Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 908 Death Apartment

When the woman saw her husband leading me into the house, she kept winking at him. The man coughed and signaled her to cook, then pulled up two small chairs for me to sit down, and made another bowl of tea.

Then we started chatting while drinking tea. The man’s name is Bai Dachuan and the woman’s name is Zhao Min. They are both Hui people from Daming County. Their daughter’s nickname is Little Red Riding Hood and she is seven years old this year.

The two fell in love when they were in college. After graduating from college, they naturally got married and had children, and lived a happy life.

The only trouble at home is that Little Red Riding Hood is frail and sick. Fortunately, she gets better every time she takes medicine, so it's not a big problem. Last year, a luxury apartment opened in the county. The young couple thought the location was good and the price was barely acceptable, so they took out their savings over the years and borrowed some money from relatives to pay the down payment.

The family happily moved in, thinking that they would be able to enjoy a high-quality life from now on, but they did not expect that this would be the beginning of all nightmares!

Less than a month after moving in, the couple discovered that their daughter was not normal. She often got up in the middle of the night and talked in front of the mirror.

At first, Lao Bai thought his daughter was sleepwalking and didn't take it to heart. It wasn't until he got up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night that he found his daughter holding a backgammon board and talking to herself in the mirror.

He was just about to put his daughter to bed when he suddenly found that the chess pieces on the chessboard started to move on their own!

Lao Bai was frightened at that time, but he wisely chose not to say anything. The next morning, I secretly asked Little Red Riding Hood what she was doing last night, but she said she was playing chess with her sister in the mirror!

Lao Bai suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, but he didn't dare to tell his wife about it. He secretly found many fortune tellers nearby. Unexpectedly, these people either turned around and ran after looking at the apartment, or they just randomly drew amulets. thing.

Over and over again, Lao Bai spent a lot of money to hire a husband, but it had no effect at all.

Later, an old man from a nursing home near the apartment secretly grabbed him and told him a secret!

It turned out that when the foundation of this apartment was being laid a few years ago, a big red coffin was dug out from the ground. The master who drove the excavator at the time thought it was just an ordinary wooden board, so he smashed the lid of the coffin and saw the bones inside.

He realized that he might have dug an ancient tomb, so he jumped down to investigate carefully, and was immediately attracted by the many funerary objects in the coffin.

The excavator master was very smart and knew that the law should not punish the crowd. He first quietly selected a few of the most beautiful pieces of jewelry and put them in his arms, and then notified the others to pick up the treasures together.

The construction site is full of migrant workers from nearby villages and towns. Who knows the legal knowledge? They all joined in the looting, and soon everything inside was robbed.

Only then did everyone notice that there were two skeletons in the coffin. They hugged each other tightly with their fingers intertwined. They were obviously a couple.

Some knowledgeable migrant workers advised everyone to put the things back and seal the coffin, because many places have rules against tomb robbers! It means that you should not easily destroy the tomb where husband and wife are buried together, otherwise you will get into trouble.

But how can people who have been obsessed with wealth listen to the advice? In the end, they all took home the jewelry they grabbed.

Unexpectedly, something happened that night. While the excavator master was sleeping, a fallen steel bar was inserted into his head for no apparent reason, and he bled to death on the spot.

This made many people realize that something was wrong. They had clearly locked the steel bar tightly during the day, so how could it fall off?

And it happened to be inserted into the head of the excavator master?

The more everyone thought about it, the more scared they became. I don’t know who started it first. In short, everyone ran back to the construction site like crazy, trying to return the jewelry they picked up, but found that the tomb had been filled.

At first, everyone thought that someone had sealed it because they were afraid of being found out by the police, so they started digging again at the location of the tomb. Unexpectedly, after digging for a long time, they discovered that the red coffin inside was missing!

Just as everyone was stunned, a powerful stream of blood suddenly spurted out from the pit, directly sucking the few people at the bottom into it. When the blood receded, those few people had turned into bones.

These migrant workers were completely panicked and hurriedly threw their treasures into the pit, rebuilt the tomb, and arranged fruits, incense burners, pig head meat and other tributes on it, praying for forgiveness.

Unfortunately, they still died one after another. This matter could no longer be brought to the county government. However, due to the need to attract investment, the county government did not hold the developer responsible and helped suppress the rumors of haunting.

After all those money-grubbing migrant workers were involved in the accident, peace returned to the construction site again, and the developer continued to build the building as if nothing had happened, and finally built such a luxury apartment.

"Many people died?"

I couldn't help but frown when I heard this. After all, the Chinese are very active in looting. So I concluded that everyone from the construction team was involved. If this is the case, the ghosts this time may be very difficult to deal with.

"You continue to listen to me..."

When Bai Dachuan talked about the horror, his name for me changed unconsciously.

After hearing what the old man said, although he had goosebumps all over his body, he mostly didn't believe it. He didn't believe that a construction team died collectively and no news was leaked? I asked a friend who worked at the county government to inquire about it, and finally confirmed that the old man was right.

After seeing his daughter's series of weird reactions, Bai Dachuan felt that something would happen if he stayed here any longer, so he wanted to move out of the apartment. But he didn't want to scare his wife, so he made an excuse and said he wanted to renovate his home.

The house had just been renovated, so my wife, who didn't know why, naturally refused to agree to move, so she kept going back and forth for a while.

Originally, Bai Dachuan thought something strange had happened to his family, so he was planning to complain to the developer and demand a refund on the grounds of substandard quality. But as he was making connections, other residents in the apartment slowly began to have problems.

First, someone suffered a sudden stroke and was hospitalized. Then someone jumped from the roof of a building and fell to his death in the middle of the night. There were even cases where a father and son stabbed each other with knives.

Many residents realized that the apartments were not clean. They first contacted the developer privately, but to no avail, and then jointly complained to the developer. In the end, they learned that the developer had run away.

Although the residents who were cheated by the unscrupulous developers were very angry, they were still forced to move out. The once luxurious apartments turned into ghost buildings in an instant. This couple is one of the most common examples.

"Can I see your daughter and ask her a few questions," I said.

"Just don't scare her."

Bai Dachuan nodded and led me into the back room. The most conspicuous thing inside was a large bed, with an old-fashioned coffee table and writing desk next to it. Maybe considering that this is a place to live, it looks neater than outside.

Little Red Riding Hood is sitting on the bed playing the "Bear Bear" puzzle. She is very focused on her movements. Every time she picks up a piece, she stops in mid-air and thinks for a while. She carefully puts it together and then takes a picture before moving on to the next piece.

I was attracted by her meticulous attitude, and I forgot why I came in for a while. It wasn't until she put the map together and looked up at me that I came back to my senses.

"Uncle, do you have anything to do with me?"

She flashed her watery eyes and smiled sweetly at me. I walked up to her, hugged her, scratched her little nose, and asked her lovingly why she was staring at me in the square.

"There is a faint golden light on the outside of uncle's body, which is very beautiful." Little Red Riding Hood replied.


I was stunned for a moment, and then realized why Little Red Riding Hood could see the female ghost that Old Bai couldn't.

She should be born with yin and yang eyes, so she can see female ghosts and the spiritual energy bursting out around my body.

People who are born with yin and yang eyes generally have weak horoscopes, which is why she was frail and sick when she was a child.

Since she was born like this, I was relieved a lot, and then asked: "Is the sister who plays chess with you at night nice to you?"

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