Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 906: The Immortal-Slaying Sword is Unsheathed

"Jilin, let me go."

After a while, the man in the T-shirt had calmed down, so I thought about it and let him go.

Unexpectedly, when Ichiro Ryuzawa saw that we were not going out, a black talisman popped out of his body and threw it on Master Baimei. In just an instant, Master Baimei's body was engulfed in raging fire.


Ichiro Ryuzawa smiled crazily, and the man in the T-shirt had veins popping out as he tightly grasped the hilt of the sword.

Ryuzawa Ichiro laughed for a while, and actually grabbed Mr. Yin Yang who was standing aside in his hand, and slowly walked towards my trapped spirit array!

Could it be that he wanted to...

The next moment I confirmed my guess, Ryuzawa Ichiro was actually using the Yin Yang Master's body to hit my trapping spirit array!

It seemed that he was really crazy and would not even spare his companions. Master Yin Yang was already dying, but he had no intention of stopping.

But this method really worked, and cracks appeared in the light wall around the trapped spirit array.

"Jilin, I have to give Bai Mei an explanation."

The man in the T-shirt looked at the still burning corpse and said calmly, "I know he has made up his mind, and there is no need to stop him."

Besides, I had had enough, so I nodded and said let’s do it together! The man in the T-shirt didn't say anything, he just patted me on the shoulder.

I gritted my teeth and looked at Ichiro Ryuzawa, vowing in my heart to avenge all innocent people.

"Can you give it up?"

Seeing me and the man in the T-shirt walking out of the light wall, Ichiro Ryuzawa said in a strange tone.

"I'm going to crush you to ashes!"

After the man in the t-shirt finished speaking, he drew a bright blue light with the Eight-sided Han Sword. Naturally, I couldn't lag behind, and moved forward with the Silver Moon Scimitar.

"I don't have time to play these childish games with you, risk your life!"

Ichiro Ryuzawa roared, and the black energy around his body surged, and then a mysterious statue appeared around his body, with a green-faced and fanged evil ghost painted on it.

Then Ichiro Ryuzawa actually grew fangs, and he looked exactly like the devil in the statue. He shouted my name in a strange voice, and at the same time the statue on him suddenly opened its eyes.

These eyes are full of killing and ferociousness. I am convinced that they are evil spirits from hell!

"Jiulin, he invited evil spirits from hell to take over him, please be careful."

The man in the T-shirt ordered and I nodded. No wonder Ichiro Ryuzawa has become so much more powerful during this period. It turns out that he is making a desperate move!

Cooperating with evil spirits is a kind of chronic suicide in itself. The fact that Ryuzawa Ichiro took this step to deal with me shows that I must come to an end with him, otherwise there will never be peace.

While I was talking, Ichiro Ryuzawa roared and rushed towards me. At this moment, he had transformed into an evil spirit from hell, constantly attacking the vital points of our bodies like a ghost.

My scimitar kept slashing at him, but the effect was very unsatisfactory. The man in the T-shirt was already sweating profusely.

Just when I was worried about what to do next, the man in the T-shirt shouted loudly: "Jiulin, stand down!"

I subconsciously stepped back and slit the throat of the dying Yin Yang Master with a knife.

I saw the man in the T-shirt suddenly take off his shirt, and then I discovered that there was a lifelike middle-aged scholar in a green shirt tattooed on his back, and at this moment the scholar's eyes had been opened!

"Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin?"

After seeing the tattoo, Ichiro Ryuzawa subconsciously stepped back, and then as if he remembered something, he quickly dug out the hearts of Mr. Yin Yang and Miss Yin Yang and swallowed them in his mouth.

"That's disgusting. What is he doing?" I asked.

"He is sacrificing to the evil ghost, and soon the evil ghost will help him deal with you and me!"

The man in the t-shirt had a majestic tone in his voice. I thought to myself that he was also possessed by Lu Dongbin, right?

"I'm not possessed."

The man in the t-shirt explained: "Lü Dongbin is my natal deity. I don't need to possess him to be invited."


Ichiro Ryuzawa suddenly laughed. He looked at us with his mouth dripping with blood, and his eyes were even more scary than before. It seems that the evil spirit accepted his sacrifice and now wants to kill me and the man in the t-shirt!

Sure enough, the evil spirit quickly attacked me. In just a blink of an eye, he rushed over and reached out to grab my eyes.

I quickly rolled back to avoid the attack, but his speed was abnormal, and he grabbed my chest again the next moment.


The man in the T-shirt finally moved, and he let out a clear sound. The voice contained such great authority that I couldn't help but tremble.

The evil ghost paused unconsciously, so I escaped the fatal blow.

The man in the T-shirt made a sound, put his fingers together into a sword shape, and took the initiative to fight with Ichiro Ryuzawa.

The two sides are going back and forth, just like a duel between martial arts masters. But the man in the T-shirt was seriously injured after all, and his physical strength was no longer enough to maintain the spiritual power Zhong Kui needed. Ichiro Ryuzawa sensed the Man in the T-shirt's weakness and gave him a hard kick.

The man in the T-shirt puffed out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

Then Ichiro Ryuzawa looked at me and said with a sneer: "Of the three masters who dominated the world back then, two died and one was injured. Who else is there now?"


