Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 892 The missing body

After driving for more than ten minutes, the car entered a manor covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters. Through the car window, one could clearly see the swimming pool inside and the golf course in the distance.

With an estate of this size in Hong Kong, where land is at a premium, this boss is obviously worth a lot.

After the car stopped and he followed Ban Cuntou a few steps, an old man appeared in the main building of the villa.

He was a thin man with deep eyes. He walked over slowly with the help of a servant, then stood in front of me and said, "You are the young master Zhang Jiulin, you are young and promising, you are not simple!"

"It's just a name in vain. I can barely make a living, but I'm far behind you." I pointed to the villa and replied with a smile.

The old man nodded, retracted his polite smile, and showed a hint of worry.

"My unlucky son was racing with others outside some time ago and accidentally killed a cleaner. When I went to deal with it, I found that the cleaner's body had disappeared inexplicably. Then a series of strange things happened. …”

After speaking, the old man sighed and begged me to help him.

Seeing his sad face, I couldn't help feeling a little emotional. It’s true that every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite. So what if you have money? When I met a prodigal son, I was just as busy and exhausted.

"Don't worry, I will do my best to help you." I nodded and said.

The old man is too old to stay outside for too long, so he went back first and let Ban Cuntou fully cooperate with us.

The flat-toned man looked quite refined, and he had the aloofness of a man in a T-shirt. I was used to this kind of personality, so I asked him to take me to see the old man’s son.

Without saying a word, he got up and led us to a room on the second floor of the villa. The floor was covered with soft blankets, and a large screen hung on the wall. A handsome young man was playing lol on the computer, and kept saying Cursing and cursing.

After watching it for a few minutes, I felt that he was just someone to be killed, and he had the nerve to scold others.

"Master, the master I invited for you has arrived!" Ban Cuntou said to the young man.

But the other party seemed not to hear, and continued to play his game without even raising his head. It was not until the end of the game that he looked up at me and Li Mazi, and asked disdainfully: "Are you Zhang Jiulin?"

"That's right." I replied.

"Seeing that my father is getting older and wants to defraud our family of money, I advise you to give up on this as soon as possible!"

The young master's expression changed and he said in a domineering tone. After hearing this, I couldn't help but laugh and cry, and turned to look at Ban Cun Tou.

"Xiao Huan, don't be rude to Master." Ban Cuntou said in a more serious tone.

The young master then became honest and briefly told me the situation.

His name is Li Huan. One night some time ago, he and a few friends were singing and drinking in a nightclub until very late. After coming out of the bar, someone suggested racing.

One of the friends even pushed out the female companion he brought as a stunt, saying whoever wins will get it!

Li Huan has no shortage of women, but he has the kind of character that wants to be the first in everything, so he works very hard during the competition, and soon leaves his brothers far behind.

Unexpectedly, just when he was sure of winning, a person suddenly appeared on the road while turning.

Li Huan was too late to apply the brakes and knocked the man away.

He originally wanted to stop the car and go take a look, but when he thought of his companion chasing behind him, he made up his mind and continued to drive forward, without caring about that person's life or death.

After the competition, Li Huan won the first place as expected. While his friends congratulated him, some worriedly asked him how he would handle the car accident just now. After all, they all saw Li Huan hit someone.

At that time, Li Huan didn't take it seriously at all. He thought it would be solved by letting his family step in and give him some money.

After returning home, Li Huan went to the old man to explain the matter. The old man was naturally furious, but after all, he was old enough to have a son, and his son was his heart and soul, so he had to ask his secretary to dispose of the body, and then seal the deal with a pension to the family of the deceased.

Unexpectedly, when the secretary took Li Huan to the crime scene to find the body, he was shocked to find that the person who was hit was no longer there, but the other person's clothes were still there, completely spread on the ground, covered with bright red blood!

Judging from the clothes, the deceased should be a cleaner. The secretary then learned through a series of phone calls that the deceased was an ordinary old man in the slums.

Then he also went to the traffic police department to check the surveillance. Through the surveillance, they clearly saw that the body disappeared under their noses...

What is even more frightening is that since then, all the friends who participated in the car racing with Li Huan that day seemed to have been targeted by something. Several people have died in just a few days, and the remaining few have become crazy.

Especially those who died, each one was weirder than the last!

Some committed suicide by jumping off a building, missing an ear when they died, and some died in the bathtub, with their hair and scalp gone, and their whole heads were covered in blood.

The most disgusting thing is that one person's heart was taken out when he died. The last investigation found that the heart was fried to a golden color in his family's oil pan...

Li Mazi was chewing gum while listening to the story. When he heard this, he couldn't help but retched and spit out the gum.

I couldn't help but feel a chill. After a while, I let Ban Cuntou lead me to watch the video record again. I wanted to see how a corpse could disappear on its own?

As a result, the corpse was really melting under our noses like an ice cube, and then became transparent.

This is how the same thing?

"Is it possible that he is an alien?" Li Mazi asked with wide eyes.

I had a big head, so I simply asked Ban Cuntou to take me to the crime scene. After arriving at the main road, I opened my eyes and found a black outline of a human body on the ground.

This outline was like a black shadow, which made me feel inexplicably numb. My intuition told me that it was not just the ghost of the cleaner who was causing harm this time.

It must have been seen by some passing ghost when it died, so it helped it fight the injustice.

The reason is very simple. The cleaner died not long ago, so he would not have such strong resentment, and he would not be afraid of me just by leaving a dark shadow.

I decided to first find out what happened when the cleaner died, so I returned to the villa and proposed using phantom magic to enter Li Huan's heart. After hearing this, he shook his head and refused: "No, no, I won't play with you idiots. .”

"You have to think clearly. If you don't do what I say, you may be the next one to get into trouble!" I looked at him and said seriously.

Li Huan's pupils shrank when he heard this, and after hesitating for a long time, he nodded awkwardly.

I asked him to lie flat on the big bed, and drove Li Mazi and Ban Cuntou out. Then I closed the door and drew the curtains. I took a deep breath to gather the spiritual power in my body on my middle finger and index finger. Then I put my hand between his eyebrows and chanted slowly. Cast a spell.

As my mind kept turning, the scene of Li Huan and his group racing a car finally appeared!

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