Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 884: Invite the Dragon King to row a dragon boat

With Dacun as the center, it is raining in a radius of more than 20 kilometers. It is pouring rain in Dacun, and it is pouring light rain outside!

Secretary Dakang led several young people to stand in the rain early in the morning, waiting for us at the entrance of the village. When he saw us, he was like people in the earthquake area meeting their relatives in the People's Liberation Army. He said excitedly: "Mr. Zhang, you two can count." Come on, the rain suddenly became heavy last night, and the roofs of several houses were washed away. The water level in the river bend has risen again. If this continues, the whole village will be flooded soon..."

I thought it was nothing if the village was flooded. I was afraid that those water ghosts would swim up through the flood water and the whole village would be at risk.

This raging rain reveals Li Mulong's madness and resentment. If she really violated the laws of heaven, she has probably violated the laws of heaven. She is risking her own life to take revenge on the villagers!

Secretary Dakang prepared a pair of rain gear for me and the man in the T-shirt, and asked the young people to help move things, which just solved our urgent need.

When we came to the village, I planned to see the boat first. Secretary Dakang took us to the river. There was a 30-ton diesel fishing boat parked there. There was a cab on the deck and a huge robotic arm. Fishing nets hung from it.

Secretary Dakang said that this was a sea-going ship that he asked a cousin to get overnight from another village. The performance is very good, the horsepower is strong, the frame is made of all steel, and the boat is also equipped with a spear gun for shooting sharks. Dozens of water ghosts cannot even think of sinking it.

In addition, the name of this ship is good, it is called "Yilong".

The fishermen who go out to sea call the whale the "Sea Dragon King". Whenever a whale swims by, the fish in the sea will run away desperately, which is called "Dragon Soldier". Boats chasing whales to catch fish often get a good harvest, but it is also very dangerous, hence the name.

What a blessing for us!

I was so excited that I wanted to applaud. Originally, I thought I was going to take a small wooden fishing boat today, with dozens of shirtless men paddling as hard as they could. Who would have thought that Secretary Dakang could be so awesome and get such a big guy, who is like a tank? It’s so cool!

I asked Oyu to hold the umbrella for me and started to prepare. I mixed the tung oil, rooster blood, and ink that I had prepared in advance, climbed onto the boat, and painted everywhere with a small brush.

First, draw a dragon's spine on the robotic arm and inscribe the seven characters "Sea Dragon King's Majesty from All Sides"; then draw a dragon's tail on the stern of the ship and inscribe "help with the wind"; then draw four dragon claws on the left and right sides of the ship and inscribe " "Thousands of waves are the opening" and "thousands of waves are the opening"; finally, dragon eyes are dotted on the bow of the ship and the inscription "Longkou Silver Teeth" is inscribed.

It was raining heavily and I was on the boat. It took a lot of effort to do this. While I was drawing and writing inscriptions on the sides and bow of the ship, a few young men behind me pulled my belt and put my head down, which was thrilling.

This ritual is called "Inviting the Dragon King", which is a folk custom in Wenzhou.

This is a simplified version. When it is actually practiced, gongs and drums are beaten, firecrackers are set off, and chants are sung. The scene is truly spectacular. It is actually a form of spiritual seance, equivalent to inviting a living dragon onto the boat. .

After I finished lighting the dragon's eyes, the whole ship suddenly shook slightly. I don't know if this set of spells had an effect or if it was simply being beaten by the waves. The young people following me were all amazed.

I didn't even bother to change out of my clothes that were soaked by the rain, and went inside the cabin to continue getting ready.

I coated the custom-made fishing net with tung oil and chicken blood, put it in a jar, sealed it with red cloth, and affixed a few medium-sized talismans.

In addition, some dead fish viscera and the remaining virgin hair were wrapped in flour into dough balls the size of steamed buns. The man in the T-shirt was also consecrating his basket of thunder hammers with a curse!

