Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 865: Witch Gu Grass Man

I told Yin Xinyue not to go anywhere, and then rushed out of the hotel. The school had not ended yet, and the street in front of the school gate was still deserted. At a glance, I saw a lame man walking on the road.

The man looked back as he walked like a thief. When he saw me chasing him, he immediately fled into a small alley.

I caught up with him, but the man's legs were not convenient and he couldn't walk fast. I rushed into the alley and shouted at his back: "Xu Dahu, stop pretending!"

The other person slowly turned around and slowly took off his sunglasses and mask. Just as his ex-wife described, he indeed had white hair, looked very haggard, had pale skin, sunken eye sockets, and his face looked like a skeleton.

Xu Dahu sneered: "Friend, which road are you on?"

"Who are you friends with? You just took something from my room." I said angrily.

"You're quite smart!" Xu Dahu took out a straw man with a long hair pinned to it by a pin. It turned out to be Yin Xinyue's. Then he took out a lighter and pointed it at the straw man's head.

"What do you mean?" I had a vague premonition in my heart.

"Hmph, it's not interesting. When negotiating, you have to have a bargaining chip, and this bargaining chip is your wife's life. By the way, your wife is quite decent. It's a pity that she dies like this." Xu Dahu showed a lewd smile.

I immediately became furious and took a step forward: "Put that thing down!"

"Hey, hey, don't come here!" Xu Dahu took a step back: "If you take one more step forward, I will take action."

I frowned and gritted my teeth secretly.

Xu Dahu said: "Friend, you have been very active these past two days. Did the principal ask you to deal with me? I think you are a good person. So, I have a suggestion."

I suppressed my anger and asked, "What proposal?"

"How about we join forces and make this school a mess." Xu Dahu suggested.

"What grudge do you have against the school?" Faced with Xu Dahu's suggestion, I was speechless.

"There is no grudge. It's just that my son died and the school only compensated 200,000 yuan, but I didn't get a penny. Isn't it too shameful! It's not easy for me to raise a son. I have to pay 1.8 million yuan to be enough." Well, I am a commoner with nowhere to seek justice, so I invited this ancient saint to uphold justice for me."

Hearing these shameless words, I wanted to step forward and punch him in the face.

Xu Dahu continued slowly: "Actually, I got this thing accidentally, and this formation was also copied from the ancient tomb. I feel that you understand this better, and I hope to make it more effective. , it’s best to let a few people in the school die, then I’ll see what the principal is still trying to do with me.”

"You are blackmailing, do you know?" I pointed at Xu Dahu and said angrily.

"How can it be called extortion? How about legitimate rights protection? Hey, it's safer to do this kind of thing. It's not like robbing tombs. It's just exchanging lives for money, and it can't be exchanged for a few cents." Xu Dahu said leisurely.

What such people want is not justice at all, but money. They are heartless and can use the death of their loved ones to benefit themselves. I despise him from the bottom of my heart.

While he was talking, the temperature around him suddenly dropped, and a gloomy energy was slowly gathering.

I decided to take a gamble, so I shouted righteously: "Don't even think about it!"

"Then don't blame me."

As he said that, Xu Dahu lit the lighter. I quickly took out the Sirius Whip and swung it over, aiming at his wrist and swiping it, and the straw man fell to the ground. Xu Dahu was so angry that he wanted to step on the straw man. If he stepped on it, Yin Xinyue's liver and gallbladder would be broken. I rushed over desperately and pushed him away.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

Xu Dahu pulled out a dagger from his arms and stabbed me twice. I was forced to move away, but in this way, the straw man fell into his control again.

Xu Dahu picked up the straw man and sneered: "Go back and say goodbye to your wife!"

Then I had to use a dagger to prick the straw man. I was shocked.

When we were fighting, the yin energy around us became stronger and stronger. I felt that I was right in my bet. Gaotao's yin spirit had already noticed this place. I actually put my hope in a ghost thing, and it was a ghost thing made by the murderer behind the scenes to deal with him. Even I don't believe it when I say it.

But this jade horn is not an ordinary artifact, it is a law-enforcement artifact given by God, and it will not bend the law for anyone's personal gain!

Xu Dahu suddenly yelled and looked straight up. I heard a gloomy voice say: "Witches caused chaos and injured people with weapons. They are guilty of the most heinous crimes. You will be sentenced to death."

This punishment is the ancient punishment of cutting off the nose, which is very cruel.

Xu Dahu knelt on the ground with a plop, took a knife and started to cut his nose, screaming while cutting. The scene was really frightening.

I stood still, firstly because I didn't want to save him, and secondly because he had a knife in his hand, and if I went to save him, it wouldn't be worthwhile for him to stab him again.

Xu Dahu cut for a full minute, cutting off all the cartilage and flesh in front of the nose. Then he rolled his eyes and fell to the ground. The dark wind disappeared without a trace. My little heart was beating wildly. It was so bloody.

I called Yin Xinyue and the principal respectively and asked them to come over immediately. I called 120 at the same time. Then I picked up the straw man on the ground and took off the hair of Yin Xinyue. The straw man was professionally done, and there was a piece of paper inside with Yin Xinyue's birthday and horoscope written on it. He didn't know where he found it.

After a while, Yin Xinyue arrived and was frightened by this scene. I asked her if she felt any physical discomfort, and she said: "No! Husband, who is this man? Why did he cut his nose? It's so bloody!" "

"I'll wait until the principal comes." I replied.

After the principal arrived, I explained the matter. The principal was overjoyed: "Mr. Zhang, you are indeed very capable. You managed to kill the murderer by yourself."

I said: "It's done, it's done, but the vagina is still in the school."

"Everyone is here, why are you afraid that you can't collect your things?" the principal said confidently.

I'm not trying to discourage the principal, but it's really possible.

Xu Dahu only knew the basics of Taoism. People with more advanced Taoism wouldn't even bother to use it. It's just that he was lucky enough to get such a super powerful femininity, just like a three-year-old child picked up an AK47, which was so powerful that he couldn't control it, and finally capsized in the gutter.

After 120 arrived, he took the unconscious Xu Dahu away. Yin Xinyue said: "This man is so hateful. Husband, are you going to spare him like this?"

"I can't help it, he didn't break the law, but..." I turned to look at the principal: "Principal, if you are afraid of this person's revenge, go to the police! This person is a tomb robber, and there must be a case against him, if nothing else. , the robbery of Gao Tao's tomb is enough for him to go to jail for more than ten years."

"Okay, I'll contact the public security agency immediately." The principal nodded quickly.

I said this quickly, but suddenly I regretted it. If Xu Dahu revealed the incident about Gaotao's tomb, I would have to hand over this horn, and this hard work would become voluntary labor.

But it's hard to get rid of the water. Having said all the words, it seems that if I want to receive the sin-breaking horn, I guess I have to be a little more careful.

I said to the principal: "Tonight I plan to do something to break the formation set by Xu Dahu. I need a few classmates from Class 3, Grade 3 to help me."

The principal said in embarrassment: "Can't we find a few school workers to help?"

"No, these kids know Xu Fangfang, and they are the most suitable candidates." I said.

"There won't be any danger." The principal was worried.

"Don't worry, I will do the dangerous parts. They just need to be there." I said.

"Okay then, I'll go back and say hello to their class teacher." The principal finally agreed.

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