Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 857 Rhetoric

After Xia Qin left, I asked Li Mazi: "What do you think of this beautiful teacher? Do you want me to help you rub it together?"

Li Mazi said seriously: "Brother Zhang, are you kidding me? I have decided to be single for the rest of my life."

I smiled and said, "When did you decide?"

Yin Xinyue also echoed: "Yes, I think this teacher is interested in you."

Li Mazi's face turned red with embarrassment: "There is no such thing. I am a sloppy uncle, but a sexy and fashionable English teacher will fall in love with me?"

Yin Xinyue said: "You don't need to be so arrogant. In fact, I think you are quite charming. There are many little girls controlling cute uncles like you now."

"Really?" Li Mazi seemed a little shaken.

"Of course, the best way to forget a pain is to start a new relationship. You don't look old at all. Welcome your second spring bravely!" Yin Xinyue kept encouraging Li Mazi.

Li Mazi scratched his head and said, "Brother and sister, just tease me!"

Since we decided to investigate at night, there was nothing to do during the day. We went back to the hotel and stayed for a while, then found a restaurant for lunch. I was in a good mood today, and Li Mazi and I drank half a catty of liquor. Yin Xinyue said, "Honey, it's rare to see you in such a good mood. Do you want to share it with me?"

"Guess!" I gave up.

"Are you happy for Li Mazi?" Yin Xinyue said.

Li Mazi curled his lips and said, "He must think that this vaginal object is valuable, so that's why he did this."

I poured a full glass of wine: "You're only half right! I originally thought the Judgment Haechi was a legend, but I didn't expect it to actually exist. This artifact has a history of more than 4,000 years and must be quite valuable for collection. I Now I can’t wait..."

Li Mazi sighed: "For more than four thousand years, how much is that worth?"

After dinner, I asked Li Mazi to run to the city. It was not convenient to buy materials here, so I estimated the things I would use and asked him to buy them in advance. I wanted a pound of eel, some nails, rope, and refined salt, and asked him to go to Xinhua Bookstore to buy a copy of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China" in traditional Chinese.

Li Mazi asked: "Brother Zhang, why do you want criminal law? Are you planning to commit a crime?"

I scolded: "Nonsense, you just bought it."

In the afternoon, I casually surfed the Internet in the hotel to read the legends about Gaotao. Because it was so long ago, the legends handed down about Gaotao are very limited. I planned to ask Xia Qin again in the evening.

While I was checking things, Yin Xin came up with an idea: "Husband, do you want to give them a chance to be alone tonight?"

"That's what I'm planning to do. Let's find an excuse for them to have a good conversation during dinner tonight." I nodded.

I feel that Yin Xinyue and I are more active than the matchmaker. Although Li Mazi has gradually recovered recently, the things that happened before are like a scar in his heart that cannot be touched. As a brother, I hope that he can find new happiness soon.

In the evening, Li Mazi bought what I wanted. After school, Xia Qin asked us to meet at a Sichuan restaurant. Just as they were preparing to go to the appointment, Li Xiaomeng and his buddies arrived in a noisy manner, pestering Li Mazi to treat them to pizza. Li Mazi had been treating them to good food every day for the past two days, and these brats had developed a habit.

Li Mazi said, "How about I take Xiaomeng to eat pizza, and you go see Teacher Xia?"

I quickly refused: "No, Yin Xinyue and I will go with them, and you go have dinner with Teacher Xia."

"How about that?"

"Teacher Xia?" The skinny monkey student became excited when he heard the name: "Hey, uncle, you have hooked up with our beautiful English teacher!"

Other students also followed suit and congratulated Li Xiaomeng, saying that they would hang out with him in the future. These brats are really a headache. I said, "You brats, when you hear the wind, it's rain. Teacher Xia is here to assist us in the investigation."

"What are you investigating? Can we go together?" Student Shouhou asked.

