Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 860: An unexpected incident on the road

I stood here watching Gao Tao try several cases. I felt that Yin Xinyue would be anxious if I stayed any longer, so I bit the tip of my tongue hard. Although it hurt, not a drop of blood flowed. I'm in a spiritual state now, so of course I can't bleed. The bite is in vain!

Souls are divided into living souls and dead souls. I belong to the living soul now. If I can't go back and my body rots, I will really become a ghost. Tieguai Li was originally a suave god. After his soul left his body and his body was burned by his disciples, he had no choice but to possess a lame beggar. I don’t want to follow in his footsteps...

I looked around and noticed something very strange. The school was behind me. It turned out that not only was my soul out of body, but I was also 'teleported' to a hill near the school.

I was about to leave when I heard a majestic voice coming from behind: "Here, bring Zhang Jiulin, the guilty soul, up here!"

As soon as I finished speaking, I seemed to be sucked by an invisible force and was sucked up to the 'courtroom', facing Gao Tao with a majestic look on his face. He slapped the gavel tree in his hand hard and shouted: "Sinful soul Zhang Jiulin, why don't you kneel down when you see me?"

If you ask me to kneel down, I will kneel down. I said: "A true man, kneel down to heaven and earth, and kneel down to your parents..."

"Kneel down!"

As Gaotao yelled, my body seemed to be sucked by an invisible suction force, and I knelt on the ground with a plop, feeling as heavy as a Mount Tai.

I was shocked, what is going on?

I guess since Gao Tao was named an ancient saint, he has the power of golden words. This power is also called the spirit of speech.

"Sinful soul Zhang Jiulin, do you know your sin?"

"What's my crime?" I sneered.

Gao Tao counted with his fingers, and suddenly the heavy pressure on me disappeared. I thought to myself, I will abide by the law my whole life and never steal or rob, so why should I be afraid of you?

Although the Yinwu this time is powerful, it is a reasonable Yinwu, which is easy to deal with.

Unexpectedly, Gao Tao suddenly said: "You killed and injured ghosts and disturbed Yin and Yang. How dare you claim innocence?"

I was stunned for a moment, what kind of crime was this, so I said, "I kill evil ghosts and evil ghosts. If you leave them alone, someone will suffer. Do you think I can ignore them?"

"The way of heaven has its own destiny, you are just a pariah, who allows you to act on behalf of heaven!"

Since you are reasonable, I will also be reasonable with you, so I said: "The way of heaven has its own destiny, so I got rid of those evil spirits as part of the destiny. I did not act for heaven, but followed the way of heaven."

Gao Tao sneered and stroked his long beard: "Do you dare to say that all your life you have been rid of evil ghosts and not a single good ghost?"

I was shocked. I really didn’t dare to say this. After all, I burned the poor Tai Sui to death and spared a family who deserved it.

Gao Tao said: "Come forward and let me test it with the divine horn and you will know."

I hesitated and said, "Wait a minute, what kind of law is it against to kill a ghost? Does your law say anything about it?"

"Humans are judged according to people, and ghosts are judged according to ghosts. You are a ghost now, so killing ghosts is naturally the same as killing people." Gao Tao said loudly.

"Wait a minute, I'm not a ghost, I'm still alive." I yelled.

"That's ridiculous. It's obviously a ghost. Come forward to me!"

As soon as I finished speaking, my body stood up without being driven and walked towards Gaotao automatically. I thought to myself that the fun was over now. I had collected yin objects all my life, but I was actually punished by a yin object. My reputation in this life was completely ruined!

In a blink of an eye, I was in front of Gao Tao. He stood up, raised the horn in his hand and pointed at my forehead. I was so scared that my heart stopped beating... My current state seemed to have no heartbeat.

At this moment, a voice suddenly said: "Hey, old man, who allowed you to set up a private court here!"

The power exerted on my body suddenly disappeared. I looked back and saw a tauren wrapped in blue flames standing next to me. He was holding an iron chain in his hand. It seemed to be a sinister mistake.

"Who are you?" Gao Tao asked.

"I am a passing Yin Chai. I also want to ask you who you are. You are so courageous that you dare to interrogate ghosts in the human world!" Yin Chai said angrily.

Gao Tao sneered: "I don't know what evil is. I only know that there are countless innocent souls here, and the hostility is hard to eliminate, so we set up a court here."

"It's useless for you to tell me. Please go down there and explain it to King Yama." Yin Chai picked up the chain and stepped forward.

It's not surprising that Qian Qing Yin Cha and Gao Tao don't know each other. In Gao Tao's time, there was no Yin Cao Underworld. It was like a seventh-grade sesame official coming to solve today's case. Of course, the public security system would not agree.

That Yin was about to hook Gao Tao's neck with a flick of the iron chain. Gao Tao kicked the table away. I quickly bent down and saw a table flying over my head and disappearing in mid-air. This table was also transformed by Yin Qi.

Gao Tao used the divine horn in his hand as a weapon and started fighting with Yin Chai. You came and I fought, and the fight was extremely fierce.

When I saw this was a God-given opportunity, I ran away. As I ran, I found many "people" around me. It turned out that the ghosts that Gao Tao had forcibly lured away were also running for their lives. These ghosts were dressed in clothes from various dynasties. The man walking side by side with me even turned to look at me. Half of his face was gone, which made him look particularly intrusive.

At this time, a ghost shouted: "Brothers, I saw a complete body on the rooftop of the school. It is quite handsome. First come, first served!"

I cursed in my heart, that tm is my body, whoever dares to take possession of me will be killed!

Even if you praise me for being handsome, it won’t do!

As soon as these ghosts heard that there was a ready-made body for them to take possession of, they all seemed to have been injected with chicken blood. The sinister wind suddenly surged around me, and ghost figures whizzed past me, just like passing by Yin soldiers. I gradually Being left behind.

I'm so anxious, this is so terrible, if my body is taken over, I will really become a lonely ghost.

Moreover, my life span is not over yet, so I won’t be able to be reborn for a while. If some ghost takes over my body and then makes out with Yin Xinyue, I can only stand and stare against a piece of green grassland.

At this time, Gao Tao shouted loudly from behind, and his voice instantly penetrated a long distance: "Don't even think about running away!" He probably had settled the issue and turned to deal with us.

Then one after another, the ghosts were sucked back by an invisible force, making the sound of ghosts crying and wolf howling. This situation was extremely urgent. All I could do was run as fast as I could.

At this moment, some screams suddenly came from the front, and my mood plummeted.

There are pursuers behind me and an ambush in front of me. Is this God trying to kill me?

A white shadow shuttled among the ghosts. Wherever it went, the ghosts were wiped out. Then I saw clearly that it was Otama. She shook her big tail and waved her sharp claws, killing all the ghosts. .

I was afraid that she would be tempted to kill, so I cut off my claws in two. When I ran in front of me, I quickly said: "It's me! It's me!"

"Bad brother, I found you. Sister Xinyue and the others are all crying." Oyu transformed into the shape of a little lolita and hugged me with red eyes.

When I stopped to talk, there was a ghost running next to me and said excitedly: "The body of this handsome guy is mine!" Then he was sucked back by a force and yelled in mid-air: "Sir, please spare my life, my lord, please spare your life." !”

Oudama stared blankly at the ghost floating away like a kite, and asked: "What's going on?"

"Don't ask. There is a powerful boss behind you. Even you can't deal with it. Take me back quickly." I said hurriedly.

"Oh, then hold my hand and I will take you back." Wei Yu nodded.

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