Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 885: Storm Elegy (Additional update)

A person slowly stood up in the middle of the river. It was Li Mulong who was wearing an ancient forbidden woman's uniform. We were all stunned. What kind of Taoism is this? According to legend, only Bodhidharma can do this.

Later, I saw clearly that there were several black-skinned water ghosts stepping on Li Mulong's feet, but this scene was shocking enough.

Li Mulong deserves to be the descendant of Bald-tailed Old Li, and he can actually hide in the water all the time.

The villagers on the shore were shocked at first, and then someone shouted: "Folks, don't be afraid of this witch, kill her!"

The villagers took out the quicklime from the basket and threw the drinking bottles filled with black dog blood into the river. Li Mulong, with wet hair, stared sadly at his dead husband on the shore, indifferent to the villagers' attacks. .

The quicklime was thrown into the water and smoked, but it was quickly washed away by the water and could not hurt Li Mulong at all.

Her lips moved slightly, as if she was reciting a spell, and I subconsciously shouted: "Get out of the way!" Although I was no longer prepared to care, I still couldn't bear to see someone dying in front of me. live.

She slashed her palm in the air, and a huge, blue ice blade formed on her palm, drawing a graceful arc and slashing toward the shore, dragging crystal shards of ice scattered around.

The strong man who accidentally killed her husband was holding a piece of quicklime in each hand and was about to throw it at Li Mulong, but he was struck from the head to the top by the Yin Xue Binghun knife. He stared blankly for three or four seconds before a line of blood suddenly extended downward from the bridge of his nose and penetrated his chest and abdomen. With a click, his body separated from left to right, and steaming internal organs and blood dripped all over the floor.

When the crowd saw this, they were so frightened that they let out a burst of panic screams, threw away their bamboo baskets, and crawled to the ground to escape.

Li Mulong let out a roar, and his long hair flew up in the wind and rain, which made me think of the word "furious". Then each of his left and right hands formed a snow-drinking ice-soul sword and slashed at the crowd quickly.

Three or four slow runners were cut to pieces on the spot, leaving horrific corpses on the ground!

Watching this scene, I felt a cold air coming up from the soles of my feet. This kind of strength even surpassed the four elders of Longquan Villa. It was simply terrifying!

In addition to the corpse on the shore, there was also a little boy squatting on the ground holding his head. Every time Li Mulong took a step, the black-skinned water ghost in the water automatically swam to where she landed, as if he had built a tower in the water. pontoon.

She stepped on the water ghost's back and walked straight to the shallows, pausing in front of her husband's body.

Suddenly, several water ghosts emerged from the water and dragged her husband's body into the water. Then she walked towards her son.

When the child saw his mother, he cried and threw himself into her arms. Li Mulong knelt down and hugged him. The mother and son didn't know what they were talking about. I saw the little boy looking at his mother with wide eyes and nodded slowly.

Then, Li Mulong actually carried the child and walked towards the water. I immediately reacted and shouted: "No, she plans to kill her child!"

Everyone present, including the man in the T-shirt, looked shocked.

Li Mulong probably didn't expect that the villagers would threaten her family. Now that she was in dire straits, she could only drown her son by herself.

A mother is extremely desperate to do such a thing.

At this time, the young people who came with us discovered that Secretary Dakang was missing, and they all became nervous. Someone pointed to the shoal: "He is there!"

I saw Secretary Dakang jump into the shallows, shouting as he ran: "Li Guihua, you can't do it, you can't do it!"

Many people died on the shore just now, and the blood was washed into the shallows by the heavy rain, attracting many water ghosts. When Secretary Dakang ran past, the water ghosts stretched out their claws to pounce on him, which made us terrified.

"Save him!" The man in the T-shirt said and jumped into the shallows first.

I gritted my teeth, forget it, didn't care anymore, told the young people not to move, and followed.

We chased Secretary Dakang. The man in the T-shirt threw a handful of cinnabar into the water, and the black water ghost shrank back as if it had been burned. Then he threw the sword into the sky, and the Eight-sided Han Sword rotated in the dark sky, emitting cold light, as if controlled by his thoughts, and galloped along the river bank, killing dozens of water ghosts!

I picked up the scimitar from behind, chanted a spell, and slashed with the sword energy, killing the water ghost who tried to attack the man in the T-shirt.

Secretary Dakang ran to Li Mulong's side. I broke into a cold sweat. If a fight broke out here, let alone protecting Secretary Dakang, it would be a problem for both of us to protect ourselves.

Unexpectedly, Li Mulong did not kill Secretary Dakang. She watched Secretary Dakang approach.

Secretary Dakang ran out of breath and knelt on the shallows. The water ghosts behind Li Mulong wanted to catch him, but they seemed to be afraid of something and did not dare to take a step forward. It turned out that they were afraid of Li Mulong. !

Secretary Dakang held his knees and took a long time to catch his breath and said, "Osmanthus, you can't do it. Leave the child to me! I will take him to a safe place."

We also arrived at this time, and the man in the T-shirt said: "If you and I fight, it will not bring harm to future generations. Don't do such stupid things."

Li Mulong was silent for a few seconds and then said: "Uncle, the first grade junior high school student."

"Do you still remember me?" The man in the T-shirt said coldly.

"Is my master okay?" Li Mulong asked.

"He is no longer here. He asked me to clean up the house." The man in the T-shirt replied.

Li Mulong looked in the direction of Dacun and said with sad eyes: "I know this day will come sooner or later, but I have to do it."

I sighed: "It's time to retaliate, stop it! The villagers have been tortured enough by you, take your children and leave here, live a good life, isn't it good to live?"

She smiled miserably: "Since when have resentments been repaid? I don't understand, but why should I be the one who swallows the anger?"

"If you take revenge on them, your family will not be resurrected, so what's the point." I advised earnestly.

"My family is all here!" She pointed towards the turbulent river behind. Those black-skinned water ghosts were swimming under the water. I suddenly understood that all these super powerful water ghosts were here. He is a member of the Black Dragon Li family who died that year.

"I have been dispatching Rain for ten years, and I have violated the laws of heaven. There is no way out. If you really want to stop me, just come! Whether you kill me or I kill you, I will regard it as God's will. Let’s see if God will let me take revenge!”

With that said, Li Mulong handed the crying child in his arms into the hands of Secretary Dakang, turned around and walked towards the water. The child's cry for mother was heartbreaking and unbearable.

As she slowly sank into the water, she said to me: "For the sake of saving my child, let me tell you something. My fate is connected with the incense burner. If I destroy it, I will die. As long as you have this ability!"

Suddenly a flash of lightning appeared in the sky, followed by a deafening rumble of thunder.

Before Li Mulong sank into the water, he sneered and said, "I'll wait for you!"

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