Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 863 Yin Bridge Crossing Evil Formation

While Li Mazi was calming Xia Qin's mood, I asked the school staff to go back first and informed others that Teacher Xia had been found and there was no need to work anymore.

I can't let them go all the way late at night, and I promise to treat them to a nice meal afterwards.

The old school janitor said sheepishly: "It's okay, it's okay, it's all within our scope. As long as nothing happens to Teacher Xia, that's fine."

Xia Qin had cried enough in Li Mazi's arms. I asked her if she was injured? Xia Qin shook her head: "No injury, just foot pain."

It turned out that she had walked barefoot all the way, and the soles of her feet were bleeding. Yin Xinyue took out a wet wipe and asked her to wipe her feet. Then she took out Xia Qin's shoes and clothes from the bag and asked her to change into them.

I gave a thumbs up and said, "Daughter-in-law, you are so considerate."

Yin Xinyue smiled and said, "Teacher Xia's shoes and clothes are all in the room. You two grown men didn't pay attention, so I took them out."

Seeing that both of them were safe, I breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to go back.

On the way, I asked Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi to go ahead. I said a few words to Xia Qin alone, mainly because the little girl was thin-skinned and would be embarrassed to say such things, but for their personal safety, I had to explain.

I said to her: "Teacher Xia, do you have a good impression of Li Mazi?"

She blushed and replied: "I just thought he was very mature and masculine, and then I wanted to be with him..." She covered her face and couldn't continue speaking in shame.

My God, the same amount of money can feed all kinds of people. It turns out that she has quite a big need in this area.

"Mr. Zhang, do you think I'm despicable?" Xia Qin looked at me, her face turned red to her ears.

"No, no, actually I think you are quite innocent..." I shook my head repeatedly, and Xia Qin's face looked better.

In fact, I know there is a reason for her strong needs in that area. Just like Oyu said, Xia Qin lacks Yang Qi.

People are divided into yin and yang, but just like the Tai Chi diagram, there is yang in yin, and yin in yang. Men also have yin energy, and women also have yang energy. Xia Qin's Yin Qi is too strong and Yang Qi is not strong, so she especially wants the nourishment of Yang Qi. Through proper conditioning, she can return to normal.

Having said that, a frank and beautiful teacher like Xia Qin is better than a scheming bitch like Xue, right?

I told what had just happened exactly, including that Li Mazi almost committed suicide. Xia Qin was shocked when she heard this: "I was the one who harmed Mr. Li."

"No, this is not your responsibility. I just want to tell you to calm down a little before settling this matter." I coughed lightly.

Then I warned Li Mazi again, and I stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Li Mazi, you have restrained yourself a little bit recently. Next time you really kill yourself with a knife, I won't be able to sew it back for you."

"Okay, I'll pay attention. I really made you laugh tonight..." Li Mazi nodded repeatedly.

"What's the point? You're very lucky. We're all happy for you." Yin Xinyue teased.

Li Mazi glanced at Yin Xinyue, his old face flushed with embarrassment, and he waved his hands repeatedly: "Stop talking! Stop talking!" Then he suddenly held his waist. I asked him what was wrong, and he said, "My back hurts!"

After returning to school, the principal was waiting for us at the door. Seeing that Xia Qin came back safely, she immediately felt relieved and asked me how this happened tonight.

I told him that someone had used that sharp horn to set up an array near the school. I was trying to figure out how to crack it. I planned to go to Xu Fangfang’s house today to have a look. The principal nodded and said, "I'll trouble you, Mr. Zhang. By the way, Teacher Xia, do you want two days off?"

Xia Qin wanted to say that she was fine, but at the insistence of the principal, she was given three days off, and her class was temporarily filled by other teachers.

Xia Qin said: "I have been to Xu Fangfang's house once. I will take you there today."

I nodded: "Okay!"

It was still early now, so we went back to rest for a while. I was so exhausted this night that I fell asleep comfortably as soon as we arrived at the hotel.

When I woke up at eight o'clock in the morning, I turned on my phone as soon as possible. The man in the T-shirt sent me a long text message, solemnly writing: "According to the photo and description, this seems to be a very ancient formation. , called the 'Yinqiao Crossing Evil Formation'."

This Yin Bridge Crossing Evil Formation uses the Feng Shui pattern of one place to force the evil spirit into another place. The sharp corner on the mountain is the head of the bridge, and the mummy on the rooftop is the end of the bridge.

The t-shirt man analyzed that at that time, Gaotao's ghosts were arresting wandering souls from all directions. I happened to touch the mummy, triggering the forbidden spell on it, and the living soul was forcibly drawn to the bridge by the power of the formation, which is the bridge. Went up the mountain.

The man in the t-shirt felt that this magic circle was defensive and would not have much power if used to harm people. However, there were still people in the world who could arrange such a magic circle. There was some surprise in the man's tone.

He finally said that this matter should not be rushed. If it didn't work, he would wait until he finished his work in Hong Kong and come over to help me.

I replied with a thank you and said no, I can handle it here!

I thought about it for a while and got a general idea. Gaotao's ghost has a stubborn personality and conventional methods may not be of much use. I think we should take drastic measures to isolate his ghost from the ghost objects.

But where to send Gaotao? After thinking for a while, I suddenly had an answer.

At this time, someone knocked on the door. When she opened the door, she saw Xia Qin. She was neatly dressed and said: "Mr. Zhang, thank you for saving my life last night. I would like to invite you and Sister Xinyue to have breakfast and go to Xu Fangfang's house later. "

"Don't be so polite, let's go." I smiled.

Xia Qin chose a good restaurant and treated us to a sumptuous breakfast. After what happened last night, she and Li Mazi became very close, picking up food and whispering, making it look like Yin Xinyue and I were sitting here Two large five-hundred-watt light bulbs.

Then I asked Li Mazi to drive his car and we went to Xu Fangfang's house.

Xu Fangfang's mother runs a clothing business in a wholesale market in Macheng City, and her home and shop are together. Seeing us coming, especially Xia Qin, Xu Fangfang's mother, who was greeting the guests warmly, suddenly changed her expression: "Why are you coming to my house again? I have told you so many times that what my ex-husband did has nothing to do with me. Don't keep coming here." Find me!"

I said, "Aunt Xu, you misunderstood. We are not lawyers sent by the school, but we are here to inquire about something."

She looked me up and down: "What do you do?"

"I'm a school teacher, so I know some things about Fangfang." I explained.

"Teacher?" Xu Fangfang's mother looked at me again.

The look in her eyes was obviously a little disbelieving. As expected, I don't look like a teacher in my temperament.

However, she still agreed to answer our questions. Three months later, she had come out of her sadness, but she was still a little sad when she mentioned Xu Fangfang. She sighed: "My son is still so young, and he is gone like this. Life is so hard!”

I asked her, what did her ex-husband do?

But she didn't know. She said her ex-husband had been elusive and often hung out with a shady person. How could she live with such a person? They divorced after two years of marriage, and the court awarded her the child. She never remarried because she was too busy with her business.

I felt like I really couldn't ask anything, so I was about to leave, but suddenly I noticed something!

A simple awning was set up in front of the shop, supported by four iron rods below. I grabbed one of the iron rods and pulled it out from the ground. Below it was a strange hollow circular tube, with a tube of soil coming out of it.

Xu Fangfang's mother quickly stopped: "Hey, you are short of manpower, why did you destroy my shed?"

"Where did this come from?" I asked.

She was frightened by my serious expression and said: "I found it in the attic. It has been there for many years. It may have been left by my ex-husband. I don't know what it is. It is suitable for use as a support."

I sneered: "This thing is called Luoyang shovel!"

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