After finishing it, I was so tired that my back ached, and my body was wet and sweaty. Not to mention how uncomfortable it was. Those young men had already taken off their clothes, exposing their dark chests, and were ready to listen to the orders of me, the temporary captain.

I was about to order the boat to sail to have a fight with Li Mulong, when Secretary Dakang suddenly rushed in from outside and shouted: "Mr. Zhang, it's bad, something happened in the village!"

I was startled and asked, "What's wrong? Isn't it because of the flood?"

"No, come out and take a look. The villagers are all on the shore now." Secretary Dakang said.

I came outside to take a look and found that many people had gathered on the shore, including a middle-aged man wearing glasses. He was pushed and pushed around, and his glasses were crooked. Naturally, his body had already been soaked by the rain.

There was also a seven or eight-year-old boy who was being pushed away, gritting his teeth and looking angry.

Later I discovered that both of them were tied up with ropes.

I asked: "Could this be Li Mulong's husband and children?"

Secretary Dakang stamped his feet and said, "No way! These people are so irrational, how could they do such a thing."

Li Mulong's husband and children were pushed to the bank by the villagers. Then a few big men started beating gongs and shouted to the middle of the river: "Li Guihua, your husband and son are here, stop this rain quickly, otherwise we will Just chop them up and feed them to the fish!”

It turns out that Li Mulong has another name in the village. No wonder, the name Li Mulong is too domineering and does not look like a woman.

The man in the T-shirt frowned slightly, and I could see that he was impatient with this out-of-control situation. I said, "Let's go and stop it!" He nodded.

From our place to there, the straight line distance is very short, but it takes a long detour.

On the way there in a hurry, the group of people started kicking and beating the man with glasses. The man with glasses fell down in the mud, and many people threw stones at him angrily.

Secretary Dakang was running in front so hard that his bamboo hat fell off, and he shouted at the top of his lungs: "Stop, don't hit anyone!"

A strong man picked up the man with glasses from the ground and slapped his face with a woodcutter, as if to tell him to shout. The man with glasses nodded obediently, was pushed by the strong man, and began to shout towards the center of the river: "Osmanthus, don't come out, they brought lime and black dog blood to treat you..."

The strong man became furious and kicked the bespectacled man in the crotch. He kicked the bespectacled man to the ground, grabbed his hair from behind and cursed: "Li Shuxiang, has your conscience been eaten by a dog? Look at what your mother-in-law has done to this village, and you are still turning against her!"

I couldn't stand it anymore, so I summoned Otama and asked her to fly over quickly to stop the situation from getting worse.

However, with so many people gathered together, Oyu was a little scared and said tremblingly: "They are so murderous!"

"Go!" I shouted sternly.

Weiyu turned into a white light and flew out, landing on a tree near the crowd. Just as he was about to cast his magic, the group of people noticed us and shouted at us: "Master Zhang, don't get involved, this is our village." My own business."

The strong man put the woodcutter on the bespectacled man's neck and said viciously: "Master Zhang, if you interfere again, I will wipe his neck now, and this life will be on your head!"

I was so angry that I gritted my teeth and thought you guys should just die!

Both sides told me not to get involved. I was just a bastard, so I came to take care of this mess.

At this moment, something unexpected happened. The man with glasses suddenly shouted to the heart of the river: "Osmanthus, let's be husband and wife again in the next life!" Then he put his neck to the knife and gave it a strong stroke.

In an instant, blood surged out like a fountain, and the crowd suddenly exploded: "Killing!"

The strong man was so frightened that he dropped the knife and tried his best to explain to the people around him: "He wiped it on himself, not me, it really wasn't me."

The man with glasses fell to the ground, his eyes wide open and lifeless, blood was pouring out from the wound, and he looked hopeless.

At this time, the center of the river suddenly seemed to be boiling, bubbling. Everyone present was dumbfounded. I chanted the mantra and took back the tail tama. On the one hand, I was afraid that it would get hurt, and on the other hand...

Since you told me to leave it alone, then just face it on your own, I’m done with it!

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