Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 864: Grave Robbers (Additional update)

Tomb robbing novels have been very popular in the past two years, so when I mentioned Luoyang shovel, everyone present realized that Xu Fangfang's father was most likely a local man, otherwise who would put such a thing in their home?

The reaction of Xu Fangfang's mother was beyond my expectation. She gritted her teeth and said, "I knew that man was not a good guy. Take this thing away! It's best to hand it over to the public security organs and arrest him."

Seeing her gnashing her teeth, I asked, "It seems you hate him quite a bit?"

"More than hatred, if the law allows killing, I will kill him with my own hands." Speaking of this, Xu Fangfang's mother pointed at Xia Qin: "I was more handsome than Teacher Xia back then, but I abandoned her after being played by my ex-husband. Ignore it, how much hardship have you endured to help your child grow up? I am only forty years old this year, look how old I have become. After Fang Fang’s accident, he came out of nowhere to ask for a share of the compensation. This was done by humans. What's the matter? He is simply a beast. I made it clear to him. I gave all the compensation to Fang Fang for his funeral. I also bought a good cemetery outside the city. I had the guts to dig up my son's grave. , this bastard!"

I thought to myself, he really dug up Xu Fangfang's grave. A person with no bottom line can really do anything. I calmly asked about the location of the cemetery, planning to collect the child's corpse afterwards, so that I could give an explanation.

I asked: "Does Fang Fang's father know any Taoism?"

Xu Fangfang's mother scolded angrily: "Bah, he is not worthy to be Fang Fang's father. His name is Xu Dahu. What kind of Taoism are you asking about?"

"For example, those who exorcise ghosts and summon ghosts..." I asked.

"I don't know about this, but I saw that he coughed often and coughed up blood when he coughed. Half of his hair turned white before he was thirty. One year when he came back, his legs were still lame. This is probably because he has committed too many sins!" Xu Fangfang 's mother recalled.

It seems that Xu Dahu does know some Taoism. As a native master, he has been exposed to it a lot, so it is normal to know some Taoism.

Xu Fangfang's mother looked me up and down and said, "Sir, I don't think you look like a teacher. Are you lying to me?"

I told my true identity and revealed that Xu Dahu had buried something near the school, and that I was invited by the school to deal with him.

Xu Fangfang's mother clapped her hands and applauded: "That's great, just go ahead and beat him to death and eliminate harm for the people!"

I smiled bitterly. I had to consider the law, so I said, "Sister, I have a small request. Can you give me some clothes that Fang Fang wore during his lifetime?"

"Okay, wait a minute." After a while, Xu Fangfang's mother took out a bag of clothes and said that she missed people when she saw them. She was so sad looking at these clothes every day. She asked me to burn them after I use them!

I comforted her and said: "Sister, don't be too sad. Life and death have their own fate. In fact, after the child dies, if the family is too concerned about it, his soul will stay in the world and cannot be reborn. This will be detrimental to both parties." Okay, so you’d better let go of your sadness as soon as possible.”

She sighed: "It's easy to say. How can I forget my son who I have raised for seventeen years all of a sudden? But what you said makes sense. Thank you very much!"

"I will recite a rebirth mantra for him later so that he can be saved as soon as possible." I said.

Xu Fangfang's mother smiled and said: "Brother, are you a Taoist priest or a monk? How can you do everything?"

After saying goodbye to Xu Fangfang's mother, I made a rough analysis and found that Xu Dahu was probably one of the tomb robbers who robbed Gao Tao's tomb at that time. The news was wrong. The tomb robbers were not two, but three! Xu Dahu somehow escaped and brought out the magic horn. Then by chance, something happened to his son, so he used this thing to extort money from the school.

Yin Xinyue said: "Husband, what you said makes sense, but there seems to be a loophole in it."

"What loophole?" I asked.

