Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 896 Something happened again!

"Do you think this is ancient times, where red knives go in and white knives come out, to express grudges and grudges?"

I was very angry with it, and I felt that it was very similar to Gao Tao, both good-intentioned people doing bad things. After thinking about it, I told it the story of Gao Tao, and briefly described the current laws.

Finally, I advised: "I will let Li Huan be punished by law, and instead of doing good deeds blindly like this, you might as well stay in the illusion of Taixu and practice, and one day you can benefit the people."

The broom star pondered after listening to my words, and his face became paler and paler. I knew that it had realized its mistake, so I took back the Madonna's staff and released its imprisonment.

"Please send me back to my original position, I will listen to you and practice well!" Broom Star begged, his voice was very pitiful.

I sighed and asked, "How can I help you?"

"There is a palace deep in the illusion of Taixu. There is a merit monument on it. You can just say a few nice words to me on it."

Broom Star said quickly, and then I followed its guidance to the palace, helped it write down the merits of this incident, and praised Broom Star very much. It thanked me and then used its spiritual power to send me back, while it stayed in the illusion, believing that it would never come out to harm anyone again.

When I opened my eyes again, I found that the sun was shining brightly outside, and the big basin in the room had been moved away. When the man in the T-shirt saw me opening my eyes, he took a long breath and said, "You figured it out, I thought You're going to die in there."

"It's not that exaggerated."

I was amused by him, and the man in the T-shirt spread his hands and explained that it turns out that an hour in the illusion is equivalent to a day in real life. I stayed in it for a few hours, but in fact, almost a week passed in reality.

I was scared for a while after hearing this, but in the end the trouble was solved perfectly. Li Huan agreed to go to the police station to surrender and obey the law.

Mr. Li took me to the casino for a day of fun. Unexpectedly, after getting the news, Li Mazi came here to eat and drink. He was really unruly. After playing, the Li family did not give me cash, but directly transferred a villa in Mong Kok to my name. The market value should not be less than 100 million.

I said to myself that I didn't want such an expensive reward, but the man in the T-shirt waved his hand for me to accept it.

It turns out that the Li family is a large capital group, with influence spread across various industries. They make money every day and take nothing for nothing!

I felt much more comfortable now. Finally, the Li family planned to send us back on a private plane, but the man in the T-shirt and I refused.

Li Mazi was a little dissatisfied with what the man in the T-shirt and I did. He kept complaining on the way to the airport: "Brother Zhang, how comfortable is the private plane? Why do we have to squeeze into economy class together?"

I just rolled my eyes at him and said nothing.

The man in the T-shirt patiently explained: "When we came here, they asked for something from us, so it made sense to come and pick them up. Now that the matter is over and we have received the rewards we deserve, how can we continue to trouble others?"

Li Mazi looked confused after hearing this. I couldn't help but slap him on the face and said angrily: "This is all a favor, don't you need to pay it back?"

After saying that, I felt a little sorry that he and the man in the T-shirt came together, but the villa belonged to me. So I smiled, held them both in my arms and said, "I won't take the economy class anymore. I'll take you to the first class. When we get back to Wuhan, how about I treat you two to a big health care?"

"People who practice Taoism are not interested."

The man in the T-shirt turned his head away coldly, but Li Mazi seemed particularly active, constantly using his mobile phone to search for famous gentle towns near Wuhan...

We were joking and waiting for the plane. Unexpectedly, we didn't wait for the plane but got a call from Ban Cuntou.

"Mr. Zhang, something happened to my young master again!"

Ban Cun Tou's voice was anxious, with a hint of complaint. I was stunned after hearing this and asked him to wait for me at home.

The T-shirt man and Li Mazi saw that I looked strange and asked, "What's wrong?"

I shrugged and replied, "It seems we can't leave. Something happened to Li Huan again."


The man in the T-shirt looked at me in disbelief. After all, the broom star who had done the trick before had been left by me to accumulate merit in the illusory realm of Taixu. He would definitely not be able to come out within a few hundred years. How could something happen to Li Huan? Is it possible that the Li family is hiding something from us?

While I was talking, people from the Li family had already rushed over, probably because they were afraid that I would run away secretly.

"Gentlemen, please."

Ban Cun Tou said coldly, I was still thinking of getting some information, but looking at his dead face now, I gave up the idea immediately.

Ban Cuntou drove all the way and arrived at the villa in more than half an hour. As soon as the car parked, Li Mazi crawled out and vomited out. I also felt my stomach churn, but the man in the T-shirt didn't change his expression, he was still so cold.

"Something's wrong here, be careful when you go in." The man in the T-shirt frowned, looked at the villa, and whispered to me.

He almost didn't miss what he said. It seemed that there was indeed something scary in the Li family. I wanted Ban Cuntou to help me take a look at Li Mazi, but he simply shook his head.

I was about to argue with him, but the man in the T-shirt stopped me and walked over to say something to Ban Cun Tou. Ban Cun Tou nodded repeatedly and helped Mazi Li to the side to rest.

"What did you say to him, and why did you suddenly change your mind?" I asked curiously.

The man in the T-shirt pointed at the villa and said coldly: "It's very simple. I said there is a ghost inside."

Damn, that's okay. It seems that Mr. Li's secretary is like this.

As we walked into the villa, I also felt something strange.

Even when the broom star was causing trouble here, there was nothing unusual about the villa, but now there is an invisible pressure emanating from the entire villa, which makes me feel inexplicably panicked.

"Did you feel it?"

The man in the T-shirt frowned and asked. I was stunned for a moment and then realized that this pressure was not Yin energy, but pure pressure. Just like what people say about the sixth sense, you will be able to detect when danger is coming.

It's okay if one person feels it, but now the man in the T-shirt and I both feel this way, but we can't see the existence of Yin Qi. It's really scary.

Gradually we arrived at Li Huan's room on the second floor. His door was closed tightly. I was grabbed by the man in a T-shirt just as I was about to get closer.

"Right in here!"

While he whispered for me to get ready, he raised his leg and kicked it over, smashing the solid wood door into pieces!


After kicking open the door, the man in the T-shirt and I rushed in one after the other, and we were shocked to find Li Huan sneering sinisterly at us. His face was green, and Mr. Li was lying next to him, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

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