Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 904: Rescue by Zen Master Baimei

"Zhang Jiulin, today I will send you to the West."

Miss Yin Yang said with a strange smile. After hearing this, I couldn't help but tremble in my heart. What will happen to my wife and children if I die? What will happen to the T-shirt man and Li Mazi, as well as these people who followed me to eat in Antique Street? They will all suffer!

I wanted to activate the Eternal Spirit Ring, but suddenly I remembered that Ichiro Tatsuzawa hadn't appeared yet.

He has been defeated in my hands time and time again, and he will definitely not miss the opportunity to kill me this time, so he must be there!

While I was thinking about it, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. When I looked up, I saw that Miss Yin Yang had already rushed in front of me. She inserted a dozen centimeters long red nails into my body and stirred it back and forth a few times. I just felt like my insides had been shattered by her.

"Zhang Jiulin, I want your life!"

As if she had had enough, she yelled and pulled her nails out of my stomach, then stabbed me in the neck.

From the side, her nails looked like five steel knives glowing red, which could definitely cut off my head in one go.

Reason told me to dodge, but my body didn't have the strength to dodge.

But the next moment, I didn't feel any pain, but I heard Odama scream. I opened my eyes and saw that Oudama blocked the attack for me, and a long gash opened on her flawless back.

"Bad brother, are you okay?" Oyu shed tears in pain and didn't forget to ask me.

I have never been so frustrated that I relied on my own spiritual pet for protection.

"Kill if you want, don't talk nonsense." I held Oyu in my arms and shouted coldly.

"Tsk tsk... The blood of this spirit fox is quite fragrant. Her meat must be even more delicious."

Miss Yin Yang licked the blood from her hands with a look of intoxication on her face. I looked at the seriously injured Oudama and didn't dare to imagine her being eaten.

"I'll fight you!"

I yelled and threw the invisible needle out, but she easily dodged it.

She smiled contemptuously, as if my words were a big joke to her.

"You still want to kill me with this little ability? These friends of yours are really blind. They go through life and death for you one by one. Are you worthy of taking a piss and taking a look at yourself?"

I don’t know why, after she said these words, the anger in my heart went out. I thought of Old Man Xu and the three bosses who died tragically for me, of Senior Rat and the T-shirt Man, and of Li Mazi, whose life or death was uncertain.

She was right, I seemed to be really dragging my teammates down.

"Jilin, don't listen to her, she is confusing your mind!"

Just when I was about to give up, the man in the T-shirt yelled from beside me and pulled me back to my senses. However, because of his temporary distraction, he was kicked by Master Yin Yang and flew several meters away.

"Damn it, you all have to die!"

I pulled out my scimitar and launched a suicidal attack on Miss Yin Yang crazily. The kid kept harassing me, but I ignored it at all.

At this time, I only had one thought in my heart, I want to kill this bitch!

But I really couldn't beat her, my strength was getting weaker and weaker, and soon I collapsed to the ground from exhaustion.


Just when the man in the t-shirt and I collapsed, a call from the Buddha came from outside. I was so happy that Zen Master Baimei was here!

"You're finally here..."

The man in the T-shirt complained weakly, and Zen Master Baimei nodded at us. Without saying a word, he turned to look at Master Yin Yang and Miss Yin Yang.

"Don't worry, Weiyu and Xiaolin are both spirits. They can recover as long as they don't disappear into ashes."

The man in the T-shirt obviously relaxed after Zen Master Baimei arrived. He tried his best to move next to me and said softly.

I nodded, and then looked at Zen Master Baimei together with him. Miss Yin Yang, Master Yin Yang and the kid seemed to be very afraid of Zen Master Bai Mei, and they didn't even take action immediately.

"Zen Master Baimei, if you don't practice well in Dabei Temple, why do you need to come to this muddy water?"

Young Master Yin Yang lost his arrogance and became more polite.

"Amitabha, I was entrusted by my old friend to help donor Zhang get through this difficult time. I also hope that it will be convenient for you two."

"Old bald donkey, don't you really think of yourself as the Buddha? Is it possible that the three of us can't beat you alone!"

Miss Yin Yang seemed to have exhausted her patience, and became rude when speaking. After speaking, she took the initiative to attack Zen Master Bai Mei. Her face changed faster than turning the page of a book.

The kid followed Miss Yin Yang, but Mr. Yin Yang still didn't take action. I don't know if he was really afraid or waiting for something.

"Obstacles, turn back and find the right shore."

Zen Master Baimei chanted a Buddha's name loudly, quickly took the beads from his wrist and threw them towards the kid.

This Buddhist bead is very powerful. Back in Fengdu Ghost City, he used this Buddhist bead to fight the Yin-Yang Tiger and the One-Armed Dragon alone. Although the kid had been refined, he was definitely no match for the two elders of Longquan Villa!

But it seemed to have taken advantage of me and became arrogant. It didn't care about Zen Master Baimei at all, and rushed towards me blankly. As a result, it was hit by the Buddha beads, and bursts of Brahma Buddha light burst out.

It screamed and fell to the ground and twitched. Where was the arrogance from before?

"Amitabha, go."

After all, Zen Master Baimei is a Buddhist, and he finally chose to help the little ghost to be saved and included it in the Buddhist beads. On the other hand, the imp's owners, Mr. Yin Yang and Miss Yin Yang, watched it disappear little by little with eyes that looked at it as trash.

I suddenly felt that this kid was very miserable. He did not enjoy the wealth and wealth in the world, so he died in his mother's belly. Then he was made into a monster using evil magic, and finally ended up like this.

After Zen Master Baimei helped it through salvation, he looked at Miss Yin Yang again.

She witnessed Zen Master Baimei killing the kid instantly with one move. She was obviously a little panicked and did not do anything again.

"Zen Master Baimei, please come back."

Young Master Yin Yang still said to Zen Master Bai Mei very politely.

Zen Master Baimei shook his head and held the beads and said, "God has the virtue of good life, why don't the two donors go back?"

"Brother, this old bald ass is too tired to eat, let's take action together!"

Miss Yin Yang was really hot-tempered and would rush in again at the slightest disagreement. At this moment, Master Yin Yang also gave up trying to win over Zen Master Bai Mei and followed him to attack Zen Master Bai Mei.

Faced with the joint attack of the two men, Zen Master Baimei used Buddhist beads to deal with it with ease, and during this period he also persuaded them to stop.

Obviously the compassionate Buddha Dharma is the nemesis of people caught in this kind of evil magic!

After a stalemate for a while, Miss Yin Yang broke away from Master Bai Mei and attacked us. This was a clear plan to attack the east and attack the west. However, the man in the T-shirt and I really had no ability to defend, so Master Bai Mei had no choice but to come over and help us.

As a result, the pressure on him increased a lot. Zen Master Baimei no longer simply defended. He took the initiative and shot Miss Yin Yang away with a Buddha bead. Then he landed in front of us and sighed: "Why is it difficult for others to suffer, but also difficult for ourselves?"

After saying that, the moon-white cassock on his body stood up without any wind, and he took the initiative to attack. Young Master Yin Yang and Miss Yin Yang also showed their special skills at this time, attacking Zen Master Baimei and the man in the T-shirt.

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