Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 859: Refining the Imp (Additional update)

The little boy glanced at me and disappeared. I told Li Mazi to stop moving, took out the peach soul flower holder from my arms and walked towards him, but when I turned behind me, I saw that the little boy was gone again.

When I looked again, he actually ran into Xia Qin's shadow, showing half of his face and looking at me expressionlessly!

This little boy was wearing bright red clothes just like the rumors, but the evil spirit on his body was not heavy. He felt like he was just a ghost trapped in the world of the sun.

I said: "Don't be afraid Fang Fang, uncle will send you to reincarnation!"

Xia Qin asked in shock: "Mr. Zhang, who are you talking to?"

"It's just an ordinary kid. It's harmless. Don't move." I comforted him.

Upon hearing this, Xia Qin was very frightened, while Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue were relatively calm. After all, they had followed me through the wind and waves. They were just little ghosts, nothing to be afraid of.

I walked towards him, and the little boy was about to run again. I whispered the mantra while pointing the Peach Soul Flower at him. Peach Soul Flower exerted its effect and sucked him in mid-air. His legs kept moving, but he couldn't move out.

Xia Qin seemed to be able to see something, pointed in that direction and shouted: "Wow, what is that? There is a figure!"

"Don't make a fuss. This kid is very timid. Be careful of surprising him." I warned him.

Sure enough, the little boy squatted on the ground, rubbed his eye sockets and cried silently.

I said, "Teacher Xia, he is a little frightened. Please comfort him."

"Coax? How to coax?" Xia Qin was almost frightened by my words.

"He is your student, how do you usually coax students." I asked.

Xia Qin timidly said in that direction: "Fang Fang, don't make trouble. After you left, the class held a memorial service for you and lit a lot of red candles. Everyone missed you. By the way, Teacher Xia recently Let me teach you an English song and I will sing it to you."

Then Xia Qin hummed a ballad in a low voice, and the little boy stopped crying and became very quiet.

I asked seriously: "Fang Fang, are your bones buried on these two floors?"

The little boy nodded.

"Take us there!" I ordered.

The little boy nodded again. I put away the peach soul flower and slowly followed its footsteps.

Yin Xinyue asked me: "Husband, how did you know that his bones were buried here?"

"The ghost is only in one place, so there must be something restraining him. It's probably something on a child."

"This child's father is so wicked. He didn't even bury the child after his death. He even used it to do this kind of thing." I said angrily.

Xia Qin sighed slightly: "When I was doing a home visit, I heard Fang Fang's mother say that his father never cared about them, and he didn't pay a penny for the alimony after the divorce. Also, that man's whereabouts are unpredictable all year round. I feel It doesn’t look like he’s doing serious business.”

I think there is another article here. People who would do such things must not be ordinary people!

We followed the little boy to the rooftop. There was a strong wind on the rooftop. I told Yin Xinyue not to come up if she was wearing less clothes, but Yin Xinyue was unwilling.

When I turned around to say something, the little boy disappeared. I looked everywhere, and finally found him squatting next to a reservoir, his hands digging on the ground.

I walked over, and the little boy stopped moving, staring straight at me.

I asked, "Where are your bones down here?"

He nodded fearfully.

There was a layer of black heat-insulating mat on the ceiling. I lifted up the heat-insulating mat. When the thing underneath was revealed, everyone present gasped at the same time!

It was a very small mummy, wrapped in a red dress. Nails were driven into the ground next to it, and red silk threads were stretched on the mummy.

The whole body of the mummy has been severely dehydrated, the skin is brown and black, and the contrast between the body and the head is like bean sprouts. Its head was hooked on its chest, with its gums exposed due to dehydration and shrinkage of its skin, and two shriveled eyeballs that looked like dried longans bulging out of the eye sockets.

Xia Qin was so scared that she covered her mouth: "Mr. Zhang, what is this?"

"It's a corpse that has been refined. Someone used smoke to dehydrate his corpse. This is actually close to the step of refining a kid. The soul of a child is highly malleable and can easily be turned into a powerful ghost." I explained while looking at the mummy. road.

Yin Xinyue said angrily: "Is this still a human being? Using his own son to make a kid?"

"Bloodline is often easier to control. Some warlocks specifically find women to have children in order to raise ghosts. I guess this man has a lot of background..."

I reached out to touch the mummy, and suddenly the little boy beside me was holding his head in pain. I thought to myself, "Oh no, there is probably a formation on top of it."

At this moment, the surrounding scenery suddenly disappeared, and for a while, I came to a mountain, surrounded by trees, and a mist rising. I pinched my fingers and there was pain, but it didn't feel like a hallucination.

"Yin Xinyue? Li Mazi?" I called several times, but no one answered. I wanted to call Weiyu out, but I found that she was not there either.

Then I heard a sharp shout from the forest: "What grievance do you have? Come tell me quickly!"

I was shocked. Could it be that I was lured to the underworld? This tm is too strong!

But then I thought about it, no, I have never heard of any formation that can kill a large living person instantly...unless there is a landmine buried underneath.

I looked at my hands and feet, and I seemed to realize that I was out of body.

I took two steps forward and realized that the voice was not talking to me, because I saw an old man with a white beard sitting in front of a table. In the white mist in front of him stood a large group of dark ghosts, many of whom were missing arms and legs. Yes, his clothes are in rags.

A chinless ghost knelt in front of the old man with a white beard. He seemed to be talking, but there was no sound at all.

The old man with a white beard listened for a while, nodded and said: "I already understand, come on, lure the guilty soul king here!" I was dumbfounded by this scene. I didn't know how ghosts colluded with each other.

This old man with a white beard is Gao Tao, whom he met once before. He unexpectedly plays the role of the Lord of Hell here, but he has no shady men to manipulate, and he doesn't know how to seduce the soul.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, a ghost slowly appeared in the court. This ghost was so rotten that it no longer had a human shape. When it saw Gao Tao, it knelt down and begged for mercy.

Gao Tao listened for a while, but actually the ghost didn't make any sound. He said with some embarrassment: "Everyone has their own opinions. It is difficult for me to make a decision. Please come forward!"

The two ghosts walked to the table. Gao Tao stood up, took out the sacred horn from his sleeve, and touched the two ghosts' foreheads lightly.

The first ghost didn't respond, but the second ghost suddenly turned around and ran away as if he was frightened.

Gao Tao said unhurriedly: "Fornicating wives and daughters, seizing people's property, and spreading rumors and slanders should be punished for their crimes. I will sentence you to a severe punishment!"

Dapi was the death penalty in ancient times. The ghost suddenly fell to the ground and struggled continuously, as if being held down by an invisible hand. Then his head suddenly broke off and his body turned into a ball of flying smoke and disappeared. .

I was shocked that Gao Tao could kill a ghost directly with words. This kind of strength has surpassed that of the Ghost King.

No, I remember that Gao Tao was posthumously canonized as a saint in ancient times. In terms of it, he already belongs to the ghost immortal, an old immortal four thousand years ago!

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