Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 878: The first sword is the most difficult to strike (additional update)

With all my strength, I pulled the black shadow ashore!

It was a naked child with slippery skin and a head covered with water plants. He was holding a fishhook and rolling on the ground, frightening the surrounding villagers to retreat.

I reeled in the line hard to prevent the water monkey from hurting the onlookers, and asked the young man to quickly chop him off.

The young man held the knife in both hands and was trembling, but he didn't dare to draw the knife. I was so anxious that I asked him to give me the knife. The young man said, "Look...look at the face of this water monkey. Isn't it the iron bull that drowned last week?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked and started talking.

The water monkey was so strong that he pulled the fishing rod out of my hand and rushed towards the crowd. I quickly pulled out a woodcutter from the glutinous rice soup and stepped on the fishing rod with my feet.

The water monkey fell down due to inertia, and the fishhook cut his throat. He let out a high-pitched scream that made people's livers and gallbladders burst. Then it rushed towards me. I picked up the woodcutter and struck it on the head.

The water monkey roared and struggled for a few times, then turned into a black air and floated away, leaving a pool of black blood on the ground.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead. At this time, everyone looked at me with a strange look. I felt angry and yelled at the young man who lost his chain at the critical moment: "What did you do? You almost killed someone, you know?" ?”

He hesitated and said: "Master Zhang, Tieniu and I have been playing together since childhood. How can I do it?"

This was excusable. I lost half of my anger and explained to them that no matter who they were in life, they are now water monkeys and have no humanity. There are two ways to help them escape, one is to kill them, the other is to go down and be their substitute, and ask them which one they would like to choose?

Everyone turned pale with fright, and of course no one wanted to go down and keep company with the water monkey.

It was my demonstration just now. I asked them to choose ten people to work in pairs. One person fishes and the other person stands beside him with a knife. The villagers looked confused. Most of them regarded the scene just now as It’s fun to watch.

Someone asked me: "Master Zhang, isn't your method too troublesome? You can't just set up a table by the river, burn a few talismans, and scatter some glutinous rice like other masters did."

Others echoed: "That's right, can this master do it?"

Being suspected made me very annoyed, so I patiently said, did the master invited by their village use this method before, and was it effective? If one or two water ghosts can indeed be driven away in this way, the current situation is that there are thousands of water ghosts living in the river bend, and they must be killed one by one.

This principle is like putting out a fire. A small fire can be extinguished with a glass of water, but a large fire cannot be extinguished with water. It has to be drained from the bottom of the cauldron.

I also made it clear to them that if they are not willing to endure this hardship, then I will leave now, and you can hire someone else, and they can keep the fishing rod and woodcutter for their own use.

For this reason, many people are shrinking their necks and saying nothing, saying nothing or expressing their opinions. That kind of shrinking and unwillingness to take responsibility makes me a little annoyed.

I don’t want to say that farmers have any bad qualities. In fact, why aren’t city people indifferent and selfish? In the past, I always believed that people are inherently good by nature. As I come into contact with more and more people, I believe more and more that people are actually selfish by nature.

Secretary Dakang stepped forward to smooth things over again and advised me not to get angry.

I said, "Secretary Dakang, I'm not angry. I just want to ask if they are willing to contribute to this village?"

Someone raised their eyebrows and asked, "Master, you can do your best, but is it dangerous?"

I answered clearly: "There is danger!"

Everyone was shocked for a while, and I explained to them that fishing for water ghosts is not a child's play. They also saw it just now. As long as there is a moment of hesitation, a life may be lost. They must take it seriously.

Although I will be there to protect them, whether they can be safe or not depends on their own attitude.

Originally, I wanted to stimulate them, but unexpectedly it had the opposite effect. Some people backed down on the spot and said they wanted to leave. Some of them said something very irritating: "The rain will stop sooner or later anyway, why bother?" !", "We can't do this, let others do it.", "This master is too funny, we invited him here, but he is counting on us."

I sneered and said, "Okay, let's go!"

More than a dozen people left on the spot. I used my mind to ask Oyu to do something to them, while pretending to recite a spell. The group of people who left suddenly started screaming like they had seen a ghost. They ran over to me, knelt down in front of me, kowtowed, and begged me for my life.

This trick was really effective in frightening the monkeys. The eyes of others looking at me were filled with awe.

I shouted sternly: "You guys stand up and come here!"

I asked these dozen cowards to come over to catch water ghosts, and at the same time asked Secretary Dakang to prepare something. The dozen or so people picked up fishing rods and woodcutters in fear and started fishing for water ghosts. I held a machete in my hand and watched nervously.

This rain has completely wiped out the fighting spirit of the villagers. I have to stimulate them!

I remember a saying that a hundred sheep led by a lion is better than a hundred lions led by a sheep. Sun Wu was able to train more than a hundred palace maids into elite soldiers because of training! Human nature is lazy and selfish, but I believe people are also extremely malleable.

Ten minutes later, a villager suddenly stood up and shouted nervously: "Master Zhang, you took the bait!"

"Don't panic, just reel in the line like fishing." I warned.

The villagers began to retract their poles and pulled up a water monkey with a clatter. The swordsman next to him hesitated for a long time and did not dare to take action. The others also looked at it, completely forgetting what they were doing. This was really dangerous, and it was easy to be dragged into the water by the water ghost. I shouted at them: "Stop looking and do your own thing!"

The water monkey flopped on the ground for a long time, and the swordsman finally summoned up the courage to chop it down with his sword while screaming. He chopped it into more than a dozen cuts before stopping. After the water monkey was killed, his hands were still trembling.

I went up and patted him on the shoulder and gave him a line from a Hong Kong gangster movie: "The first blow is the hardest, and you can't stop even if you want to." The man looked at me with tears in his eyes and nodded.

Several other groups caught water ghosts one after another, and killed more than a dozen of them in one hour. The results were impressive. I asked people from the same group to switch to ensure that everyone was familiar with the fishing and killing techniques.

It took me two hours to train these cowards, and I felt relieved.

At this time Secretary Dakang came, carrying a big bag in his hand. I called everyone over and opened the bag. A terrible smell suddenly filled the air, and everyone covered their noses in unison.

This bag contains some mashed live fish juice, which is extremely fishy.

Secretary Dakang also brought a few brushes over. I asked them to help each other and brush a layer of smelly fish juice on their ponchos and coir raincoats. With such a large group of people gathered by the river, the yang energy was too strong, and the water ghosts might not be able to do it. Take the bait.

Therefore, we need to use this method to cover the yang energy on their bodies, so that they will be invisible in the eyes of water ghosts, and the safety factor will be relatively improved!

(Additional updates will be delivered!)

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