The corners of my mouth twitched, recalling the happy times I had with Senior Rat, Zen Master Baimei, and the man in the T-shirt, and I sneered along with him!

In fact, from the first day I took over the antique store, I buried seven small coffins in the store according to the secret will left by my grandfather.

These seven coffins were accumulated by my grandfather when he traveled far and wide. They sealed the great demons and giants who had been practicing for thousands of years and possessed extremely strong magic power.

I arranged the seven coffins in the position of seven stars, waiting for the day when the door would be blocked!

Grandpa specifically reminded in his will that the Seven-Star Coffin Array can only be used once in a lifetime, and it can only be used in situations where violence is used to counter violence, otherwise you will be punished by God.

I always thought that I wouldn't be able to use it in this life, but I didn't expect that I would be forced into this job by Ichiro Ryuzawa today. He can be considered a person...

I ignored him, sat cross-legged on the ground and recited a spell. In an instant, the entire antique store shook like an earthquake, and then dazzling lights flashed from seven directions of the store at the same time.

Red, orange, green, blue, black, white, purple.

Seven light spots of different colors broke through the ground and rose up, and then converged into the shape of the Big Dipper!

Ichiro Ryuzawa has been completely shrouded under the Big Dipper, which means that the coffin array has been opened. I recited the blessing spell again to wake up the coffins buried in the ground one by one.

Seven small coffins surrounded the Big Dipper, constantly releasing traces of black energy.

In every vague cloud of black energy, there is a big evil spirit with a ferocious face!

The old demon from Montenegro has broken the seal! Mother Lishan, break the seal!

Manghe Turtle Spirit, break the seal! Yangtze River Red Dragon, broken seal!

The Northeast Snake Fairy has broken the seal! The Green Scaled Demon Saint breaks the seal!

The Bear King of the North Pluto, breaks the seal!

As the seven great demons appeared one after another, the demon in Ryuzawa Ichiro completely lost its previous arrogance and was instead surrounded by seven rays of light.

The yin energy in the evil ghost was being devoured at a speed visible to the naked eye. Just when I wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, I found a sinister smile flashing in Ichiro Ryuzawa's eyes!

No, he has another trick up his sleeve.

My heart skipped a beat, but it was already too late. Ichiro Tatsuzawa had already pulled out his katana and rushed towards me desperately.

"Hahaha... You really gave me too many surprises, but you are seriously injured now. I can kill you with ninjutsu alone!"

I really felt like I had no hope for life, so I closed my eyes in resignation, ready to release the seven great demons completely and die together with Ichiro Ryuzawa.

But at this moment Ichiro Ryuzawa suddenly screamed. I opened my eyes and saw Mr. Wang in a Chinese tunic suit standing in front of me, with Wang Xun'er following behind him.

What the old man was holding in his hand was the Wang family's treasure, the Immortal Killing Sword, which had already been unsheathed. Just now, a sword energy passed through, directly cutting off Ryuzawa Ichiro's left hand and left foot. Blood spattered all over the ceiling, and even a ten-meter-long crack was opened in the cement floor under his feet.

The Immortal Killing Sword is truly terrifying!

Wang Xun'er's eyes were red, and she ran towards me and hugged me. She choked and said, "If I'm a step too late, I'm afraid I will regret it for the rest of my life."

As she said this, she slapped me in the face, and then cried loudly and threw herself into my arms.

Mr. Wang stroked his beard, glared at Ichiro Ryuzawa, slowly raised the Immortal Sword and said, "The Immortal Sword has not been unsheathed for thirty years. If you can die under the Immortal Sword today, it is considered that your life has been lived in vain..." "

Ichiro Longze seemed to know his own end, and roared viciously: "Old immortal, if you seek refuge with Zhang Jiulin, your life will be taken by Longquan Villa sooner or later, and you will all die!"

Mr. Wang didn't have time to talk nonsense with him, so he tore the air with his Immortal Sword and cut Ichiro Ryuzawa in half.

I cried suddenly when I saw this scene. As I cried, my eyes went dark and I fainted.

When I woke up again, I found myself in the Wang family villa. Mr. Wang and the head of the Zhang family were both there!

It turned out that Longquan Villa had never planned to let me go, and even the owner wanted to come and deal with me personally. In order to protect me, the head of the Zhang family made an unwritten agreement with the owner of Longquan Villa in private: both parties are well-known sects. Elders should not interfere in the grudges of younger generations.

The owner of Longquan Villa agreed, so he sent Mr. Yin Yang and Miss Yin Yang to assist Ichiro Longze.

No wonder the patriarch removed the Zhang family from Wuhan and took back my apricot-yellow flag.

However, the patriarch did not expect that Zen Master Baimei would pass away.

I asked the patriarch about the whereabouts of the man in the T-shirt? The patriarch just said that he left with a bottle of ashes and a few relics. Before leaving, he left me a message: "See you later."

I think he went sightseeing with Zen Master Baimei, right? After Baimei dies, his bones become relics, which can be regarded as the greatest destination for people in Buddhism.

I asked Wang Xun'er if he had seen Li Mazi. Wang Xun'er said that Li Mazi ran away early because he was afraid that I would ask him for something.


I was slightly startled, and then realized that my Jieyang Lock was still in his hand!

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