When I woke up, Antique Street turned back into its original Antique Street.

There is no longer the threat of Longquan Villa, but the excitement of the past is gone!

The life-and-death battle with Longquan Villa some time ago severely damaged my vitality, and those who died will not survive.

Especially the death of Zen Master Baimei made me unable to get over my grief.

Compared to Senior Rat and T-Shirt Man, I don’t have much friendship with Zen Master Baimei. He just helped me time and time again as T-Shirt Man’s friend, but I have never done anything for him...

After the injury improved, I went to Hong Kong and asked the man in the T-shirt to help take care of Otama for a while. Weiyu almost lost his mind when he blocked me for a while. Being with Xiaolin in Lost Way Temple, he will definitely recover faster.

Since coming back, I have been staying at the antique shop and rarely going out. Li Mazi has been having a heated fight with Teacher Xia recently and rarely bothers me. Xinyue still stays at her parents' house with her son.

The people in Antique Street are obviously not as kind to me as before. Maybe they think I will bring disaster to them?

In short, I felt lonely for a while.

After holding it in for a long time, I will inevitably feel a little depressed. It just so happens that I haven't gone out to make good friends for a long time, so I packed a few pieces of equipment that I had handy and went out to travel alone to see if I could collect some vaginal objects and bring them back.

Because I planned to take Xinyue home after my trip, I headed north all the way and unknowingly arrived at Handan, Hebei Province.

I had been to Handan a few years ago and subdued Cao Cao's ghost. However, it was winter at the time, and the sight of a land of ice and snow was far less bright than the weather now.

Finally, I stopped in a place called Daming County in Handan District. This county is not big, and the development situation in the city is average. There is garbage everywhere on the ground, and the streets are full of tricycles soliciting customers. Obviously, there is a large community in this place. Expansion capacity.

I was wondering why there were so many people in such a not-so-good place, so I started chatting with the boss while I was buying cigarettes.

When he heard that I came from out of town to play, he immediately curled his lips and said, "What's there to do in these shabby places?"

I almost choked on his words, but I still smiled and asked again.

"Zhongzhongzhong, since you asked me, I will tell you."

The boss licked his nose hair and said impatiently: "Go and see the Di Gong Temple, the Catholic Cathedral, and the city walls of the Song Dynasty."

I thanked him with black lines all over my head. After I came out of the store, I still thought he was fooling me, so I searched the place he mentioned on Baidu Map, but I didn’t expect it to be there.

I searched for information about Daming County again and realized that I was a bit ignorant.

During the Song Dynasty, this place was actually called Damingfu in Beijing, and it was as famous as Bianliang in Tokyo. It was quite brilliant!

However, after the fall of the Song Dynasty, this place declined. Especially during the Republic of China, it was in war for a long time and its economic development was backward. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, it began to have children crazily, so that it felt a bit like the poor people were born out of poverty.

Even Di Renjie's trump card was subdued by me. Naturally, I am not interested in his ancestral hall, let alone the Catholic church. The only thing that makes me happy is the so-called Song Dynasty city wall.

I paid five yuan to hail a tricycle. I was about to say that the driver was very honest, but he asked me to get off the bus within two minutes of walking, so I didn't react for a while.

"What are you looking at? Get out of the car and look at the city wall." After speaking, he pointed forward.

I jumped out of the car and took a look, my dear, the so-called Song Dynasty city wall turned out to be a replica, it had just been completed, and some of the cement on it was not dry yet...

It seemed that the shop owner was right. There was really nothing to see in these places. I suddenly lost my mood, smoked a cigarette and prepared to divert to the station and go elsewhere.

When I was passing by the People's Square, I saw a group of aunties dancing in the square, so I got together and watched for a while. Not to mention, even though these aunts are fat, they still have a strong sense of rhythm when they dance.

There were many spectators on the opposite side of the dance circle. Most of the people's eyes were attracted by the square dancers, but among them there was a girl in her seventies, eighties, nineteen years old, with blue eyes, a melon face, and a red felt hat. Look at me.

At first I thought she thought I was handsome, so I looked at me twice and didn't care.

Unexpectedly, she kept looking at it, pointing and saying something to the parents next to her, her eyes full of novelty.

Her parents would steal glances at me from time to time, with very ugly expressions on their faces. Seeing that I was looking at them, they picked up the little girl in a panic and left.

Years of experience told me that this family was definitely not normal, so I got up and gave chase.

The other party seemed to have noticed that I was chasing him and even called a tricycle. I had no choice but to call for a tricycle. Along the way, I kept urging the master to hurry up, which made him ask me if I wanted to catch someone cheating...

It was getting dark now, and I was really afraid of losing track. Fortunately, the tricycle in front stopped after walking for half an hour. By this time, I had already left the county and came to a relatively backward small village.

The little girl's father looked back at me, stopped hiding, and walked forward boldly. Finally, he stopped in front of a dilapidated red brick house. He opened the door with the key and quickly closed it.

This couple was in their early thirties at most, when they were career-minded. How could they be willing to live in such a horrible place? I thought there must be something fishy, ​​so I ran after him and pushed open the door.

Just as I was about to go in, I felt a strong blast of wind coming toward me. I took a step back reflexively, and suddenly I found the little girl's father holding a rusty ax and staring at me ferociously.

"Brother, what do you mean?" I asked in a stuttering voice, my heart beating rapidly in fear.

Fortunately, he just wanted to scare me. If he did it, I would definitely be hurt.

"Tell me, why are you following me quietly to my house!"

The little girl's father held the ax in front of him and asked with an unkind expression. Only then did I realize that he was also very nervous.

Seeing that he looks very elegant, he is probably really scared, right? I smiled kindly and said, "I just wanted to ask if you need any help."

The little girl’s father refused, shook his head and asked me to leave quickly.

I said, "Don't regret it! If something happens to your daughter later, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"What do you mean?" He was obviously nervous when he heard about his daughter.

I retracted my smile and deliberately looked enigmatic.

Seeing that I stopped talking, he became even more anxious and kept asking me what was wrong. I took two steps forward, squatted down, touched the soil on the wall and smelled it. I answered the question and said, "This house has a history of at least several decades, right? If you are young and don't have any difficulties, why bother bringing your wife with you?" The child is stuck here."

"You...sir, who are you?"

"Why don't you, someone who can help you, ask me to come in and sit for a while?" I asked cheerfully.

He was stunned for a moment, nodded repeatedly, and pulled me into the house. Originally, I thought that young people like them would be able to clean up well even if they lived in a dilapidated house.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I entered the yard, I saw a mountain of mineral water bottles and instant noodle bags. The room was even more messy, full of bamboo strips and yellow paper used for paper making.

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