Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 897 Bloody Python Talisman

"Holy shit, what's going on?"

Looking at Li Huan's appearance, I was a little confused. What had he gotten into? How could he be like this?

He kept sneering at us, but made no other moves. I couldn't figure out what was attached to him, so I asked the man in the T-shirt with his eyes if he wanted to get on.

The man in the T-shirt shook his head and motioned for me to wait for Li Huan to move first. After we confronted him for a few minutes, Li Huan couldn't hold on any longer and quickly rushed towards me with a grin.

"Your uncle's."

I cursed, the guy in the t-shirt and I were here, but he attacked me without even thinking. He was really picking on the weaklings.

Li Huan quickly rushed over, his hands turned into claws and his chin stretched forward like a wolf dog.

I was afraid of hurting him, so I didn't pick up the guy. I wanted to subdue him with my bare hands. Unexpectedly, this guy was so powerful that he threw me to the ground and pressed his whole body on top of me.

It’s hard to imagine that Li Huan, who looks like a chicken, is so vicious, biting my throat almost every time.

"Stop watching the fun and help."

I shouted silently, and then the man in the T-shirt moved, took out a magic talisman and put it on Li Huan's forehead. Li Huan's body twitched a few times and then stopped moving.

Damn, I’m so exhausted. I pushed the motionless Li Huan aside and wiped the cold sweat from my forehead.

"You need to exercise."

The man in the T-shirt pointed at me and said seriously. I stared back and replied, "How about you try? Li Huan is really strong."

"This is not a reason for you not to exercise." The man in the T-shirt replied coldly.


At this time, a cold wave came from behind me. When I turned around, I was surprised to find that Li Huan stood up again. He took off the talisman attached to his forehead, tore it into pieces and swallowed it directly.

Let me go, what on earth was hit by Li Huan? It's so powerful that it can swallow spiritual talismans alive.

Li Huan no longer gave me a chance to talk to the man in the T-shirt and quickly rushed over. He was extremely fast and his mouth was as wide as a basin.

If this damn thing was bitten, he would lose at least three kilograms of meat. The man in the T-shirt and I didn't dare to push it any further. We looked at each other and each drew out our weapons and assumed defensive postures.

Unexpectedly, Li Huan acted like crazy, didn't care about the guy in our hands, and rushed over. This desperate style of play gives us a headache. While protecting ourselves, we have to avoid hurting him.

I wasn't paying attention, and he slapped me on the back of my head. I felt a little dizzy at the time. I quickly took two steps back, thinking that if I tried again, I would definitely get a concussion.

But it seemed to have identified me, and ignored the man in the T-shirt. It continued to pounce on me, clinging to me, and soon tore off a piece of flesh from my body with its bloody teeth.

I groaned and looked at the wound out of habit, only to find that the wound had turned black and was rotting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Damn it, Li Huan’s teeth are actually poisonous!


The man in the T-shirt yelled when he saw this, veins popped out on his forehead, and he reached out to draw the sword!

Li Huan tasted the taste of blood, lying on the ground with his limbs stretched out like a spider, his head facing me, and he kept chewing my meat in his mouth, as if he had eaten the most delicious thing in the world, with a face full of enjoyment.

"Nie Zhan, your opponent is me!"

The man in the T-shirt stood in front of me, the Eight-sided Han Sword in his hand flashing with bright blue light.

"If you had been so serious earlier, I wouldn't have been hurt."

I felt like I had no strength all over my body, but I still tried my best to say something. After I finished speaking, my eyes became blurry...

When I woke up, I opened my eyes and saw a big, fat face. It was Li Mazi. He was shaking my arm and saying, "Brother Zhang, wake up!"

"Mazi, give me a glass of water."

I opened my eyes and asked weakly. Unexpectedly, when this kid saw that I was awake, he turned around and ran out.

He came back after a while, and it turned out that he had gone to inform the T-shirt man.

