Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 890 Master Black Dragon

When we left the village, the whole village came out to see us off. Secretary Dakang was reluctant to leave. He held my hand and cried until he was speechless. In stark contrast to the joy on the faces of other villagers, only he knew what was going to happen next in the village. things experienced.

I comforted him for a few words, and then we set off on the road with the man in the T-shirt. The child was very noisy on the road, and he kept crying during the ride. The other passengers thought we were human traffickers.

Later, when he got tired of crying, he stopped crying. I bought him something to eat and took it without saying a word, looking at us with hatred.

I asked the man in the T-shirt: "Do you really want to raise this little dragon cub? Be careful of raising tigers. I suggest sending him to a better orphanage."

The man in the t-shirt shook his head: "It's all the same."

I'm really worried that this child will grow up and seek revenge from us. I made it clear to him that my name is Zhang Jiulin. If he is determined to take revenge in the future, he can come to me or the T-shirt man, but he must not come to our descendants.

The child looked at me with a vicious look and wanted to come up and bite me. I was a little scared to be with him!

We rested one night in Jimo and booked train tickets to return to Wuhan early tomorrow morning.

Someone suddenly came to visit me that evening. He was a middle-aged man in a black suit, his surname was Li, and he claimed to be a wealthy businessman. The business card he handed me said "Chief CEO of Tengxiao Group--Li Tengxiao".

I don't know what he wants from me? I am physically and mentally exhausted now. I just want to go back and rest for ten days and a half. I don’t want to take on any big commissions.

Li Tengxiao said politely: "Mr. Zhang, I heard that you just got a vaginal object in your hands recently. I am going to buy it at a high price."

I was slightly shocked. I hadn't released the news yet. How did this person know? Could it be that he had the ability to predict the unknown? So I said, "Where did Mr. Li get the information?"

Li Tengxiao laughed loudly: "You have your small circle, and I naturally have my intelligence network. I think if you sell this thing, you may not be able to find a suitable seller. It is convenient for you to transfer it to me."

I asked: "Are you referring to Omura's case..."

"Yes, it's the Dragon Tail Incense Burner!"

Li Tengxiao was quite generous and signed a check for 33,303,333 to me. I thought to myself, how could this person be so weird and offer such a price?

I was worried and called the bank to verify that the check could indeed be used to withdraw money.

Li Tengxiao said: "Is Mr. Zhang satisfied with this price?"

I was naturally satisfied. To be honest, the Dragon Tail Incense Burner was too special. There might not be a shop like this after passing this village. I nodded immediately and said, "Okay, you can take the things."

"However, I spent this money to buy two treasures."

The other treasure he mentioned was the child. I couldn't make the decision on this matter, so I discussed it with the man in the T-shirt. The man in the T-shirt looked at Li Tengxiao's business card and agreed readily.

Li Tengxiao brought the child and the incense burner to express his gratitude to us. Strangely enough, the baby dragon stopped crying when he hugged him and fell asleep in his arms obediently.

I asked, "Mr. Li, let me talk. It's understandable that you want the incense burner. What do you want this child for? I must ask clearly, are you related to him by blood? Otherwise, I would become a human trafficker."

Li Tengxiao laughed: "Mr. Zhang is indeed a benevolent businessman. OK, I will explain it to you."

It turns out that he is a distant relative of the Black Dragon Li family. Now that the family is extinct, he thinks he has the obligation to raise this child. Taking the incense burner back will be used as an offering to the bones of his ancestors to protect the feng shui of their family.

After Li Tengxiao took the children and the incense burner and left, I checked on the Internet and found that the Tengxiao Group was completely non-existent.

The man in the T-shirt said: "No need to check, just look at this business card."

There was a strange poem written on the back of the business card. I didn't notice it just now. It said -

"You are bald, your teeth are chipped, your ears and eyes are dim, and your tail is too big to be respected. My hometown is in a big village, and the Li family will survive forever!"

I suddenly discovered that the first word of the four lines of the poem was actually the word "Bald-tailed Old Li". I was immediately shocked and asked the man in the T-shirt: "Did you just find out?"

"Yes, his aura is so powerful that it has reached the supreme god level. I don't even dare to move in front of him..." the man in the T-shirt said in fear.

No wonder the other party gave me the feeling of extraordinary magnanimity. Qianqing was the incarnation of Master Black Dragon, and the owner of the femininity bought the femininity himself. This kind of thing is really amazing.

But I can't believe that he is the Black Dragon Master based on just one poem. Maybe he is a distant relative of the Black Dragon Li family. This poem is just a pretense.

As for which possibility it is, I guess I will never be able to figure it out...

The money left by Li Tengxiao couldn't be divided between two people, but it was appropriate to divide it between three people. I felt that there seemed to be a deep meaning in it, so I discussed it with the man in the T-shirt, and he agreed to divide it into three parts.

The man in the t-shirt and I each took one share of the three pieces of money, and the remaining one was given to Secretary Dakang. This amount of money is probably more than enough to fight the drought in the next ten years, or to relocate the whole village.

When this huge sum of money hit Secretary Dakang's account, he suspected that he was dreaming, so he called and said: "Mr. Zhang, how did this happen? How did this happen? You have done so many things for the village this time. Not only did I I didn’t pay a penny and yet I asked you to pay so much.”

I said that the money was obtained by selling negative things, and the villagers already had a share of it, but I especially told him not to let the villagers know about this money for the time being. Divide it and spend it separately. When the ten-year drought comes, Secretary Dakang will become the target of public criticism.

This money is only for disaster relief. Secretary Dakang is the only person I can trust in the whole village. I feel safe leaving it with him and letting him control it.

(PS: The war in the next volume has begun! The long-awaited Longquan Villa is about to cause trouble. Now Mars can vote for the monthly ticket. Every 500 Mars coins spent on reading a book will give you a free one. Remember to vote for "The Underworld" merchant".)

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