Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 898: Those who cross the red line will die!

I was stunned after hearing this, and then my face became ferocious. Yes, this is the poison of Longquan Villa!

Damn it, I didn’t provoke them, but they came to cause trouble again. For a moment, I recalled all the things Longquan Villa had done to me in the past, and I wanted to rush over and kill them all.

"Don't be angry yet, the people sent by Longquan Villa this time are not ordinary people."

The man in the T-shirt said solemnly.

"Already know who it is?" I asked.

The man in the T-shirt picked up the talisman on the table again, sighed and said, "Who else in Longquan Villa can draw such a talisman?"

I couldn't help but swallow after hearing this. It seems that they are determined to take my life this time, but I am not a fool. Since it is unavoidable, let's fight!

As far as I know, Longquan Villa is very hierarchical, and the spells learned by the people in their Villa are also classified according to their levels.

The black talisman left behind by Broom Star before his death is called Mangtian. Mangtian is a very high-level poisoner. Very few people in Longquan Villa can learn it. Counting them, only the owner, the young owner and the young owner of Longquan Villa can learn it. The owner's two favorite disciples are Mr. Yin Yang and Miss Yin Yang.

Ichiro Ryuzawa didn't take advantage of me several times. I'm not afraid of him, but the remaining three are more difficult to deal with.

"What are you going to do?" the man in the T-shirt asked. I shook my head and said I didn't know what else to do now. Let's take it one step at a time.

The enemy is in the dark and I am in the light, so I can only defend myself passively.

"How is Li Huan?"

I still think about that rich second generation, after all, he is innocent. Let’s not talk about whether the Li family will cause trouble for us. Even if Li Huan is really dead, I can’t bear the blame!

"Don't worry, he's fine."

The man in the t-shirt obviously understood what I was thinking. I nodded and started thinking about what to do next? It feels really uncomfortable to be stared at.

At this time, my cell phone suddenly rang. As soon as I connected, I heard Boss Bai from his shop say: "Big shopkeeper, come back quickly! A strange man holding a black sword came, claiming to be Zhang The patriarch of the family.”

Patriarch, why did he come to my store for nothing?

After hanging up the phone, I asked Li Mazi to pack his things and return to Wuhan. I felt that it was no coincidence that the head of the Zhang family came to Antique Street. There must be something big going on.

"I'll go back with you."

The man in the T-shirt was worried that I wouldn't be able to handle it on my own, so he offered to go back with me. Before leaving, Zen Master Baimei said that he would go over and help out after finishing the things at hand.

The three of us packed up our things in a hurry and rushed back to the antique store as quickly as possible. Boss Bai pointed out the back room to me, and then Li Mazi dragged Boss Bai outside to drink. The man in the T-shirt also followed him out, leaving me Spend some alone time.

I quickly walked into the back room and saw a middle-aged man wearing a black suit and round-framed old scholar glasses sitting on the sofa.

He was sitting in a very upright posture, leaning on a simple black long sword on his shoulder. He was none other than Zhang Yaowu, the head of the Zhang family in Jiangbei, who I had met once before.

Seeing that I was back, the patriarch looked at his watch slightly and said, "I've been waiting for you for two days and one night. How have you been lately?"

Out of respect for my grandfather and Senior Shu, I still respect the Zhang family, so I let him speak his mind.

"It's nothing serious. I just came to take back the Xinghuang Flag. I've lent it to you for a while. It's time to take it back to the Zhang Family Ancestral Hall and continue to enjoy the incense of the clan."

The patriarch said lightly, I am very confused as to why he took away the apricot yellow flag at this time? But he still handed the Xinghuang flag to him obediently.

I thought the patriarch would say something else, but he left without eating a meal or drinking a cup of tea, which made me feel a little unhappy.

After all, the battle with Longquan Villa is about to begin, and this side has actually taken away my strongest protective card, which is a shame!

What's more, the clan leader waited for me in Wuhan for several days just to take away the apricot yellow flag. There must be something fishy about it. I thought about it and called Da Jinya.

This kid has been staying near Wuhan recently, which can be regarded as a kind of potential support for me from the Zhang family in Jiangbei. However, we don't interact with him at all on weekdays. However, he has been hanging out with the senior leaders of the Zhang family for a long time, so he should know something.

Unexpectedly, the first time I called him, no one answered for a long time. It took more than an hour for him to call me back.

"What are you doing, taking so long to answer my call?" I asked angrily.

Da Jinya laughed, and then said: "Don't worry, young master. Isn't this the clan leader asking all the Zhang family's forces in Wuhan to withdraw to the north immediately? I was just busy asking my servants to pack their things. Do you have any problems over there? "

Unexpectedly, the patriarch withdrew the Zhang family's power in Wuhan. Although I had never relied on them, I was still considered one of my own psychologically.

I didn't reply, hung up the phone and began to think deeply. The patriarch first took back the apricot-yellow flag that was placed here, and then took back all the Zhang family forces in Wuhan, and recently the people from Longquan Villa just happened to jump out and look for trouble...

Is it possible that there is any connection between the two?

The more I thought about it, the more scared I became. I always felt that Longquan Villa and the Jiangbei Zhang family had secretly reached some kind of agreement and were preparing to sell me.

While I was thinking about it, there were sounds coming from outside the antique store. It was very noisy, like a vegetable market.

I frowned and walked out, only to find that almost everyone on Antique Street gathered at the North Gate. They seemed to be discussing something, their voices full of panic.

"What's wrong?"

I walked over and grabbed a few guys watching the fun and asked.

"Hey... Shopkeeper, you'll know by yourself when you go to the front and take a look!"

After they finished speaking, they sighed and left, leaving me confused. I had no choice but to push through the crowd and slowly push my way to the front. I happened to see Xiao Guzi, a boss with whom I usually have a good relationship, and asked him what happened.

"Shopkeeper, I'm afraid we might have gotten into trouble with something dirty in Antique Street!"

Little Glass said in a panic. I comforted Little Glass a few words, and then under his guidance I saw a red line drawn in front of the gate of Antique Street, with several big bloody characters written on it: Those who show the red line will die!

Damn it, after seeing these big words, I just felt a fire rising from my chest. Isn't this clearly provoking me?

But I soon calmed down and thought about who left the scarlet letter.

The people in the antique street dispersed after seeing the bustle, and for a while they were in a state of panic. In the end, I was left staring at the red line in a daze, but I still didn’t think about getting famous, so I had to go back to the store.

"Brother Zhang, you are finally back."

As soon as I walked to the door of the antique store, I saw Li Mazi standing at the door looking around like a watchman. When he saw me, he immediately ran over and held my hand and said.

I had a vague premonition, so I looked at Li Mazi carefully and asked, "Is something going to happen again?"

"Brother, Boss Bai and I picked this up in front of our store when we came back!"

After Li Mazi finished speaking, he tremblingly took something out of his pocket. It was something like an envelope, completely black, with nothing on it.

I thought about it and was about to open the envelope, but Li Mazi stopped me and said worriedly: "Brother Zhang, what if there is poison in it?"

Damn it, grandma, I’ve been tortured almost crazy recently. Are you afraid that this letter is poisonous?

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