Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 903 They are coming!

At this time, a drop of water fell on my forehead. I touched it with my hand and smelled a fishy smell.

Could it be... When I thought of this, I turned on the flashlight and shined it towards the roof. At a glance, I saw a pale woman lying on the roof.

She was pressed against the wall like a mollusk, drooling from her mouth.

"Damn, it's really here."

I shouted, quickly drew my Silver Moon Scimitar and rushed forward.

During this period of time, I was so depressed by Longquan Villa that I couldn't lift my head up. Now I finally found someone to vent to. I don't care at all whether I can beat the woman on the roof. I just want to fight her to the death!

But before I could jump up, she suddenly jumped to the other wall like a monkey. Seeing this, the man in the T-shirt pulled out the Eight-sided Han Sword and threw it in the air, and then chanted a spell.

His Eight-sided Han Sword flashed with blue light and rolled continuously in the room, sparking crystal sword flowers wherever it went. It could be seen that the man in the T-shirt used 100% of his strength, leaving no room for the woman at all. The ghost's activity space was gradually compressed.

Finally, she was forced to stay near me. I sneered and threw the scimitar into her chest.

The female ghost made a sizzling sound all over her body as if she was being electrocuted. After a while, she exploded with a bang, and then turned into powder.

"Is this the end?"

Li Mazi seemed to still have some unfinished thoughts, and said in a mean tone: "Before Brother Ma even takes action, these losers from Longquan Villa are already on their knees. How cowardly."

As if he heard Li Mazi's words, as soon as he finished speaking, the children's laughter rang out in the antique shop again!

"Hey hey hey..."

I believe anyone would be scared to hear a child's weird laughter suddenly in the middle of the night.

Li Mazi didn't dare to be arrogant anymore and hid in the formation and didn't dare to move.

I don’t know how long it took, but the laughter finally stopped, but before I could breathe a sigh of relief, there was a chill around me out of thin air, and then a pair of cold, pale hands grabbed my clothes.

"Brother, can you come down and play with me?"

I was stunned when I heard this sentence and didn't dare to move for a while. It asked a few more questions in succession, and when I didn't reply, it became angry and reached out to grab my chest.

"Play with you!"

If I didn't resist, my heart would be ripped out. I cursed and swung the Silver Moon Scimitar in a sharp arc. I only heard the child scream, and then the pressure on my chest was much lessened.

"How are you?"

This was the voice of the man in the T-shirt. I couldn't see his expression in the darkness, but his voice was trembling, as if he was hurt.

"I'm fine, how about you?" I said.

The man in the T-shirt didn't reply to me, but he groaned secretly. It seems that there is more than one kid in the antique shop now!

Even the man in the T-shirt and I were fooled like this. I really don’t know what happened to Li Mazi. I called out to him in the dark, but I didn’t get any response.

Could it be that something happened to him?

Before I had time to think about it, that cold feeling came again, and this time it was faster. I was bitten by it without paying attention, and blood started flowing.

Fortunately, the kid is not poisonous, otherwise I don't know if I can survive.

At this time, there was a sudden burst of dazzling light outside the antique store, so that I couldn't open my eyes at all, and the kid next to me also lay on the ground obediently.

After the light faded, I could clearly see the scene in front of me.

A pair of tall, thin men and women, wearing the same black and white clothes, were standing at the door of the store, staring at me coldly with their narrow eyes!

Facing the sudden appearance of a man and a woman, the kid was so frightened that he didn't even dare to move.

Li Mazi was trampled under the feet of the man in black clothes. His head was covered with blood and he didn't know whether to live or die.

The man in the T-shirt was holding his body up with the Eight-sided Han Sword, and looked like he had been severely injured.

I'm not much better. A piece of flesh was taken away alive by a kid, and blood is still pouring out.

The light on the Eight-faced Han Sword of the man in the T-shirt is getting weaker and weaker, and it is obviously exhausted. However, the man and the woman are smiling happily, and their voices are extremely abnormal.

"They say you are very powerful, but why didn't I see it?"

The person wearing white Wuchang clothes was a beautiful woman. When she spoke, her voice was very gentle, but her face was extremely pale, and her pupils had no energy at all. She looked like a dead person. She looked at the man in the T-shirt with a sneer, her eyes full of disdain.

"I don't have much ability, but I can handle you enough, Miss Yin Yang!" the man in the T-shirt said calmly.

Miss Yin Yang laughed coquettishly after hearing the T-shirt man's words. She stretched out her white hands, and her red nails sprouted like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, with a strange light shining on them.

She wanted to rush over, but was stopped by Young Master Yin Yang on the side.

Young Master Yin Yang looks human-like, but he has a red skull pattern tattooed on his face, which makes him look very attractive. He licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue and stared at the man in the T-shirt with greedy eyes, as if he was seeing delicious food in the world.

"Little sister, wait until big brother drinks his blood before I give you his heart!"

Miss Yin Yang nodded fiercely after hearing this, and even began to swallow her saliva unconsciously, as if the two of us were already the fat in their mouths.

"It's just you? You're not qualified!"

I gritted my teeth and was about to rush forward to fight for my life, but was stopped by the man in the T-shirt. His face was even paler than before. When I took a closer look, I discovered that there was a long gash on his stomach, and blood was constantly leaking out. Fortunately, he was wearing a black windbreaker, otherwise he would have been covered in red.

"You think of a way to save Li Mazi, and I'll pester them."

The man in the T-shirt whispered, and as soon as he finished speaking, he summoned Xiaolin and got into a fight with the two perverts from Longquan Villa.

The little ghosts around were staring at the man in the T-shirt, as if looking for an opportunity to sneak attack. I sneered and released Wei Yu, telling her with my mind to save Li Mazi.

"Bad brother, you have to be careful."

Oudama said and turned into a white fox and flew out. I took the opportunity to rush forward with a machete and got entangled with the kid.

I didn't take it seriously at first, but once we fought, I realized that it was different from the female ghosts I met before, because it struck quickly and accurately. Although it was not as powerful as Miss Yin Yang, it was obviously specially refined.

Before I knew what was going on, I was bitten by it. It seemed like it penetrated my arm. In an instant, severe pain spread throughout my body.

"go to hell!"

I held back the severe pain, roared, took out the medium-sized magic talisman from my pocket and threw it at the kid. Unexpectedly, the blow did not cause any damage to it. It only suffered temporary pain and was forced to stop attacking, but it did not leave.

Only then did I have the time to observe the little ghost. It looked like it was about the same size as a baby. At this moment, its whole body was purple, and its eyes had no whites and were instead blood red. It opened its mouth and roared at me several times. Seeing that I didn't take action, it pounced on me again.

Its speed was getting faster and faster, and I gradually couldn't resist it, and I was hit by it again and again. After a while, I felt that my eyes were getting dark, probably because I had lost too much blood.

This put me in an infinite vicious circle. If I didn't get out of this predicament early, I would bleed to death even if I wasn't killed by it.

But the only man in the T-shirt who could help me was no better than me at the moment. He was becoming more and more passive under the combined attack of Mr. Yin Yang and Miss Yin Yang.

Xiaolin was even worse, his soul seemed to be extremely close to being transparent. The only thing to be thankful for was that Wei Yu successfully dragged Li Mazi back.

But so what, once the T-shirt man and I were defeated, Li Mazi's trapped spirit formation would have no effect.

Are we all going to die here today?

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