Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 886: T-shirt man, supreme lightning method!

After Li Mulong sank into the water, the child started crying and suddenly broke away from Secretary Dakang's arms. We were shocked, thinking that he was going into the water to find his mother.

As a result, he knelt down in front of us and kowtowed to us: "Uncle, please, don't kill my mother."

I felt distressed for a while, and even the expression on the man in the T-shirt was a little unbearable.

When the kid saw us standing still, he rushed over and grabbed the shirt of the man in the T-shirt. The man in the t-shirt picked him up from the ground, and suddenly slapped him on the neck with a heavy hand. The little boy rolled his eyes and fainted.

I wasn’t too surprised that the man in the t-shirt would do this. I looked at him intently: “Are we really going to have sex?”

"Life is more important than anything. Come on! If this rain continues, the whole village may not be safe." The man in the T-shirt replied quietly.

I glanced at the sky shrouded in lead clouds, feeling extremely depressed. At this moment, Secretary Dakang suddenly burst into tears: "All of this happened because of me!"

I was slightly startled and asked, "What did you say?"

Secretary Dakang cried and said that when he was young, he participated in the raid on Li Guihua's home. At that time, a group of red-eyed villagers rushed into their house with open fire and sticks, smashing, robbing, and arresting people everywhere. Secretary Dakang went to search the backyard. At that time, I saw Li Guihua escaping from a dog hole.

He remembered that Li Guihua looked at him with tears in her eyes, surprised and scared. In his mind, he was like a pitiful puppy. Secretary Dakang couldn't bear it. Someone outside asked him, had the girl been found? He lied and said he couldn't find it.

If he hadn't told this lie, Li Guihua wouldn't have run away, and nothing like this would have happened.

It suddenly dawned on me that no wonder Li Mulong had just killed the villagers and showed mercy to him. Seeing Secretary Dakang so sad, I didn't know how to comfort him, so I put my hand on his shoulder and said, "You did the right thing. This disaster is not your fault."

Secretary Dakang cried and shook his head and said: "This is not why I am sad. I only thought it was a good deed back then, but who knew that it actually harmed the whole village? Mr. Zhang, does God really have eyes?"

The man in the T-shirt said: "This place will become very dangerous. You take this child and leave first. Leave the rest to us! I promise that no one will die again."

Secretary Dakang nodded, picked up the child and left. As he walked, he looked back and saw that he was soaked all over and looked very haggard, as if he had aged ten years all of a sudden.

The man in the T-shirt waved to me: "Let's go!"

I nodded.

We asked the young men to get on the boat together. I directed them to drive the boat to the middle of the river, and the diesel motor started humming. The man in the t-shirt asked someone to move a table and put it on the deck with some fruits, wine, and pasta.

And he raised his sword in his hand and stepped forward to sacrifice the token.

Everyone was extremely nervous. Although they could take shelter from the wind and rain temporarily in the cabin, everyone stood on the deck and nervously looked at the rolling river at the bow of the ship.

A dark thing flowed from under the water, and I shouted: "On the first day of the new year, the water ghost is coming."

The man in the T-shirt nodded, recited the formula silently, then suddenly pointed his sword in that direction and shouted: "Five thunder generals, listen to my orders, be as urgent as the law!"

A bolt of purple lightning tore through the sky in an instant and shot directly into the water, as if a grenade had been thrown, causing a large splash of water.

The white light blinded everyone's eyes, and it took a long time for them to recover. I rubbed my eyes vigorously to recover my vision, and saw large bodies of water ghosts floating in the water, like pieces of wheat, slowly turning into Black smoke, this blow killed at least hundreds of them, and the efficiency was many times faster than catching them one by one!

Although the thunder method is efficient, it is very cumbersome to activate and consumes a lot of energy. After just one shot, I saw the man in the T-shirt look tired.

The army of water ghosts swam toward us. I stood on the bow of the boat to locate it for him. I told him what time it was and the man in the T-shirt pointed in that direction with his sword, and a bolt of lightning crashed down.

It was dark, stormy, and lightning struck one after another. The scene was shocking!

After five or six lightning strikes, most of the water ghosts were cleared away, and the rest dispersed and swam into the deep water. Li Mulong was obviously controlling them underwater.

Wei Yu was so frightened in my arms that she said: "It's so scary! It's so scary! Don't hit me on the head."

She is a monster and is very afraid of thunder and lightning. I smiled and said, "Don't worry, hit me first before I hit you."

A young man asked me: "Master Zhang, this lightning strike is so close and the ship is made of iron. Will we be okay?"

I replied: "It will be okay. This is Taoism's supreme thunder method. It only fights evildoers."

The young man was confused, but he nodded anyway.

The man in the t-shirt said: "Jilin, please open your heavenly eyes."

I agreed and opened my eyes. At this time, the ship shook violently. I asked what was going on? A group of young people were running around the boat, checking everywhere. One person reported: "The boat hit a tree."

"How did you hit the tree?"

I looked towards the side of the boat and was stunned. The water had already flooded the river bank. The place where we fished for water ghosts yesterday had been completely flooded. If the water level rose a few inches more, the village would be in danger.

"Can the boat still sail?" I asked.

The man at the helm replied: "Yes, I need to adjust the rudder, but it will take some time."

"About how long?" I continued to ask.

"A few minutes."

In the past few minutes, I was nervously patrolling back and forth, and suddenly I felt two waves of dark energy coming. I ran to the bow of the ship and saw two groups of black energy approaching from the left and right sides of the ship at the same time.

I shouted: "First grade, left and right!"

The man in the t-shirt ordered: "Throw the thunder hammer!"

I picked up two thunder hammers from the basket, stood on the bow of the boat, and listened nervously to the man in the T-shirt chanting the incantation. When he shouted "Urgent as a law", I quickly pointed the two thunder hammers towards the center of the black air. Throw it down. Although the thunder method can be controlled with thoughts, its accuracy is unsatisfactory, and the thunder hammer is equivalent to an auxiliary means for precise strikes.

The two thunder hammers were submerged in the water. I closed my eyes and only observed with my heavenly eye. A thick bolt of lightning struck from right in front of me, split in half in mid-air, and hit the group of water ghosts below on the left and right!

The water surface exploded instantly, splashing into huge waves several meters high. The water ghosts below let out miserable screams and floated up one after another, turning into a ball of black gas.

After a long time, the afterimage of lightning still remained in the sky.

The boat finally started to move slowly and continued towards the middle of the river. The young man at the helm told me that there was an undercurrent under the water that kept pushing the boat back. This was the reason why it almost ran aground just now!

After the heavy damage just now, the water ghosts began to disperse, and now it was time for me to show off my skills!

I threw the dough wrapped with blood bait into the water. The dough was kneaded very softly and melted when it fell into the water, and the water ghosts gathered around it. I then threw a thunder hammer into the middle of them, and the man in the t-shirt lowered the thunder and lightning, killing them all.

The two of us cooperated very well and quickly wiped out all the water ghosts visible on the water.

However, the man in the T-shirt was so tired that his chest heaved slightly, and I don't know whether it was sweat or rain on his forehead. I rarely see him like this. I will never experience what it feels like to use lightning.

I seem to be able to feel a yin energy, and it's very powerful, but I can't find the location of those water ghosts with my celestial eye.

The man in the t-shirt said: "Some of them probably took advantage of the chaos and hid under the boat."

"Is there any way?" I asked.

The man in the t-shirt thought for a while and glanced at the mechanical arm raised in the middle of the ship: "There is only one way, let lightning strike the ship!"

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