Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 883 Thor’s Hammer

I discussed the situation with the man in the t-shirt. If I stayed in Dacun at night, I'm afraid seven people would die because of me. I believe Li Mulong can definitely do such a thing.

Secretary Dakang interjected: "Mr. Zhang, now that we know who it is, can't we do something to subdue this crazy woman?"

The man in the t-shirt and I both laughed bitterly. From the outside, people who know magic can definitely fight against people who know magic. Only experts know the difference in strength.

Oyu came up with a bad idea: "She doesn't allow you to stay in the village. Just leave tonight and come back tomorrow."

I thought about it and said, "That's a good idea!"

Secretary Dakang was a little embarrassed: "Mr. Zhang, how can I explain to the villagers when you leave?"

I smiled and said, "Don't worry, this is just a delaying tactic. Let's prepare and come back to deal with her early tomorrow morning."

Having said this, I glanced at the man in the T-shirt. He nodded slightly and said, "Prepare a boat and a few rowers."

Secretary Dakang said with a sad face: "But you can't go down that bend of the river!"

The man in the t-shirt dispelled Secretary Dakang's concerns with a simple word: "We will also get on the boat."

"Okay, I'll go back and find the best boat to prepare for you."

We broke up with Secretary Dakang and were waiting for the bus on the road. I asked the man in the T-shirt if he had any plans. He casually picked up a pebble from the ground and handed it to me. I thought he was going to play some riddle with me. Pebbles are polished by water. I seemed to have some realization: "You mean, we must use softness to overcome hardness?"

"No, I just want to see if you can throw stones accurately..."

I almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

I'm not boasting. I usually use the Sirius Whip to hit wherever I want. It has reached the point where I can use my arms like my heart. Throwing rocks is similar to swinging a whip. I pointed at a wild flower on the side of the road and said, "Look at that." !”

Throwing the stone, he knocked off the flower crown very accurately. Oyu clapped his hands and applauded: "Bad brother, you still have this unique skill."

I said humbly: "Show your ugliness, show your ugliness!"

"In this case, maybe we can fight." The man in the T-shirt said.

"You don't want me to throw stones at her, do you?" I smiled bitterly.

"You'll know later." The man in the T-shirt showed me a secret from his back.

We got on the bus and came to the county town. The man in the T-shirt took me to a stonemason's shop. There were many half-finished stone lions and stone tablets at the door. The master mason saw the man in the T-shirt and said with a smile on his face: "Handsome man, I've made everything you asked for."

After saying that, he asked his assistant to bring out a big bamboo basket with more than thirty small stone hammers in it.

I picked up one. It was a heavy stone hammer with some charms engraved on it. I asked what it was, and the man in the T-shirt explained: "Have you heard of the Thunder Hammer?"

"Thunder Hammer?"

I tried my best to think back, and remembered a folk legend I had read somewhere before. It is said that when a thunder god strikes someone, he will bury the thunder hammer in the place where he is going to strike. If someone is struck by lightning among the people, they can often be found in the soil beneath them. I dug out a small stone hammer with thunder symbols engraved on it.

Could it be that the T-shirt man plans to invite Tian Lei this time!

"Did you send that token?" I subconsciously thought of the courier.

"No, Taoist Master Yiqing lent me the Five Thunder Token. I have to return it after using it." The man in the T-shirt replied.

It turned out to be him, and I asked, "Why doesn't this veteran just come along?"

"He said he won't do anything about him. By borrowing this token, you already owe him a favor..." The man in the T-shirt smiled bitterly.

Damn it, it’s so much like his style. This old man is really good with his conscience. Last time we helped him so much, we only borrowed a token. What a thief!

The man in the t-shirt paid the boy to deliver a basket of thunder hammers to the hotel, and then we found a place to eat.

While eating, I thought about the countermeasures. The thunder method used by men in T-shirts only weakens Li Mulong's power. There should be a dragon tail incense burner under the water. There is no resentment in this thing. I just need to seal its Yin Qi.

But how to set up the formation on the water?

I was looking out the window in a daze, and suddenly I saw fishing nets hanging in a shop selling fishing gear. I thought to myself, yes, I can prepare the array in advance and then scatter it on the water!

I immediately asked the waiter for paper and pen, and drew a pattern of a Yin-suppressing Formation on the paper. Then I ran out and asked the owner of the fishing gear shop to order such a net for me without even bothering to eat. Each node above must have a buoy to ensure that the entire net can float on the water.

The boss looked at the drawings and looked at me suspiciously: "This is the first time I've heard of custom-made fishing nets in the more than 20 years since I opened the shop."

I asked, "Can you do it? You decide the price."

The boss thought for a while and replied: "Five hundred!"

"I'll pay you three times the price and have it done tomorrow morning, okay?"

The boss's attitude immediately changed 180 degrees, and he nodded repeatedly: "Okay, sure! Big boss, please allow me to say one more thing, what kind of fish are you ordering this special fishing net to catch?"

I smiled mysteriously: "I'm not fishing, I'm catching dragons!"

I first paid the boss half of the deposit, and in the afternoon I ran around the county and bought some materials that I might need, and then bought a folklore book about dragons. I remember that there was a lost custom in the past, which was actually a kind of séance technique. I can use it tomorrow. After searching for a long time, I finally found it. I was very happy.

After finishing the preparations, the man in the t-shirt and I spent the rest of the time in the hotel. The man in the t-shirt was sitting cross-legged on the bed, meditating, closing his eyes and relaxing. I casually surfed the Internet, and Oyu was playing with Xiaolin in the room. , I was scolded several times.

It can be said that this day was very uneasy. I even had the urge to write a will to be sent to Yin Xinyue regularly, telling her to remarry while she is young, so that she does not have to be a widow for me, and my savings can be left for Fanfan to grow up and become rich. For second generation use.

As I thought about it, I felt a little sad. The man in the T-shirt saw my anxiety and comforted me: "Nothing will happen tomorrow. Even if there is an emergency, I will do my best to protect you and escape to the shore."

As soon as I heard this, I stood up suddenly and said, "Junior, please don't say such things. If you do anything wrong, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life, and I won't be a merchant of evil things!"

The man in the T-shirt smiled and said nothing more, but it was obvious that he was as unsure as I was.

Tomorrow will definitely be a life-and-death battle. I don't even dare to think about whether I will lose the T-shirt man just like I lost Senior Rat.

For a moment, I even wanted to say, why not run? This is a hard nut that we cannot chew off.

But no matter Grandpa, Senior Rat, Zen Master Baimei or the man in the T-shirt, no one would give up easily in this situation, and I absolutely cannot give up, otherwise I will be ashamed of my profession.

Early the next morning, I went to the fishing gear store to pick up the custom-made fishing net, hired a car, loaded up everything, and headed for the village.

When I was approaching Dacun, the whole sky darkened. I saw dark clouds over Dacun, and there were faint flashes of lightning. The rain could be described as heavy rain. It seemed that Li Mulong's crazy revenge had already begun...

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