How much is the approximate cost?" the principal asked in a low voice.

After two years of training, my mind has become very calm. It is not for a master to charge a clearly stated price. I said lightly: "I will still charge some necessary labor fees, but don't worry, I am not That kind of charlatan who just sits there and raises the price, anyway, let me investigate first, and since I am in charge of this matter, I will definitely solve it completely."

The principal seemed to have taken a reassurance: "Okay, okay, Mr. Zhang's accommodation and food expenses for these two days will be covered by the school. If you need anything, you can contact me or my secretary."

"That's not necessary. Just lend us Teacher Xia for a few days. She is from Gaotao's hometown, so she may be able to help." I said.

Teacher Xia agreed readily and seemed a little excited. She said, "I usually live in the staff dormitory. If you are investigating at night, I should be able to spare time."

Why did I pull her along? Because when we were sitting here talking, I noticed that Teacher Xia glanced at Li Mazi several times, as if he was somewhat interested in Li Mazi.

Li Mazi has been hit one after another during this period, and I feel a little sorry for him. As the saying goes, a person can't be unlucky all the time, and he can't always suppress his wife. It's time for Li Mazi to have good luck, right? Since Teacher Xia is interested in him, why not go with the flow.

After we said goodbye to the principal, Teacher Xia came outside. Her name was Xia Qin. Xia Qin said to Li Mazi: "Mr. Li, I just said something rude and I'm really sorry."

"No, no, it doesn't matter. I feel relieved to see Xiaomeng's teacher is so serious and responsible."

I felt this was an opportunity, so I said, "Well, Teacher Xia, you have a lot of classes during the day, right? Let's have a meal together after school in the evening to discuss it."

"Okay, but I have to treat you. You are guests, so I won't let you spend money."

At this time, the preparation bell rang, and the students on the playground returned to the classroom one after another. Xia Qin said: "I have a class in the second period, so I'll excuse you."

"Okay, you go ahead." I nodded.

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