Then there was another round of booing, and I couldn't do anything to them. Yin Xinyue said, "You guys have to study in class later. If you don't hurry up, you won't be able to eat pizza. Can my sister accompany you?"

The students cheered: "Okay!"

As expected, Yin Xinyue was more experienced in coaxing children, perhaps because opposites attract each other.

Li Mazi went to Teacher Xia's appointment. Yin Xinyue and I accompanied the children to eat. On the way, Li Xiaomeng asked me: "Hey, Uncle Jiulin, isn't my dad really in love with Teacher Xia?"

"What have you been thinking about all day? It's normal for adults to have a meal. Do you think you are acting in a TV series?" I said angrily.

"Huh, my lord, I'm not a child anymore..."

I thought this was a good opportunity to get to know each other, so I asked, "How is Mr. Xia like you?"

"pretty good!"

Li Xiaomeng said that although Teacher Xia usually dresses aloof, she is very gentle and never scolds them. Both boys and girls like her. Everyone loves her class, and Teacher Xia is very fashionable. Li Xiaomeng also revealed a secret that Teacher Xia is the crush of many boys in the class.

Li Xiaomeng then asked me: "By the way, Uncle Jiulin, have my dad and Aunt Ruxue broken up?"

I was stunned for a moment. Li Mazi probably didn't mention this to him, and I couldn't say anything, so I said vaguely: "Well, we didn't get along, so we broke up."

"Hey, why is my dad so carefree? I'm really worried for Teacher Xia." Li Xiaomeng sighed.

Yin Xinyue patted his head and said with a smile: "You are a little kid but a ghost!"

We went to a nearby Pizza Hut and ordered some pizza and snacks. The students chatted and chatted. Yin Xinyue looked at them and sighed: "It's great to be young. It feels like they are all full of energy, as if they never know how tired they are."

I also nodded: "I really admire their teachers. I can't stand spending an hour with these naughty kids."

Later, when they learned about Yin Xinyue's career, several students expressed that they wanted to be stars in the future. The fat student even grabbed a roll of napkins and sang, asking Yin Xinyue how he sang, did he look like Eason Chan?

Yin Xinyue said: "To be a star, you have to learn cultural courses well. At the very least, you have to be admitted to a school like Beijing Film Academy and China Film Academy."

The fat student retorted: "tfboy is not a college student, how can he be a star? I feel like my singing is no better than theirs."

Yin Xinyue couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Although they are created by the company, they also work very hard. For example, Wang Junkai there rehearses until nine o'clock every day, and has to find a tutor for tutoring at ten o'clock. There is a saying that is good, people are distinguished before others, and others are behind. Suffer.”

The fat student seemed to be inspired and stood up and said: "Sister Xinyue said it makes so much sense. I think hard work may not lead to success, but if you don't work hard, you will definitely feel good, so I decided not to be a star!"

Alas, this group of students don’t know where they’ve been watching the poisonous chicken soup all day long.

In just one meal, the fat student changed his ambition. He asked me: "Uncle Zhang, you don't need to take exams to become a master like you, right?"

I replied: "There is no need to take the test, but it is easy to die."

These little guys got even more excited after hearing this. Sure enough, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. They insisted on pestering me to tell them some thrilling stories, which made me really passive. I decided to turn my back on the guests and said, "Let's do this. You tell me about the strange things that happened in the school first, and I will use my professional knowledge to help you analyze them."

"There's nothing weird about our school, except for the haunting a while ago."

"Yes, that's Xu Fangfang in our class."

"One time when I was going to the toilet at night, he followed me without saying a word and was wearing red clothes. He scared me so much that I almost wet my pants..."

They talked in a flurry, which made my head spin. I thought it would be better to take this opportunity to understand some of the situation, so I said, "I have something to ask you. Did Xu Fangfang fall to death by himself, or was he pushed?" Coming downstairs?"

As soon as this was said, the dinner table immediately became quiet. The students looked at each other, and the atmosphere felt a little weird!

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