Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 866 Breaking the formation late at night

Li Xiaomeng and the others were all very happy when they heard that they no longer had to study in the evening. I didn’t want to mention the process of inviting them to dinner. A bunch of brats were chattering so loudly that my head almost split open.

In order to prepare for what happened in the evening, I told them a few things that I had personally experienced at the dinner table. The little guys were stunned for a while, and after listening to each one, they kept pestering me to tell another story.

"Okay, okay, no more talking." After talking for an hour, my mouth was dry and I drank a drink.

"It's so boring, let's talk about it again!" Student Shouhou said, shaking my arm.

I felt that the time had come, and said slyly: "Do you want to experience it for yourself?"

"Think about it! Think about it!" they said enthusiastically one by one.

Children are really easy to coax, so I told them that I had an important task for them tonight, to help me contain my vaginal objects. Everyone was impatient and clamored to leave as soon as possible.

But Li Mazi never came back. I wonder if he was shaken while driving with Xia Qin on the road. If he didn't bring the soil from Gaotao's grave, I wouldn't be able to start here. So I sent a few text messages and called to remind me. Li Mazi said: "We have entered Macheng and will be there soon."

At half past eight, Li Mazi arrived at the school with a large bag of grave soil in his hand. I told them the news about catching Xu Dahu. This evil thing needs to be dealt with, let’s get ready to take action.”

A group of us rushed to the fourth dormitory building in a mighty manner. When we entered the dark corridor, the fat students began to retreat and shouted to go back.

Everyone was originally very high-spirited, but when he disturbed the situation, several students began to want to quit.

I comforted them and said, "Don't worry. Although this place is haunted, there is no danger."

Li Xiaomeng said: "Uncle Jiulin, why do you have to bring us with you? If you want the baby to urinate, we will give it to you here. One hundred yuan a bottle, the price is fair!"

"You are really good at business. It seems that your father has a successor." I knocked the melon on his head.

The thin monkey student said: "I understand, you must have some ulterior secrets, such as using us as sacrifices and negotiating a deal with ghosts?"

"You kid, why are you so rich in association skills? In fact, the reason why I called you here is because I have to go to another place to practice. Only by starting at the same time can I crack the formation. But don't worry, you don't have to do anything, just stand. Yes!" I explained.

"Is it dangerous?" the fat student asked.

"There will be no danger, I will definitely be fully prepared!"

Although I said this, the surrounding atmosphere was too weird, and everyone still felt a little guilty.

When we arrived on the fourth floor, I used my mobile phone to light up the front. The little guys were so scared that they huddled together and kept looking around. Yin Xinyue said, "How about I tell you a joke? If you laugh, you will feel less nervous."

Li Xiaomeng shook her head: "Just tell jokes, don't bother to listen. Sister Xinyue, why are you so calm?"

"Because I feel safe with your Uncle Jiulin." After saying that, Yin Xinyue took my arm.

We arrived at the rooftop without incident. The reason why Xu Fangfang’s ghost did not appear was because such a large group of people gathered together, and most of them were boys. Their yang energy was as strong as a ball of fire, which people are usually afraid of. Ghosts, but ghosts are also afraid when there are too many people.

After arriving at the rooftop, I lifted up the heat shield. When the corpse of a child in red clothes was exposed below, a group of boys screamed in fright and ran away in all directions.

"Come back, don't run around!" I yelled.

After they came back obediently, Li Xiaomeng asked me: "What is that, a zombie?"

"I tell you, you must keep it secret. This is your classmate Xu Fangfang." I said.

Upon hearing this, everyone's faces turned pale with fear.

I told them that Xu Fangfang was refined by the bad guys, but his mind has not been lost. He is trapped here now. All we have to do is to rescue him.

So I started to make preparations. With the child corpse in red as the core, I drew an array on the outside with cinnabar mixed with eel blood. Outside the array, I placed a few clothes that Xu Fangfang wore during his lifetime. Then I used cinnabar to draw a stripe on the ground. Everyone is asked to stand behind the line and no matter what happens, they are not allowed to take a step forward.

Finally, I gave each of them a magic talisman. Don't stick it randomly, just keep it in your arms. This is to prevent unexpected events.

There is only one thing they need to do, wait for my signal later, and shout Xu Fangfang's name together!

This is actually a soul seduction array, which transfers Xu Fangfang's ghost to the clothes he wore during his lifetime, making the array ineffective.

I asked Yin Xinyue and Xia Qin to stay here. Yin Xinyue said unhappily: "I will go to the mountain with you."

"No, it's too dangerous over there, leave it to me and Li Mazi! Just wait for my call, and you'll start calling the souls when I call." I warned carefully.

"Then be careful." Yin Xinyue said.

"Do not worry."

I was about to leave when Li Mazi said in an ink tone, "Xiaomeng is still here. I'm not worried. How about I stay too?"

"No, I need a helper. How about bringing Xiaomeng with me?" I said this deliberately.

As expected, Li Mazi's face changed drastically: "How about that? I'll go, I'll go!"

Although the straight-line distance from here to the mountain opposite is only ten meters, we couldn't jump over it, so we took a detour behind the school. It took us twenty minutes to reach the top of the mountain. I pricked a hole in the plastic bag containing the soil from the tomb. Son, spread the soil as you walk.

Li Mazi started panting after only climbing a few steps. I said contemptuously: "You must have a weak kidney, you deserve it!"

Li Mazi smiled sheepishly, and then drooped his face. After he came back from Lu'an, he had been depressed. I noticed it at this time. When I asked, I was shocked to find out that Xia Qin had a boyfriend in his hometown!

Xia Qin confessed this to Li Mazi on the road. She had a childhood sweetheart boyfriend. The two had been dating since high school. When they grew up, they lived apart and only saw each other once a year. His boyfriend is a car mechanic. Because of their different professions, they feel increasingly speechless when they sit together.

But after so many years together, Xia Qin couldn't bear to break up. She felt very guilty after hooking up with Li Mazi in the past two days, so she took this opportunity to be alone to confess to him.

I said: "People say that distance creates beauty, but it seems that it won't work if the distance is too far!"

Li Mazi sighed: "Why do I feel like I was slept with by this girl?"

I laughed and patted his shoulder: "You are so blessed, I envy you."

Then asked him: "Do you have feelings for this girl Xia Qin?"

Li Mazi looked at the sky and sighed, and said with a melancholy look: "Don't mention your feelings to me. I feel like my heart is scarred now and I haven't fully recovered yet..."

"Why are you still playing Shen Shen? Anyway, this is a matter between you and her. You can weigh it yourself. But let me remind you that after this incident is over, you have to return to Wuhan. You and Xia Qin is also a long distance away, and you two have different professions. What happened between her and her boyfriend will inevitably not happen to you. But Xiaomeng goes to school here, and Wuhan is not far from Macheng. You It's not impossible to come once a week and accompany Teacher Xia and Xiaomeng, but you should think twice before you act." I warned.

"That's true." Li Mazi mused: "Damn it, I'm a 40-year-old man, why am I like a passionate prodigal, struggling with these things all day long."

"Maybe it's because you haven't repaid the love debt you owed in your previous life!" At this point, I suddenly saw a few nails stuck in an open space, many silk threads intricately intertwined, and a small mound of newly piled soil in the middle. , with a few peach stakes stuck on it, I said: "We are here!"

(ps: Happy birthday to the nine-tailed fox, a reader of "The Merchant of the Underworld"!)

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