Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 889: Heavenly punishment is coming!

The place where the lightning fell was in the middle of the river. Li Mulong's mouth was wide open and his eyes were wide open, as if he had been stabbed from behind.

Lightning struck the middle of the river one after another, and water columns several meters high rose up there. I averted my eyes and did not dare to look there for fear of blinding my eyes.

There were more than a dozen lightning strikes before and after, and then the thunder rumbled. I felt that every bone and internal organ in me was shaking together. At this time, I was shocked to find that Li Mulong fell to the ground. I quickly He went up to try her breathing and found that she had died.

The rainstorm stopped suddenly, and I looked towards the place where the thunder had just struck. That was exactly where the shadowy thing was. Directly above it, the long-lost clear sky was slowly spreading, driving away the dark clouds. The scene was shocking.

Only then did I feel a strong sense of exhaustion, and I asked the man in the T-shirt, "Did you do it?"

"No, it's God!" The man in the T-shirt sighed.

It turns out that Li Mulong rained rain for ten years without permission, and God finally sent down the punishment, but this punishment came too late.

I clasped my palms together and bowed to the slowly clearing sky: "God, God, you have opened your eyes."

The man in the T-shirt and I were both too tired, so we sat on the deck and rested for a while. The feeling of the sun shining on our bodies was so comfortable. When the boys hiding in the cabin saw that the rain had stopped, they ran out one after another and cheered loudly. He said to them: "It's not over yet, the vagina has not been confiscated yet."

So, we drove the boat to the middle of the river, and I cast down the net soaked in chicken blood and tung oil. I chanted a mantra to activate the formation, which suppressed the Yin Qi around the Yin objects, and the nearby water ghosts also escaped.

I said: "It seems we need to find a salvage team."

A young man patted his chest and said, "No, there are compressed air tanks on the boat. I know how to dive. Let me get down."

I nodded: "Okay, please."

For safety reasons, others found a rope and tied it around his waist. When the young man went to salvage it, the man in the T-shirt stood beside Li Mulong's body without saying a word.

Li Mulong died peacefully, so I suggested: "The descendant of the black dragon is also very touching. Let's bury her properly, right?"

"But I'm worried that the villagers will open her coffin and whip her body..." the man in the T-shirt said.

At this time, the hull of the ship suddenly shook, and everyone became unstable. I thought something had happened to the young man, so I ran over and saw a small whirlpool on the water below the side of the boat. I quickly asked someone to pull up the rope.

Everyone nervously pulled back the rope, and after a while, the young man was pulled up, holding something tightly in his hands, which was covered with water plants. He stuck his head over the side of the boat and vomited for a while, then handed the stuff to me.

I picked off the water plants on it, and it turned out to be an incense burner. There was a burnt dead snake tail inside the incense burner. Li Mulong probably transferred his destiny to this snake.

This incense burner has a strange structure. It is made up of a very thick keel. There are exactly three protrusions that are the three legs of the incense burner. The holes in the keel are patched up with clay.

But although this thing is a rare treasure, as an antique, who can judge its value?

As a negative thing, no one except the Li family knows how to pray for rain. I feel like I have lost money on this business again.

I asked the young man what he had just seen under the water. He said: "There is a ruined temple under the water. It probably belongs to Lord Black Dragon. This incense burner is in the temple. When I took it with my hand, the water suddenly started to swirl. It scared me."

I glanced at the river. Thirty years to the east of the river, thirty years to the west of the river. It is estimated that there was no water in this water area before. Li Mulong may have put some curse on the incense burner, which caused the whirlpool. It has been suppressed by me. Fortunately, there were no casualties.

"Okay, let's return!" I said.

Everyone was happily preparing to return home. I looked back and saw that Li Mulong's body was gone. I asked the man in the T-shirt and he said calmly: "It fell into the water."

"What?" I was surprised.

Most likely, the boat just shook and fell. I looked at the guardrail and saw that her body did not float up, but sank.

I was about to ask someone to salvage her, but the man in the T-shirt waved his hand: "No need to salvage her. Water burial may be more suitable for her."

When we returned to the village, the heavy rain stopped. The villagers were very happy. They selected a few representatives to come over and apologize to me, saying that I shouldn't have been so impulsive just now. When I mentioned that, I felt a little angry. A life was involved, but I didn't want to say anything more to them.

The villagers politely asked me to go to dinner, but I declined. Although the rain had stopped, they still didn't know that a ten-year drought would follow.

The man in the t-shirt and I arrived at Secretary Dakang's house and heard children crying inside. As soon as Li Mulong's son saw us, he rushed over, jumped on me and beat me: "You killed my mother, you have to pay for it." my mom!"

Secretary Dakang hugged him from behind and said to me in great embarrassment: "Mr. Zhang, I'm so sorry."

I asked him what he planned to do with the child. Secretary Dakang said that of course he would be raised. When I told him that the village was going to experience a severe drought for ten years, Secretary Dakang was stunned: "Mr. Zhang, you can't think of a solution." ?"

I shook my head. There was no way out. I just had to dig a well under the current situation to prepare for the drought.

This severe drought can be said to be the revenge that the Black Dragon Li family paid for with their lives! It is also the retribution of the villagers. Although it will not be fatal, the ten years of hardship are unavoidable. I suggest that Secretary Dakang simply take the whole village and move away.

Secretary Dakang shook his head and sighed: "Move away? There are so many old and weak people in the village, how can it be so easy! God, why do you torture our village like this!"

I really couldn't find anything to say to comfort him, so I could only say goodbye.

Before leaving, the man in the T-shirt made a surprising decision. He planned to take the child to his Taoist temple to be a little Taoist boy. He said that if the child stayed, he would become the object of everyone's resentment, and maybe he would die miserably. Maybe he survived tenaciously and then turned into the second Li Mulong and took revenge on the villagers even more.

I asked him: "Aren't you afraid that after he learns his skills, he will come back to us for revenge?"

The man in the T-shirt's eyes dimmed for a moment, and he hesitated to speak.

Everyone understands the principle of retribution, but no one can see that the enemy is living well. Karma is just a self-deception. To relieve the hatred in the heart, the only way is to draw the sword and kill the enemy!

Da Cun didn't have to go through all this, but because of their father's hatred towards the Black Dragon Li family, they were in the tragic situation they are in today.

Li Mulong could have lived a plain and happy life, but after her family was destroyed, she had no choice but to embark on the road of revenge.

This child could have had a carefree childhood like other children, but the consequences of hatred caused her to lose her parents and never have a complete life again.

Enduring the calm for a while, taking a step back to open up the world, this kind of painless chicken soup for the soul, after I personally experienced all this, I really can't express it.

I just want to say that when a person chooses revenge, the price is not just his own life.

Once the revenge machine is started, future generations will be cursed forever!

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