Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 867 The great collision between ancient and modern times

I finally saw the true face of the Yinqiao Crossing Evil Formation. Its composition is very primitive and can no longer be seen in modern times.

I have scattered all the soil on the tombs along the way. We went up the mountain from the southeast. A long line of soil on the tombs faces the southeast, which is where Gao Tao's tomb is located.

I started to prepare, using ink mixed with eel blood to draw a formation on the ground, and then burned some paper money in the formation.

Gao Tao has been ranked as a ghost immortal, and he was a law enforcer during his lifetime. I believe he will not use force as soon as he comes up!

Different femininities use different methods to surrender. If you want to fight, I will accompany you. If you have grievances, I will resolve them. This time is special. People are being reasonable, so I just want to be reasonable too and convince people with reason.

I said to Li Mazi: "I'm going to ask you something later."

"Just tell me what's going on and be polite to me," Li Mazi said.

"I asked you to hand over the book. Kneel down in this position, hold this "Criminal Law" and flip through the pages. Don't flip too fast, and remember to face in that direction." I ordered.

Li Mazi's face changed greatly: "Brother Zhang, this is too much. I have gold under my knees, how can I kneel down to a ghost?"

"They are ghosts and immortals. And then again, Gaotao was named the ancestor of the emperor Li during the Tang Dynasty. He is your ancestor. Is there anything wrong with kneeling to your ancestors?" I said.

Li Mazi said suspiciously: "You didn't lie to me?"

"Go back and check it yourself. I lied to you about my live broadcast of eating sex!" I cursed angrily.

The reason why I only brought Li Mazi here was to save some face for him. It would be a bit embarrassing for others to see him kneeling. In fact, if I piss off Gao Tao later, I might even have to kneel down and kowtow a few times. .

However, they are reasonable ghosts and should not embarrass us, so I always use something with a strong Yin energy when drawing the formation to avoid bumping into each other.

I chanted the incantation, and the wind was strong all around, and even the moonlight dimmed. An old man with a white beard slowly appeared on the mound, still holding the horn of the God of Sin.

"Who summoned me!"

"Junior Zhang Jiulin, please ask the old immortal to come out to discuss something." I said respectfully.

"Zhang Jiulin?" Gao Tao looked me up and down, probably remembering: "Are you the sinner who escaped?"

"Old god, that is definitely a misunderstanding. I am still alive. How about you test me with that horn to see if I have committed a crime?" I said.

Gao Tao waved his long sleeves: "No need, just tell me if you have anything to say!"

Li Mazi couldn't see Gao Tao, but the atmosphere around him was gloomy. He was so frightened that his face turned pale and his legs kept shaking.

I said: "Send the book over!"

Li Mazi trembled and quickly knelt down, holding the book in both hands. The position where he knelt was facing Gao Tao.

Gao Tao was slightly startled and asked, "What is this?"

"Take a look at the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, which is the current law." I said respectfully.

Li Mazi was probably too nervous and forgot to turn the page. Gao Tao stretched out a skinny finger and stroked the "Criminal Law" without touching the book. The pages of the book slowly turned by themselves.

I bought this book in traditional Chinese, but I’m not sure whether modern literary scholar Gao Tao can understand it. He frowned slightly, as if it was a bit difficult to understand.

Li Mazi and I stood and knelt, not daring to move, waiting for Gao Tao to finish.

After seeing the last page, he shook his head and said, "No, no, no, no, no, no, contemporary laws are not as good as the "Five Punishments" promulgated when this king was alive."

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"The punishment is too light, how can we deter the criminals? Moreover, there are no charges of unfilial piety, disrespect, or injustice. If benevolence, righteousness, and morality are ruined, wouldn't the world be in chaos?" Gao Tao shouted, blowing his beard and staring.

It seemed that he understood, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I was afraid that he wouldn't understand, or would ignore me, which would be bad.

I started to argue one by one, and as I continued to argue, I felt a little dazed. This was not about subduing the negative things. It was completely a great collision of ancient and modern thoughts.

I also did a lot of homework before, and I can give a general idea of ​​the legal system, legal and moral concepts.

I talked for about half an hour, and my mouth was dry. Gao Tao was full of feudal thoughts and was as stubborn as a stone. I started to feel guilty. It was over. I was afraid I couldn't win him in the argument. How could I win? Violence? But I may not be able to defeat him alone.

Li Mazi had been kneeling for too long. Seeing that I had been talking to the air, he probably knew what I was doing. He winked desperately and whispered: "What do you mean by those people covered in clouds and mountains? Are they willing to listen? Flatter him." ah!"

Yes, I was inspired. I have been denying his ancient "Five Punishments", but of course people are not happy about it.

Sure enough, Gao Tao got a little angry. He puffed up his sleeves and said, "According to you, my laws are all harmful to people!"

"No, no, old god, you are the founder of the law. The five punishments you promulgated are the cornerstone of future generations of law. Without the five punishments you promulgated, there would be no prosperity and peace today..."

"The surging river is endless!" Li Mazi whispered to me.

I said against my will: "You are known as the Four Ancient Saints in the contemporary world. The respect of the younger generations for you is like the endless flow of the river. The Yellow River floods out of control!"

Gao Tao looked at me intently and saw that I felt guilty. He suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed: "It seems that I have done something good after spending my whole life. I am very relieved. I am very relieved."

I breathed a sigh of relief. As expected, this line, which is often said in movies and TV dramas, was very new to Gao Tao.

He suddenly floated up, his long white beard fluttering in the dark wind, and flew over my head: "Hunter, what you said makes sense. The era of this king has passed. You have your own laws in this era. This king will no longer interfere in this era..."

Then he turned into a dark wind and floated away along the line drawn on the grave, and the surrounding wind also stopped.

I instantly felt as if all my strength had been drained from my body. It was more tiring to convince a ghost than to fight one.

Li Mazi asked: "Is it done?"

"Done!" I laughed.

"Damn it, little brother Zhang, you are so good at cheating me. My legs are numb." As he said this, Li Mazi wanted to stand up, but found that he couldn't stand up. His legs were really numb.

I helped Li Mazi go to the side to rest for a while, then took out all the nails, chicken blood, and refined salt from the bag, and started to arrange it. The array just now was only for summoning Yin spirits, and this array now is for dealing with Yin objects.

After I finished it, I made a phone call and asked Yin Xinyue to start shouting! They had been waiting anxiously for a long time. I heard a sound coming from the direction of the school, and several boys' voices shouted Xu Fangfang's name like a chorus.

Then I also chanted the incantation and activated the magic circle.

With the combined force of the two formations, the original formation began to collapse. The silk threads that made up the formation broke one by one. The peach wood stakes inserted in the mound were arched one by one. Then the mound suddenly cracked and flew out from inside. Something stuck in the ground at my feet.

I was overjoyed, this was the legendary Judgment Corner!

I held it in my hand, and it was curved like a rhinoceros horn, with ridges on it that looked like jade but not jade, like horns but not horns. It felt like a fossilized animal horn.

Li Mazi said excitedly: "Show me, show me."

He took it, looked at it repeatedly in his hand, and said with a smile, "How much is this thing worth?"

I was about to give it an estimate when I suddenly noticed something was wrong with the atmosphere around me. I quickly patted Li Mazi and said, "Hey, why are there so many people suddenly in the woods?"

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