Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 861 Good intentions lead to bad things

Oudama dragged me and ran very fast. After leaving the forest, I found that the back hill was about ten meters away from the No. 4 teaching building.

Odama and I are both spiritual beings, so we jumped directly in mid-air. It felt incredible.

On the rooftop, Yin Xinyue was holding my body and crying, Li Mazi was also worried, and there were some ghosts standing around. Xia Qin seemed to be able to see some ghosts, and she was so scared that she hugged her shoulders and shivered. She suddenly saw Oudama emerging, opening her mouth and screaming: "Yōkai! There are monsters!"

"You are a monster!"

Weiyu pouted at her, frightening Xia Qin so much that she turned pale. Yin Xinyue wiped her tears and said, "Weiyu, you came just in time, think of a solution quickly. Your brother Jiulin just suddenly fell unconscious, and now he can't even My breathing and heartbeat are gone.”

"It's okay, I brought his soul back." Oyu said proudly.

Without further ado, I took my position and prepared to lie back down, only to be bounced back with a loud thud.

"How is this going?"

I was shocked. I looked down and found some Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva talismans attached to my body. No wonder they kept me out.

It turned out that Yin Xinyue thought I was possessed by evil spirits, so she took out some charms from my arms and put them all on me.

Wei Yu noticed that I couldn't return to my own body and said to Yin Xinyue: "Sister Xinyue, please tear off those talismans quickly. The bad brother is blocked out."

Yin Xinyue tore off the talisman on my body. When the ghosts around me saw this, they immediately rushed over. I thought to myself, don't even think about it, and jumped back to my body immediately.

My first feeling was that my body suddenly became heavier. I suddenly took a long and sharp breath, and my heart started beating wildly as if it was restarting. It felt like I had just held in a big breath, but it was suffocating me.

"Brother Zhang, you're awake!" Yin Xinyue said in surprise.

"Honey, thank you very much." I said gratefully.

Yin Xinyue was a little confused. In fact, if it weren't for the talismans that Yin Xinyue posted, my body would have been taken over by other ghosts. Of course, she might have done this by accident.

After I stood up, the ghosts who wanted to snatch my body were still pestering me. I had nowhere to vent my evil anger, so I immediately took out the Sirius Whip, whipped and beat them, and cursed: "Get out! Get out!" Go aside! Otherwise I’ll kill you!”

Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi couldn't see the ghosts, but Xia Qin could see some and was very frightened.

Yin Xinyue hit me and said, "You scared us to death, you know? What happened to you just now?"

I glanced at the mummy on the ground and said, "I might have been tricked."


"By the way, you didn't touch that thing, did you?" I said, pointing to the mummy.

"No, how dare you touch it." Yin Xinyue quickly shook her head.

"Just don't touch it!"

I told what happened to me, and after experiencing this danger, I seemed to understand something. This mummy was placed here to maintain a position, and the reason why this building is haunted is to prevent people from getting close to it.

But what I don't understand is how I suddenly left my soul, was transported to the opposite mountain, and then bumped into Gaotao's ghost there to interrogate ghosts.

I stood on the edge of the building and took a look. I took a few photos with my phone. The woods were dense and I couldn't take any pictures. I handed my phone to Otama and asked, "Can you take a bird's-eye view from the sky?"

"I can't fly, but I can jump very high." After finishing speaking, Oyu ran a few steps, stepped on my shoulders and jumped more than ten meters into the air. She is a spirit body, so light and weightless.

After a while, Oudama came down and said, "The pixels of your mobile phone are so high, and the things you take are so beautiful."

Then she took a few pictures of herself, turned them over and saw that there was nothing on them. She pouted and said, "Why isn't there me?"

"You are a spirit, so of course you can't be photographed." I was speechless for a while.

Wei Yu said something boring, got back into my arms, and said in the beads: "Bad brother, I have made a great contribution this time, how do you reward me?"

"Go back and let you suck the blood until you're full." I said.

"By the way, that sister over there..." Oyu's voice suddenly became hesitant.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I feel like she's a little yang deficient."

Not enough yang energy? Is that why she can vaguely see ghosts?

Xia Qin saw the scene just now, and she said dumbfoundedly: "Mr. Zhang, you can both exorcise ghosts and summon monsters. It's really an eye-opener for me tonight!"

I said humbly: "It's not a big deal, it's nothing."

Yin Xinyue asked: "Brother Zhang, are you feeling unwell?"

"I'm fine, let's go downstairs first." I said.

"What to do with the mummy?" Yin Xinyue asked fearfully.

"That thing is a bit dangerous. Don't touch it for now. I'll go back and think about countermeasures. I'll cover it to prevent others from accidentally touching it." I replied.

On the way back, I looked at the photos Oyu took. Sure enough, there is a formation on the top of the mountain. I feel that the two formations are related to each other. I probably need to ask the T-shirt man about this.

After leaving school, Yin Xinyue said with a smile: "Everyone is thirsty, do you want to find a place to drink?" Then she gestured to Li Mazi with her eyes.

Li Mazi came to his senses and said to Xia Qin: "Teacher Xia, is there a water bar or something nearby?"

Xia Qin said angrily: "I told you not to call me Teacher Xia, just Xiaoqin. I remember there is a water bar nearby."

I nodded understandingly: "You two go ahead, I still have some things to deal with here."

This was of course an opportunity for them to be alone. After they left, I found a food stall and ordered some barbecue to eat, because I suddenly felt very hungry. Yin Xinyue was not used to eating this kind of street food. I ordered a bottle of soda and drank it.

Yin Xinyue said: "Husband, if it's too dangerous this time, let's forget it? I don't think that horn did anything excessive."

"No, when it gradually becomes stronger, I'm afraid it will kill people..."

After what I just experienced, I feel that Gao Tao is an extremely paranoid old man. Ancient laws are different from modern laws. This old man was brought here by the Divine Horn. He is full of backward ideas. When he opens his eyes, it seems that the whole world is committing crimes. , was immediately shocked, and happily began to examine the case.

This is called doing bad things with good intentions. This kind of people are more terrible than bad people because they think they are right and insist on their own way.

To give an example from around us, I saw a popular science article a while ago. Isn’t there an Earth Hour event every year? For the sake of environmental protection, everyone responded actively and did not use electricity for an hour. However, the electricity in the power plant cannot be stored. If a large amount of current suddenly cannot be transmitted, the equipment will be seriously damaged.

The losses caused by this charity activity every year are much greater than the profits, but most people still enjoy it because they think it is a good thing.

Yin Xinyue said: "Then you must be careful, I don't want you to have any trouble again."

"It'll be fine. I've experienced so many dangerous things. Why am I still afraid of losing my horn? In fact, Gao Tao is a reasonable ghost, unlike those evil spirits with murderous aura. All I can say this time is, It’s hard to get back, but the risk isn’t great,” I replied.

After hearing what I said, Yin Xinyue felt relieved.

After eating, we went back to the hotel directly. I typed a long text message and sent it to the T-shirt man along with the photo to ask for his opinion.

Then I took a shower and went to bed with Yin Xinyue. Just as I turned off the lights, I suddenly heard some noise!

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