Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 893: Car racing ghost incident

When the cleaner was hit, Li Huan really continued to step on the accelerator without any pause. I just wanted to hit him!

The same goes for the cars behind, all flying by with the sound of buzzing engines. Not a single car stopped to save anyone. Some even whistled excitedly. The cleaner's entire face was deformed and looked abnormal. ferocious.

He crawled forward with difficulty, his eyes full of tears of prayer, but no one cared about him!

I will never forget that helpless and desperate face. It was an old man who never gave up life no matter how poor he was. He was an old man who was killed by the indifference of human nature.

After leaving Li Huan's mind, I told him what I saw. The frivolity on his face slowly disappeared, and it was obvious that he felt deeply guilty towards the old man.

I asked him if he wanted to go with me to visit the houses of my dead friends, and he mustered up the courage to agree.

Then Ban Cuntou took Li Mazi, Li Huan and I to a nearby villa. Judging from the appearance, this family's family background is similar to that of Li Huan's family. The deceased's mother is a lady in her forties. She is well-maintained and looks like a mature woman. Her figure is not out of shape. Li Mazi looks at it. Swallow your saliva.

The lady's face was very pale, and she had obviously not yet recovered from the grief of losing her beloved son. I gave her a few simple words of comfort, and then entered the room where the deceased had lived.

The first thing I noticed after entering was that the room was extremely clean, every book and piece of paper was neatly placed, and even the bedding on the bed didn't have a wrinkle.

Because this man died by jumping off a building, I checked the window sill carefully. It turned out that the window sill was also very clean. There was a broom on it, and there was no trace of yin.

I continued to expand the search scope without giving up, and even recruited Oyu out. This time Oyu was stumped. It was obvious that there was really no evil in this villa, so I had to rush to the homes of other deceased people.

After a whole day, Li Mazi and I were exhausted and panting. We found out helplessly that there were no clues about all the deceased's homes. The only thing in common was that the places where these people lived were spotless.

"Brother Zhang, what's going on?"

Li Mazi was also confused. He picked up the broom on the ground and asked depressedly.

I shook my head and was about to leave, but my eyes accidentally fell on the broom in Li Mazi's hand, and then I realized a problem: there was a broom in the rooms of these dead people!

Could it be that the ghost of the cleaner is really back to take revenge? But a ghost who just died has no personality at all, so how can he kill several hot-blooded young men one after another?

Just as he was thinking about it, Li Mazi suddenly screamed.

Looking up, he was standing in front of the refrigerator, holding the refrigerator door with one hand and pointing inside with the other. His eyes were wide open and he was obviously frightened.

I came closer and took a look, and I was shocked to find that there was a frozen ear inside!

It seemed that Li Huan was right. This was the missing ear. After Li Mazi realized it, he reached out and wanted to take out the ear and throw it away. I stopped him quickly with my hands and eyes, and then called Weiyu out and let her smell it. Smell the ears.

Oudama swooped into the refrigerator, took a quick sniff, and then nodded his cute little head, indicating that he finally noticed the Yin Qi.

I was so happy that I quickly fed her a few drops of blood essence and asked her to search for the source of the yin energy nearby, but Oyu wandered outside for a long time and couldn't find the location of the yin spirit.

"Brother, this thing is going to settle accounts with Li Huan anyway. If it doesn't work, let's just stay at Li Huan's house! I don't believe it won't show up." Li Mazi advised.

I nodded and temporarily returned to Li Huan's house. For safety's sake, I wrapped the inside and outside of his room with talismans.

The Yin spirit did not appear for two days in a row, so that Li Huan once again regarded me as a magician who defrauded money. I couldn't express my pain, so I could only silently pray that the thing would come out as soon as possible.

In the evening, I was about to rest after dinner, but Oudama climbed in through the window eagerly, and said eagerly: "Bad brother, I know where it is."

"Very good!"

Without saying anything, I took the Sirius whip and quickly followed. Gradually, I found that this road was very familiar. After asking, I found out that this was the home of one of Li Huan's friends.

We have visited once before, so we have a certain impression.

This was a small independent bungalow. Oyu easily unlocked the door and climbed up to the second floor quietly. I followed up and was about to move forward when Otama grabbed me and pointed to the innermost room.

When I pricked my ears, I seemed to be able to hear a strange rustling sound, as if someone was sweeping the floor.

Contacting the ubiquitous broom, I was convinced that the evil spirits were inside. I gently pulled out the invisible needle and put it there. I found a translucent black shadow with disheveled hair in the room, bending over and sweeping the floor seriously.

If someone who doesn't have yin and yang eyes looks at it, it looks like a broom moving by itself. This scene would be extremely scary!

I was afraid that it would leave after sweeping it, so I took the Sirius Whip and kicked open the door, and threw a whip towards it, trying to entangle it. Generally speaking, the first reaction of a Yin spirit after being entangled is to twitch the body and then let out a scream. Unexpectedly, this guy disappeared under the Sirius whip in the next second, not even Oudama who rushed in after me. Smell its scent again.

It seemed that it was not only very vigilant, but also had a first-rate ability to hide its Yin Qi. I returned to the villa in frustration and told Li Huan to call all his surviving friends over.

After they came over, I explained the importance of the matter and asked them to pay more attention to it. It was best not to have brooms at home, because I found that the Yin spirit had a special liking for brooms!

Then I sent each of them a medium-level magic talisman and left their phone numbers. These people were originally like frightened birds. Seeing that I was so cautious, they became even more uneasy and left reluctantly one by one.

I thought that the Yin spirit was scared away by me today and would stay away for a day or two. Unexpectedly, before I fell asleep, Li Huan came over eagerly and knocked on the door, saying in horror: "Master Zhang, go to Wang Yan's house quickly, something happened at his house."

Wang Yan was one of those people who came just now. Unexpectedly, Yin Ling ran to his house in such a short time. I hurried over with Wei Yu.

As soon as I got downstairs, I saw Wang Yan holding the medium-sized talisman I gave him, squatting in the corner and shivering. When he saw me, he stood up and rushed over, saying in horror: " me, Here it comes! I hear it sweeping the floor."

"Don't be afraid."

I comforted him and quietly went upstairs. Sure enough, I saw a dark shadow sweeping the floor in Wang Yan's room, and the rustling was very serious.

Before I could get closer, it suddenly raised its head. I could only bite the bullet and swing the whip as fast as possible!

It really wanted to escape, but I learned the lesson from before and asked Otama to guard me, so it never got rid of me.

I don’t know how far I ran, but the Yin spirit suddenly slowed down and looked back every time it drifted, as if it wanted to lead me somewhere.

I thought to myself that there were not many chances to see it, and I quickly followed it without caring about the danger.

After walking for more than an hour, Yin Ling stopped in front of a small village and actually took the initiative to speak.

"I live here, and I have to clean the streets before dawn every day. You can calculate the time and see how many hours I can sleep at night." It asked in a hoarse voice.

Without waiting for my answer, he muttered to himself: "Three hours, only three hours of sleep a day, and a salary of five hundred yuan a month. But those rich second generations were born with no worries about food and clothing, and they knocked me to the ground. Why don't you even ask? It doesn't matter if I die, but what about my wife? She has rheumatism in her legs and feet, and she needs to take Chinese medicine to support her. She can't survive without me."

After listening to this, I felt very emotional. Just like Lao She wrote in "Camel Xiangzi", this society does not allow good people to have a way out. Is this really the case?

But since it is dead, I can only comfort it as much as possible. I can't watch it kill Li Huan, right?

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