Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 877: Water Fishing Ghost

Could it be that the ghosts of the two young men came back during the first seven weeks? A horrifying thought suddenly occurred to me.

But I didn't say it out loud for fear of scaring the villagers.

Secretary Dakang asked people to rebury the two tombs, and then invited me to his house for dinner.

The lunch meal consisted of a table of fish and shrimp, and only a plate of fried vegetables. When I flipped through it with chopsticks, I found that it was full of fish offal, which made me unbearable. Secretary Dakang has a wife and children at home. His wife keeps asking me if I see any tricks? I said I was still observing, and his wife immediately distrusted me, while Secretary Dakang stood by and tried his best to put in good words for me.

The next two or three days were very miserable. I ate fish all the time. Oyu said my blood had a fishy smell. I couldn't sleep well. The quilt at Secretary Dakang's house was also clammy. Not to mention how uncomfortable it is...

There is neither TV nor Internet here. Oyu yells "boring, boring" every day, constantly encouraging me to run away. Why don't I have this idea in my mind? But Secretary Dakang followed me wherever I went during the day, obviously trying to spy on me.

The main thing I did during the day was to go to the river bend and stare at the water below to think about countermeasures. I often stayed there all afternoon.

The reason why there are so many water ghosts in the water is probably because people from all over the country are attracted to this evil thing!

When Henan suffered a drought, at least there was an oasis. At least it was still sunny outside, and I could lead the villagers to dig wells. What should I do about this waterlogging disaster? Should I lead the villagers in greenhouse cultivation? Summer is coming soon, and depending on the intensity of the rain, there may be flooding.

After thinking about it, I figured out one thing, this river bend is what I have to face no matter what!

I went to Secretary Dakang and suggested to him that we go to the county to hire a professional salvage team to fish out the underwater things, and I would pay for it.

Secretary Dakang said: "Mr. Zhang, didn't you say there are many water monkeys down there?"

"Yes, I am going to gather the young and strong labor force in the village and wipe out these water monkeys!"

"Sweeping, how to sweep?" Secretary Dakang asked.

"Water fisherman!" I sneered.

Grandpa mentioned this method in his notes. In his long career, grandpa also encountered this kind of yin object that sank to the bottom of the water. The strong yin energy of the yin object will naturally attract some water ghosts. He used it back then. The method of fishing for water ghosts is to get that evil thing.

I thought I would never encounter this kind of thing in my lifetime, but it seems I have to face it sooner or later!

I have observed carefully in the past two days. There are about 6,000 water monkeys under the water. The village can mobilize more than 50 laborers. On average, each person can catch 150 water monkeys to wipe them all out. Then the salvage team You can go down safely.

This may sound a bit unbelievable, but food comes in bites, and it’s better to do it than wait.

Right now, I am at an extreme disadvantage. If I don’t pool my limited resources together, there will be no chance of winning!

The fishing ghost still needs some things. I am going to the county town to purchase. Secretary Dakang is going to come with me. I am a little dumbfounded. Are you so afraid that I will run away?

I said I left my bag here. There are many important things in it. I will never run away. I will come back immediately after buying something.

Secretary Dakang said awkwardly: "Mr. Zhang, I didn't mean that. Don't misunderstand me. Just go ahead."

It doesn't mean anything else.

I also gave him an important task, to collect the hair of some eldest girls who have not left the palace. I don’t want those whose zodiac sign is dragon or tiger. The yang energy of these two types of hair is too strong and will scare away water ghosts.

When I left, I left all the medium talismans on me with him. If anything goes wrong, just stick them. Don't waste them.

I took a tractor and came to the county town. Once I arrived at the small county town, I was happier than when I came to Hong Kong or Macau. I was like a wild horse running wild, so I went to a restaurant first. We ordered a large table of sauced elbows, mutton pots, and braised beef, and ordered a few bottles of beer. Odama, who usually doesn't eat, followed me and ate as much as I could. After eating, we both burped happily.

After dinner, I go to the hotel to get a room, take a hot bath, and white hair will grow on my body in the past two days. Then I turn on the computer, watch TV online, browse Weibo and eat snacks. Not to mention how refreshing it is!

I called Yin Xinyue and told her that I was working in Shandong and would be back in two days. Yin Xinyue asked if she wanted to come over and accompany me. When I thought of the harsh environment in Dancun, I said it was better to forget it.

I called the man in the t-shirt again. Although he didn't turn off his phone this time, I called him many times but couldn't get through. I could only send him a text message telling him that I was having a problem now and that he would come to help as soon as I saw the message!

After that, I started to purchase things. I bought a lot of cattle and sheep, as well as dozens of fiberglass fishing rods of relatively good quality. The name of the fishing rod is "Dragon King's Hate", which is really suitable for the occasion. I bought dozens of wood chopping knives and some techniques. s material.

I couldn’t ask Secretary Dakang to reimburse me for the money I paid for shopping. It was all out of my own pocket.

After shopping, it was getting late, so I spent the night in the hotel. We hired a car early the next morning and took our things back to the village. Seeing the village shrouded in rain clouds from a distance, Odama lowered his ears and said, "I'm going to come back and suffer again!"

I comforted her and said, "After this suffering is over, I will take you to Disneyland."

I feel that sometimes people just need to have some fun. After this day, I feel full of energy and can continue to come back.

After getting off the bus, I found that Secretary Dakang was waiting for me at the entrance of the village like he was looking forward to the stars and the moon, which made me a little touched.

I asked him if nothing happened in the village. Secretary Dakang said no. It was a peaceful day.

I asked Secretary Dakang to call all the strong laborers, and we went to Hewan. After a while, all the strong working people in the village followed us to the river bend. There was nothing to do for three months. Everyone was so idle. Some had their hands in their pockets, some had cigarettes in their mouths, and some had heads as messy as a chicken coop. Than a wilted Ba.

I picked a place, took some girl's hair, chopped some cattle and sheep offal with a knife, and soaked it in soju for a while. Then take it out, wrap it with hair, and hang it on the fishing rod.

In addition, I asked someone to build a simple stove with bricks nearby. There was a fire underneath, and a large pot of cooked glutinous rice was simmering on it. There were more than a dozen knives inserted in it. I bit off my fingers and poured some water into it. Some blood.

I called a young man and asked him, "Have you ever chopped firewood?"


"When I catch something later, you take out a knife and chop it on its neck like wood, you know?" I ordered.

The young man hesitated and said, "I understand."

I sat on a small bench and threw the fishing rod into the river. There was a low discussion behind me. Most people didn't believe that water monkeys could be caught. After waiting for about five minutes, suddenly the buoy on the water sank. I quickly reeled in the line and pulled back with all my strength.

There was a splash, and a black shadow was immediately pulled up from the water...

(ps: Thank you for your recommendation votes! Everyone is so active that Lao Jiu can’t keep up. Let me tell you, in order for everyone to read a good book, Lao Jiu needs to spend several hours carefully crafting each chapter. I'm afraid that everyone's money will be wasted. Sometimes the amount is even less. I hope everyone can understand!)

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