The man in the T-shirt handed me a glass of water, and I quickly took the glass and drank it in one gulp. After drinking, my throat felt much better and my vision was no longer so blurry.

"What do you think?" the man in the T-shirt asked.


As soon as I opened my mouth, I felt as if my throat was torn. It took me a long time to squeeze out these two words.

"I'll check his pulse again. Don't worry, it's safe if he wakes up."

An old voice sounded, and then a monk wearing cassocks and very long eyebrows came over. It turned out to be Zen Master Baimei.

I was about to speak but he stopped me: "Little friend, your body is still very weak and it is not suitable to talk much. Please rest first. If you have anything to do, we will talk about it later."

After saying that, he put his hand on my wrist and closed his eyes to observe. I felt really sleepy after hearing what he said, so I fell back and fell asleep.

I don’t know how long I slept, but the aroma of food drifted into my nose. When I opened my eyes and looked over, I saw Li Mazi holding a plate of vegetables and looking at me with a sly look.

"Brother Zhang, you've been sleeping for three days. Are you hungry?" Li Mazi said.

Three days? I actually slept for so long.

Seeing that I didn't say anything, Li Mazi put the food next to me. I happened to be hungry, so I picked it up and ate it all. I didn't know where Li Mazi got the food, but it was all vegetarian.

After eating, I asked him what happened. Li Mazi said seriously: "Brother Zhang, do you know that you almost died, but you scared me to death."

"You were poisoned that day and almost died in the villa. When Ban Cuntou and I went in, we saw Chu Yi and Li Huan fighting in a ball. As soon as I heard that you were injured, I rescued you..."

I recalled the scene at that time, nodded, and then asked what happened to Li Huan in the end? If the man in the T-shirt hurts him, the Li family may not let it go.

While talking, Li Mazi helped me to the hall. This is a Chinese-style building divided into five parts: the hall, the side hall, the bedroom, the guest room and the garden. The layout of the building is the same as that of the Tang Dynasty. Each house is well-proportioned and the overall building is square. Although it is not big, it can be seen from the decoration that the owner of this house has a very deep study of the culture of the Tang Dynasty. Otherwise, how could he build a house with such a similar layout?

Moreover, the house also tries its best to imitate the architecture of the Tang Dynasty in many details. The tiles, flowers, plants, and furnishings in the house are all tried to be the same as the Tang Dynasty style.

While I was admiring the furnishings in each room, Li Mazi had already led me to the hall.

In the hall, Zen Master Baimei and the man in the T-shirt were drinking tea, seemingly waiting for my arrival.

"You're awake, sit down."

The man in the T-shirt saw me nodding and said, before I could ask any questions, he took the initiative and said, "The one attached to Li Huan is a broom star."

"Didn't the broom star accumulate virtues in the illusion of Taixu? Why is it still possessed by Li Huan?" I asked doubtfully.

"After you fainted, Li Huan and I fought for a long time. In the end, he was injured by me and his true colors showed."

"I didn't expect it to be a broom star, but its eyes were red, and it seemed that its strength was much higher than before. I tried my best to drive it away. Then you had a poisonous attack, and I had no choice but to take you to Baimei here."

The man in the T-shirt said lightly, but I saw a small piece of gauze exposed on his arm. It seemed that he and Li Huan definitely didn't get much benefit from the battle.

"How come the broom star appears again and is still attached to Li Huan?"

I asked doubtfully. This thing was too weird. I didn't believe that the broom star would come out. The way it looked when it was in Taixu Illusion that day was definitely sincere, so I concluded that the broom star didn't go back on its word.

"After the broom star escaped, a talisman was left where it was."

After finishing speaking, the man in the T-shirt picked up a talisman from the table and put it in front of me. The talisman paper was black, with a python drawn on it with bright red stuff. The red stuff was different from the color of cinnabar, and it looked more beautiful that way. Like human blood.

"Not many people in the world have this kind of python poison. You must have heard of Python Tian, ​​right?" the man in the T-shirt asked.

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