Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 858: Ghost in the Dormitory

Finally, it was Li Xiaomeng who spoke: "Uncle Jiulin, Xu Fangfang definitely fell to death, but we are also responsible..."

I immediately stood up anxiously: "When Xu Fangfang fell to death, how many of you were with him?"


Li Xiaomeng said that the boys often played together. There was a League of Legends game at a nearby Internet cafe that afternoon, so they planned to skip class and go online. In fact, they had done this kind of thing more than once or twice before.

They skipped the last physics class. The old man didn't want anyone to listen to the class, because everyone didn't bring their ID cards and went back to the dormitory to ask for them. But they couldn't go through the main entrance for fear of being discovered by the dormitory administrator, so they used guessing. Choose a representative to climb up the window.

Hearing this, Yin Xinyue said: "You guys are too brave, aren't you? Climb up the window? How dangerous is this!"

"Sister Xinyue, we actually live on the third floor, and there are iron bars outside the windows, which are easy to climb."

"That's right, we really didn't expect Fang Fang to fall and die."

"He didn't fall to death, he was hit to death. His head hit the concrete step. Have you forgotten?"

The students were busy reviewing the situation.

Li Xiaomeng said: "After Fang Fang's accident, the principal and a lawyer came to talk to us one by one and told us not to disclose any information to the outside world and to leave the matter to the school. Maybe they were afraid of affecting the reputation of the school? As a result, some people outside spread rumors about the school. Hiding a murderer or something.”

I asked: "Is your dormitory also haunted?"

"No!" said the Shouhou student, "The one that is haunted is the dormitory No. 4 to the west of us. Many of them said they saw Fang Fang walking up and down the corridor in red clothes every night. It was scary."

"Red clothes?" I pondered: "Did Xu Fangfang wear red clothes when he died?"

"No, just an ordinary T-shirt and jeans." Student Shouhou replied.

I came to the conclusion that Xu Fangfang's body had been tampered with. There is a saying in some places that if a dead person is dressed in red, he will turn into a vicious evil spirit. Why was the haunted place chosen wrong? Is the murderer behind the scene wrong, or is there something else hidden? I have to go to the site to see it myself.

Li Xiaomeng asked: "Uncle Jiulin, why did Fang Fang's ghost come back? Is it resenting us?"

"Why do I hate you?" I asked.

"Because we had several classmates at the time, and everyone decided by guessing. It could be any one of us who died. Of course he would resent us..." Li Xiaomeng buried her head in discomfort.

I smiled and said: "Your analysis makes sense, but I don't think he resents you. In fact, ghosts are just energy left in the world. Ordinary ghosts have no consciousness and are simply repeating the actions they performed before death, or Talk about being driven by someone to do something.”

"Which one is Fangfang?" A group of students eagerly waited to hear my expert analysis.

I looked at my watch and said calmly: "Is it time for you to go to evening study?"

"Damn, that's so cunning."

"It's quite appetizing, really!"

After the students left, Yin Xinyue and I could have something to eat quietly. Li Mazi never called. We didn’t want to disturb their date, so we just sat here and waited. At 8:30, Li Mazi called and said that the school See you at the door.

I smiled and said, "It took two and a half hours to eat. It seems that you and Teacher Xia had a very interesting chat!"

On the phone, Li Mazi said sheepishly: "We didn't talk about anything, just chatting."

We arrived at the school gate. Xia Qin was wearing a light green dress, a short jacket on top, and a little white hat. She felt like an innocent girl. Yin Xinyue covered her mouth in surprise: "Teacher Xia, You are dressed up nicely."

Xia Qin smiled sheepishly: "It was a bit cold at night, so I changed into warmer clothes."

Yin Xinyue discovered that her clothes and watch were all famous brands, and asked her what her monthly income was. Xia Qin initially said that it was enough to live on, but later, under Yin Xinyue's questioning, she revealed that her monthly salary plus bonuses was nearly 50,000 yuan, and it would be more to be a class teacher. However, she felt that she was not qualified enough and could not be a class teacher for the time being.

I was a little surprised. I had the impression that the teachers were all quite poor. It turns out that there are also high-income earners among the teachers.

Xia Qin said that when she first came to this private school, she was still a little reluctant because there was no establishment. Later she found that the salary and benefits were very good, and although the competition was quite stressful, she became more and more fond of this job after persevering.

Xia Qin asked: "Mr. Zhang, where do you plan to investigate?"

"Let's go take a look inside the school first." I said.

After entering the school, I folded a Yin boat out of white paper. This time it was an improved version. It was hung with a string and hung under my fingers to sense the Yin energy in the school.

The boat kept spinning at first, as if the Yin Qi in the campus was very messy. Later, the bow of the boat kept moving toward the southeast and northwest. I was sure that there were two powerful Yin Qi in that direction!

Xia Qin was very surprised when she saw my magic trick. She asked Li Mazi what scientific reason there was, and Li Mazi explained it to her like a master.

I decided to go to the southeast first. On the way, I asked Xia Qin what legends about Gaotao there were in her hometown? Xia Qin thought for a moment and said, "My grandfather told me the story of Gao Tao's resignation."

"Tell me about it," I said.

Xia Qin told me that it is said that after Gaotao formulated this criminal law, everyone from the emperor to the common people must abide by it.

Since the introduction of laws, the world has become more orderly and peaceful. Even God was moved by this and sent down a unicorn mythical beast to help Gao Tao examine the case.

Gao Tao had been a selfless law enforcer all his life, but he never expected that one time the emperor's son Shang Jun got into a dispute with the people and beat people to death in order to seize an acre of land. The emperor asked Gao Tao to be more lenient, but Gao Tao certainly did not agree.

The emperor knew that Gao Tao was a man of his word, so he sent someone to write four words in lard on the door of the latrine, "Shang Jun is not guilty." He also added some croton to Gao Tao's food. I suddenly felt upset and went to squat in the latrine. I saw the flies in the latrine forming four characters on the door. He read it out out of curiosity. As soon as the officials guarding the outside heard that Shang Jun was not guilty, they immediately went to release him.

Gao Tao knew that it was the emperor who had caused the misfortune, and he was so upset that he resigned from his post and returned to his hometown!

After the emperor lost Gaotao, various deceptions, abductions, and thefts soon began to occur in the world. Finally, God was angry and punished the world with huge floods. The emperor also regretted it very much. If Dayu hadn't controlled the water later, mankind would have almost been finished. .

After finishing speaking, Xia Qin smiled and stuck out her tongue: "I don't know if this will help you."

I said, "It's quite interesting!"

Although interesting, I feel that the artistic processing of this story is relatively high, and its credibility needs to be tested.

As we walked, we came to the vicinity of the dormitory building. Finally, I stopped in front of a dormitory building. The sign above said '04'. As expected, it was Dormitory Building No. 4!

Because all the students were studying in the evening, the building was dark, so I asked Xia Qin: "Which floors are haunted?"

"Fourth and fifth floors, Mr. Zhang, are you sure you want to go up?" Xia Qin asked.

"Sure!" I replied.

Xia Qin said hello to the dormitory manager, who let us in and restored the power supply to the fourth and fifth floors.

After arriving on the fourth floor, all the dormitories here were evacuated. The corridor was empty and silent. There were some scraps of paper on the ground, which were gently picked up by the wind in the corridor. Yin Xinyue couldn't help but hold my hand.

We walked around the two floors and found nothing. I was about to tell Li Mazi to look elsewhere when I suddenly found a little boy hidden in his shadow, staring at me with eyes without pupils!

(PS: The second update is here. Remember to vote. There will be an update in the evening.)

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