Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 909 Little Red Riding Hood

"Okay, my sister always lets me play chess. She is so pretty..."

When it comes to the ghost in the mirror, Little Red Riding Hood seems particularly kind. I rubbed Tiangong with my thumb, opened my Heavenly Eye and looked at her shoulders and top of her head, and found that although her three Yang Fires were relatively weak, they were very stable.

If the female ghost wanted to hurt her, the Yang Fire would inevitably be erratic, so Little Red Riding Hood should not be harmed. The female ghost was really good to her.

After Little Red Riding Hood and her family moved out, they never encountered any supernatural incidents, which meant that the female ghost was still in the apartment.

I didn't want to cause trouble to Lao Bai's family, so I gave Little Red Riding Hood some Chinese medicine to enhance yang energy and told them to take it on time.

Then he asked for the address of the apartment and left without even leaving his contact number.

From laying the foundation to moving in, dozens of people have died in the apartment. There is definitely a ghost king-level ghost living in it. I have no idea whether I can handle it, so I simply give them no hope.

It was already dark when I went out, and there were no Didi taxis in the small county. I walked leisurely, admiring the lights of nearby farmhouses, and felt quite comfortable.

After walking for half an hour, I finally arrived at the county town. I found a barbecue stall and ordered two roasted kidneys. After eating, a tricycle came by. I stopped and asked the chef to take me to the apartment.

Unexpectedly, when he heard the word "apartment", his expression changed, his eyes widened and he asked me what I was doing there.

"What am I not going to do? I heard that the houses there are all empty. I want to find a suitable room to rent."

From the look on his face, he obviously knew the situation of the apartment, so I deliberately tricked him.

Unexpectedly, he was quite cunning. He didn't say much to me at all, and just said in one word: "Let's go home, but at most I will put you at the corner of the street. The three-wheeler is almost out of power and you can't run too far."

"no problem."

I agreed with a smile, but in my heart I scolded him like crazy. Will his grandma die if he tells me some inside information?

Soon I came to Tianxiong Road where the apartment is located. The master waited for me to get off the car and left quickly. I smiled and was about to walk in. Unexpectedly, I heard him calling me from behind after just two steps.

I turned around and saw that the master was back again. He threw me a red river stick and asked at the top of his voice: "Brother, what are you doing here? I can tell you clearly that this place is not safe."

It seemed that he still had a cold face and a warm heart. I felt warm in my heart and told him that I had gone to the apartment specifically to investigate the dirty things and asked him to tell me what he knew. Unexpectedly, he turned around and left again.

"This guy is really interesting."

I smiled and walked along the road for about ten minutes with a cigarette in my mouth. I found that the originally beautiful city center suddenly became desolate. Although the area in front of me is the most prosperous area in Daming County, with many high-rise buildings, there is no starlight or even a trace of popularity.

It seems that the situation is worse than what Lao Bai said. Now it is not only the apartment that is haunted, but also the entire nearby area has been affected.

Yin Qi is a very strange thing. If it is the Yin Qi produced by an ordinary deceased person, it will usually stay in the coffin. If the yin energy is generated after the death of a kind person, it will bless the descendants and make the plants growing on the graves particularly lush.

Many people say that there is green smoke rising from their ancestors' graves after they become successful. The green smoke here refers to the good deeds exposed!

I have experienced this since I was very young. When I was a child, I stayed in the countryside and followed the old man and his friends to steal melons in the fields. I would always find that the melons on the graves were big and sweet!

But the evil spirits' yin energy is much more terrifying. They usually accumulate for a long time and then suddenly burst out at some point. If no master surrenders in time, this Yin Qi will continuously kill all life around it.

The Yin spirit encountered this time was obviously an evil Yin. From the moment the migrant workers opened the coffin and snatched the funerary objects, its Yin energy completely exploded. Then more and more people died, but the Yin energy continued to grow. That’s all.

Looking around, the area in front of me is full of Yin Qi. I can't tell where the source of Yin Qi is at a glance? I had no choice but to take out the compass I had not used for a long time and observe the ground while walking.

At first, the compass kept rotating, and I thought it couldn't tell the difference. Fortunately, after a while, the rotating pointer finally stabilized and pointed to the southwest.

"You are the one."

I looked at the erratic air currents over the southwest and clenched my fists.

As I walked past, the air around me suddenly became weird. Although there was no wind in the air, I felt like I was being blown by the wind.

More importantly, the fluttering plastic bag on the ground was obviously motionless, but I had a vague feeling that it was going to be blown away.

If this continues, my eyes will definitely burst into tears. I took out the Silver Moon Scimitar and held it in my hand to increase my yang energy, while silently reciting the Tao Te Ching. Generally speaking, the "Tao Te Ching" has restraint on all Yin spirits. At most, it is less effective when dealing with powerful Yin spirits. Unexpectedly, as my speed of reciting the scriptures became faster and faster, the indescribable feeling came out. The wind is getting stronger and stronger.

It felt like two people wrestling with each other. Soon my chest felt tight, and the wind became stronger and stronger.

"Damn it, I don't believe it!" I cursed.

I took a deep breath and prepared to read the Tao Te Ching again, but found that the moment the scripture stopped, the wind suddenly became much weaker.

Could it be...

A bold idea suddenly came to my mind, and I carefully stuffed the scimitar back into its sheath, and sure enough I found that the wind had weakened again.

This shows that the stronger the yang energy, the greater the impact. Since the Yin spirit in the apartment has been strong enough to automatically recognize the yang energy, I will definitely not get a favor if I go in rashly. After thinking about it, I took out a sunshade from my bag. The talisman covered the yang energy on his body, and he used a spell to absorb the spiritual power on the magic receiving device.

After doing all this, it was indeed much smoother to move forward, but without the Yang Qi body protection, I immediately felt like I had fallen into an ice hole, and my body felt numb after taking a few steps.

In desperation, I could only recite the "Tao Te Ching" intermittently in my heart. I had to protect myself and at the same time ensure not to stimulate the evil spirit inside. It was extremely difficult to go all the way.

It took me more than an hour to reach the center of Yin Qi, and for the first time I saw the death apartment that terrified the locals!

The apartment adopts a European style from the outside. In front of the main building is a small square with lawns, rest pavilions and rockery fountains. This level is considered one of the best in the entire Daming County.

But now there is no water in the fountain, and the white floor is covered with garbage and dead leaves. A closer look revealed that the trees in the green belt of the apartment were all dry and withered, and even the lawn was lifeless.

"It really means that there is no grass growing on it."

I muttered softly, swallowed and looked towards the main building. I found that several buildings were connected together, and the Yin Qi in each building was comparable.

Under such a strong Yin Qi, even the compass cannot detect the source of the Yin Qi. To use a fashionable word, the compass has exploded!

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