Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 887 Fishing Boat Defense Battle

A young man said in horror: "Lightning striking the boat? No, we will all be electrocuted."

I shook my head and said, "No, everyone enter the cabin and close the door tightly!"

The man in the T-shirt took the Five Thunder Token and entered the cabin with us. There was only one incandescent lamp in the cabin, which was very dim. The man in the t-shirt was probably too tired. He sat down as soon as he came in. I advised him, "Don't be too tough. Leave the rest to me."

He waved his hand and said: "I'm fine, it's just that I don't have enough Immortal Level, so it's a bit difficult to use this."

Of course the man in the t-shirt is not a god, he is a mortal like me. I heard that Taoism has a mysterious and complex system of immortal steps, which is completely different from the cultivation of immortals in fantasy novels. One of the purposes of practicing this set of immortal steps is to obtain the qualifications to control ghosts and gods, which is equivalent to obtaining a certification from heaven.

For example, if you have cultivated to the level of Taiyi Sanxian, you can be at the call of mountain gods, land gods, generals of the Lei Department, and the Dragon King of the Four Seas. That is not "inviting gods" but "subduing gods"! There is no need to place any offerings or recite chants, just call the name. In Journey to the West, the reason why Sun Wukong can casually ask the gods for help is because his immortal level is Taiyi Sanxian.

Of course, Taiyi Sanxian belongs to the legendary level, and Daluo Jinxian is even more unthinkable. Most practitioners are Guigong disciples and Yuqing disciples who have never heard of it. If they can bring the word "xian" to the sky, they will be considered awesome.

The man in the t-shirt took a deep breath, recited a spell, held the token in one hand, raised the sword in the other, and shouted: "Five thunder generals, listen to my orders, be as urgent as the law!"

Several dazzling bright lights appeared outside the window, frightening the people in the cabin to squat on the ground holding their heads. Through the deck, I could feel a strong current flowing on the ship, and the hull was shaking slightly. The rivets creaked.

I studied physics in high school, and there is an electrical effect called a Faraday cage. If a person stays in a closed metal cage, even if a high-voltage current flows from the outside, nothing will happen to the people inside. Therefore, if a car is struck by lightning, the people in the car will be fine.

Although I knew this in my heart, I still felt unprecedentedly nervous and uneasy when I thought about the lightning that could instantly burn us to charcoal flowing on the ship.

After the lightning struck a few times, it suddenly stopped. I asked the man in the T-shirt: "Killed them all?"

He frowned and said, "I don't know. Let's go out and have a look."

When we came outside, someone screamed. Everyone looked back and saw that the fishing robot arm on the boat had been twisted and deformed by lightning. There seemed to be some static electricity left in the air that made people feel itchy on their skin.

I stood on the side of the boat and looked down, and saw a strange pale face!

I saw a black-skinned water ghost clinging to the side of the boat with its claws and climbing up. There were many such water ghosts clinging to the stern of the boat.

I wonder how they escaped? These water ghosts made from the corpses of the Black Dragon Li family are significantly higher than wild water ghosts in terms of intelligence, vitality, and combat power. Those in front are just cannon fodder, they are the real threat.

I quickly shouted to everyone: "Go back to the cabin!"

But it was too late. Those water ghosts jumped on the deck one after another. They were not used to standing on their feet. They bent over one by one, grinning their sharp and dense teeth, and stared at us with their dark eyes.

Unfortunately, misfortune never comes singly. Suddenly a huge wave hit, and the stern of the boat seemed to be lifted up by a giant hand. The whole boat tilted at 45 degrees, and the deck was slippery. We all lost our balance and slid towards the bow. passed.

The people were moving, but the water ghosts were not. They were clinging to the deck with their claws. When I passed one of them, it stretched out its claws to attack me!

Fortunately, I had a scimitar in my hand, and I cut off the arm with one knife. The feeling of the knife hitting the arm was a little strange, as if it had hit a living thing.

But two young men were caught by the water ghost and desperately called me for help. When the boat became slightly more stable, the two of them were grabbed by the water ghost and dragged into the water. The water ghost was so powerful that the two of them were completely unable to resist. Others stood by and watched dumbfounded, and no one dared to step forward to help.

The man in the t-shirt chopped down a water ghost next to him with one sword, and then threw the Eight-faced Han Sword towards it, piercing the chest of a water ghost. It fell to the ground and struggled desperately, letting out a shrill scream, and almost died. Pierce a person's eardrum.

I chanted the spell, and the invisible needle flew out from my arms and hit the other water ghost in the head.

The invisible needle couldn't stab it to death at once, so I rushed over to make up for it and chopped off its head with one knife.

The two water ghosts fell to the ground, a black energy rising from their bodies, and in the end, a highly decomposed corpse was left behind.

I was shocked. These water ghosts were not just evil spirits, but zombies!

Before I had time to think about it, I told the boys to hide in the cabin and let us deal with these things on the deck.

After a group of people left, the boat suddenly shook violently again. The bow of the boat where we were standing was almost lifted into the air. I thought to myself, isn't this wrong? This is just a thirty-meter-wide river, how can it create waves that are more exaggerated than the ocean waves?

When I stood on the "commanding heights" and took a look, I suddenly understood. I saw Li Mulong standing on the shoulders of two black-skinned water ghosts, mumbling something, and waving her two long sleeves left and right. It was she who was secretly controlling the wind and waves. .

The boat was lifted up for a moment, and then fell heavily, with huge white waves splashing on both sides of the boat.

I lost my balance on my feet, and two water ghosts waiting nearby took the opportunity to pounce on me. One hugged my back, opened its mouth and bit my neck. In desperation, I turned my head, and it bit my shoulder with its fangs, which was painful!

The other one held my legs, dug its two claws deeply into my flesh, and crawled towards me. I raised the scimitar with both hands and slashed it between my legs, splitting its head in half. This was a very dangerous blow, and I would have castrated myself if I went in just a little bit.

I quickly kicked away the water ghost at my feet and turned around to deal with the one on my body. At this time, the boat started to shake again. I and the water ghost rolled towards the side of the ship. My back hit the guardrail hard, and my body It's the dark water.

The water ghost's two claws grabbed my shoulders, kicked the outside of the guardrail with its feet, and pulled outwards hard, trying to drag me into the water...

I was in a critical situation. I held on to the guardrail desperately and recited a spell. The invisible needle flew over and shuttled back and forth on the water ghost's head several times, scattering its soul. It emitted black gas and its body fell into the rough water below. .

At this time the boat swung back again, and I felt like a pea in a pot, being tossed around and making me want to vomit.

I looked up and saw that the man in the T-shirt was entangled by three water ghosts. I was about to help him, but I didn't expect him to get rid of it on his own. I saw him kicking one away and quickly changing a few tricks with his right hand. He pressed the head of the water ghost holding him on his shoulders, and the water ghost retreated with a cry.

Then he stretched out his hand, and the long sword inserted into the body of the previous water ghost automatically flew back into his hand. With one stroke, he cut off the head of the third water ghost and stabbed the second one through.

But he was also injured, his left arm was bitten, and black blood continued to ooze from the tooth marks on it!

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