"The divine horn is a hidden object, right? It should be worth a lot of money. Why didn't Xu Dahu sell the divine horn after he went to all this trouble to blackmail the school?" Yin Xinyue shook her head in confusion.

"The value of something is different in the eyes of different people. For example, a dinosaur fossil may have a lot of value in the eyes of biologists, but it is worthless in the eyes of ordinary people. Let's just say this horn is Antiques don't count. If he shows it to others and says it comes from a unicorn, will anyone believe him? He has no channels to buy and sell femininity, so he can't do this kind of business. The divine horn is just a piece of cake in his hands. Root angle." I explained calmly.

Yin Xinyue nodded convincingly.

I gave Li Mazi and Xia Qin an important task and asked them to get in the car and go to Lu'an now. Li Mazi asked: "Brother Zhang, are you asking us to get something?"

"The understanding is good, I want you to dig a bag of Gaotao's grave soil!" I said.

Xia Qin was a little embarrassed: "Gaotao's Tomb is also a scenic spot. There are so many people coming and going, so it might not be easy to do it, but it should be okay at night."

Li Mazi also looked hesitant: "Are there any risks in this matter?"

I said: "Don't worry, there is no risk. Gaotao's ghost is here now, and you are just digging up the grave. If unfortunately the police find him, you will take him back as a memorial. At most, you can criticize and educate him."

Xia Qin stuck out her tongue: "Even if I just criticize education, I might lose my job if the school finds out."

I said, "Then let Li Mazi come in and run away as soon as there is any movement!"

Xia Qin was amused and giggled.

I especially reminded you to leave as soon as possible and don't get tired of it on the road. You can slowly get tired of it after the incident is resolved.

The two drove away. It was not too far from Macheng to Lu'an. It was estimated that they would be back tonight. I was not in a hurry to go back to school. Yin Xinyue and I walked around the market in Macheng to replenish some things.

After returning to school, I cleaned my hands and burned incense, mixed the high-quality cinnabar I bought with mineral water, dipped wolf hair in ink, and drew some magic talismans. The magic talismans were consumed too quickly in the past two days, and I was a little short of them.

My skill in drawing magic talismans is getting better and better now. I can draw four or five out of ten medium-sized talismans. This is pretty good. I probably have a knack for it.

After preparing some things, there was nothing to do in the afternoon and there were no entertainment activities nearby, so Yin Xinyue and I watched "Riding the Wind and Waves" in the hotel. It was another boring movie that sells feelings.

After watching the movie, it was already past five o'clock. I said to Yin Xinyue: "Let's find a better restaurant and treat Li Xiaomeng and his friends to a meal in the evening."

"Hubby, didn't you still think they were noisy yesterday? Why are you inviting them to dinner again tonight?" Yin Xinyue had a wry smile on her face.

"I need their help tonight." I replied mysteriously.

I sent a text message to Li Xiaomeng. When I heard that I was going to invite him to dinner, Li Xiaomeng was very happy and made an appointment to meet at the school gate at six o'clock.

After we went downstairs, I found that I had forgotten my mobile phone, so I went back to the house to get it. Suddenly I found that the door was not closed tightly, and I felt puzzled. I remembered that it was obviously closed.

My first reaction was that I had been robbed, so I quickly went into the house to check. Strangely enough, nothing was missing, but a comb used by Yin Xinyue was thrown on the bed.

Yin Xinyue loves to be tidy and never throws away personal belongings. I thought about it and realized that something was wrong. There was hair on the comb. For those who knew Taoism, one hair was enough to kill the other person!

I rushed downstairs and asked the receptionist if anyone had just asked what room number I lived in?

The waiter nodded: "There was a man who inquired about me just now and said he was your friend."

"What does he look like?" I asked quickly.

"He was wearing a mask and sunglasses, but he seemed to be walking with a slight limp," the waiter recalled.

Yin Xinyue said: "Husband, I remember, when I was waiting for you here just now, I saw a lame man leaving from the main entrance!"

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