Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 899 Black post asking for life

I asked Li Mazi to step back, took a deep breath, and opened the envelope. It turned out that there was no poison or hidden weapon inside, just a card that was as black as the envelope.

There was not a single word written on the card, but there was a big red dragon drawn on it. The dragon was painted very vividly, with teeth and claws and wide eyes as if it would jump out of the card the next moment.

"Did you see who put this in front of the store?"

The dragon on this card looks full of evil. Affected by it, I feel like there is an evil fire in my heart.

"Little... little brother!"

Li Mazi seemed a little scared when he saw my appearance.

"I'm asking you, did you see who put the things here?"

I felt that the anger in my heart was getting bigger and bigger, as if I could only calm down the anger by tearing a person into pieces. Looking at Li Mazi in front of me, he approached him unexpectedly.

"Boss Bai, go to West Street to find the first grade of junior high school and tell him to stop drinking tea. If he drinks any more, I will die!"

Li Mazi saw something was wrong and shouted to the next door. After hearing this, Boss Bai ran out of the back hall. When he saw me approaching Li Mazi with a sullen expression on my face, he came to his senses for a moment and ran to find the man in the T-shirt.

I pushed towards Li Mazi uncontrollably, then kicked him out and knocked him to the ground.

"Zhang Jiulin, your uncle!"

After Li Mazi fell to the ground, he cursed me. His face hit the stone on the ground, and a bloody gash immediately appeared. I don't know why, but I became excited after seeing the blood. I only had one idea in my mind: bite his throat and drink all his blood.

Li Mazi looked at me and was frightened. He subconsciously stepped back, and I slowly pressed forward.

Finally, he was cornered by me. I gritted my teeth and rushed towards him. But at this moment, my eyes suddenly went dark, and then I found myself in an environment full of fog.

There was heavy fog everywhere and nothing could be seen. At this moment I woke up and didn't understand why I wanted to kill Li Mazi just now, let alone where I was now.

"Zhang Jiulin, wait for death slowly!"

Suddenly, there was a strange sound in my ears. This sound was particularly penetrating, as if it came from hell.

"Damn it, show me what you can do!"

I cursed angrily, but no one answered me, as if the voice just didn't exist.

"Little Guaiguai has quite a bad temper, but he doesn't know that his death is coming...luck..."

Another voice came, this time a woman's.

"Who is it?"

I yelled to cover up the fear in my heart. At this moment, I clearly felt the strong danger.

"Zhang Jiulin, your death countdown has begun!"

The sound was so sharp that the hairs all over my body stood up in shock, and I lost consciousness immediately.

When I woke up, it was already dark. The man in the T-shirt was sitting by the bed reading a book. When he saw that I was awake, he put the book away and asked me how I felt.

"What's going on again?"

I asked doubtfully, and Li Mazi said with a sad face: "Brother, you damn near killed me."

There is a layer of gauze wrapped around his forehead. This guy has a big head, so it looks like someone with macrocephaly. Not to mention how funny it is.

I couldn't help laughing, but he said aggrievedly: "Brother, you are the one who opened the dipper for me!"

"You were poisoned before and haven't recovered yet. It's normal for you to be poisoned if your yang energy is weak." The man in the T-shirt nodded and continued what Li Mazi said.

But how could I be tricked? Was it that letter?

"That letter is called a black post."

The man in the T-shirt said with a sullen face: "The black post is very famous in the world. It is the official letter of challenge of Longquan Villa. It's just that something was added to your black post."

After he finished speaking, he took out a small transparent glass bottle from his body. There was a small insect the size of a rice grain squirming in it. I felt nauseated for no reason when I looked at it.

"This is called a ghost yin insect, which can disturb people's psyche and make them violent. However, it is a yin insect. Generally, it can only survive if it is placed on a woman, but men with weaker yang energy can also feed it. .”

It seems that I am one of those unlucky men with low yang energy. I am a little speechless.

"Longquan Villa's move is too shady."

Li Mazi covered his head and cursed. Fortunately, the man in the T-shirt came with me this time, otherwise Li Mazi would have been killed by me without knowing it.

"This is all a trivial matter, let's prepare how to deal with black posts!" The man in the T-shirt said worriedly.

Li Mazi pouted and said, isn't it just a piece of paper? There is nothing to be afraid of.

"Childish!" The man in the T-shirt unexpectedly cursed someone in a rare way, which scared Li Mazi to the point of becoming honest.

"Do you think Longquan Villa's black post is unworthy of its reputation? Let me tell you, as soon as Longquan Villa's black post comes out, it will definitely set off a bloody storm in the circle." The man in the T-shirt explained.

I suddenly thought of the dream I just had. The strange voice in the dream said something similar to what the man in the T-shirt said.

"How is that possible? Stop scaring people?"

Li Mazi was trembling with fright at the side, because I received this black post, which proved that Li Mazi could not escape this disaster.

"Hmph, didn't you see the red line outside Antique Street? That's the power of Longquan Villa. They are not just dealing with Zhang Jiulin this time, but they want to make sure that no one is left in Antique Street."

When the man in the T-shirt said this, I realized that the red line was caused by Longquan Villa! Damn it, Longquan Villa wants everyone around me to die violently one by one!

"What does that have to do with black posts?" Li Mazi asked again without giving up.

"As soon as the black post comes out, it proves that the people sent by Longquan Villa must be top masters. Once the blood line comes out, within three days, Longquan Villa will come to claim your life!"

After the man in the t-shirt said, Li Mazi collapsed on the bed in fear. I also felt a little guilty and asked the man in the t-shirt how he knew the news and whether it was just rumors.

"Bai Mei and I once saw a tragedy in the circle of ghosts. The murder method was so cruel that I have never seen it in my life. After that tragedy, Bai Mei and I became very concerned about the affairs of Longquan Villa. After investigation, we learned about Longquan Villa. The black post has only appeared three times in history, and the people from the three families who received the black post all died without their bodies intact!" said the man in the T-shirt.

This... I didn't expect Longquan Villa to deal with me in such a big way this time, but what are the backgrounds of those three people who received blackmails before? My curiosity was piqued by the man in the T-shirt.

"You know about the Hu family in Northeast China, the Ma family in Yunnan, and the Caiyun Inn, right?"

The man in the T-shirt seemed to have read my thoughts and said proactively. I couldn't help but gasp after hearing this.

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