Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 910: Strange stories about ghosts in the apartment

I touched the magic talisman in my arms and prepared to go in, but suddenly I heard a hoarse voice behind me: "Young man, don't go in."

When he turned around, he saw an old man in gray cloth behind him. He walked over slowly with a cane.

I had already opened my eyes, and I could tell at a glance that the old man was a living person. I rushed up to him, supported him, and asked him what happened.

"Boy, there's a ghost here!"

The old man lowered his voice and said, "Are you from outside? To tell you the truth, no one has come to this place for a long time. Even if there are occasional adventurous people who come here, I have persuaded them to leave."

"you are?"

I felt the old man's kindness and asked respectfully.

The old man said that he lived in a nursing home nearby. He had been keeping a close eye on the coffins that had been dug up for the dead during the construction work. Later, when the people living here kept having troubles, he was sure that there was something unclean in the apartment, so he just kept it safe. Love to find residents and persuade them to leave.

"Can you...can you tell me the details?"

The old man is probably what Bai Dachuan calls the old man. Since he cares so much about the apartment, he must know some important clues. In order not to worry him, I lied and said that I was just curious, and implicitly said that if I could learn about some hauntings, I would not take the risk again.

He was stunned for a moment, pointed at me, sighed and said, "Okay, the old guy will teach you a lesson."

After struggling for a long time, I finally found someone who was willing to talk. I immediately pulled him back a little way.

At first I thought he could just say a few words casually, but I didn't expect him to be so familiar with things here!

It turned out that when the first household moved in, the old man felt that things were not that simple, so he came over in the middle of the night to observe.

At that time, the Yin Qi had not grown to such a terrifying level, and he could easily spend the night in the apartment.

Just staring at him for several days, nothing strange happened in the apartment. At this time, there were more and more residents, many people had begun to pay attention to him, and the old man himself was also a little tired.

He thought he might have been worrying too much, so he went back to the nursing home, had dinner and went to bed early. But in the middle of the night, he suddenly heard the water running from the faucet outside.

As an old man, he has come from hard times. He woke up subconsciously and was ready to go out and turn off the tap. He could smell the smell of blood from all the way. He frowned and walked forward, looked at it with a flashlight and discovered that the faucet was bleeding continuously!

He instantly broke into a cold sweat, turned around and wanted to leave, but found that there was a woman behind him.

He knew the other party. She was the first hostess to live in the apartment. She was a plump young woman with fair skin.

It's just that the young woman in front of her has lost her previous charming appearance. A sharp steel pipe is inserted into her belly, and blood spurts out along the steel pipe, which is exactly the same as the scene from the faucet.

Even though the old man had experienced many life and death partings in his life, he still panicked when he saw this scene. He picked up the iron cylinder next to the pool and threw it at the young woman. With this force, his body trembled violently, and then he found himself sitting down. In bed, everything just now was just a dream.

He wiped the cold sweat from his head, lit a cigarette and speculated in his mind while smoking.

I have no relationship with the young woman, so why do I dream about her?

Is this dream reminding me of something?

After careful consideration, the old man was still worried, not to mention that it was difficult to fall back asleep after being frightened at his age. He simply took out from under the bed the red-tasseled spear head he used when visiting the threshing floor when he was young, held it in his arms and walked towards the apartment.

Soon he walked into the corridor of the apartment. When he reached the floor where the young woman was, the red tassel gun in his arms fell to the ground with a bang, almost hitting his foot.

The old man was in awe of these things, his heart thumped for no reason, and he quickened his pace.

When he arrived at the young woman's door and was about to knock on the door, he heard a faint muffled sound of a man coming from inside.

"Are they working as a young couple?"

The uncle thought of this and was about to leave. As soon as he turned around, he heard a scream from a woman and a crazy scream from a man.

This was a sound of despair. The old man didn't care so much, he just used the wire to unlock the door, held the red tassel gun tip and pushed the door open.

The moment he entered the door, he felt as if a super-powerful hair dryer was blowing hard against his head. He was forced to squint his eyes, as if he saw a blurry shadow floating in front of his eyes.

When the strong wind subsided, he fumbled to turn on the light, only to see the man of the house tied to the bed.

There was a large wad of toilet paper stuffed in his mouth, and his eyes were full of panic. His blood was rising due to the difficulty in breathing, and he looked like he would soon suffocate to death.

The old man hurriedly went up to untie him and helped pull the toilet paper out of his mouth. He was about to ask the man what happened at home, but the other man spoke first.

"Please, save my wife, she is dying!"

The male host begged tremblingly as he strode towards the bathroom, but after taking two steps, he fell to the ground with a thud.

Only then did the uncle realize that the ground was covered with blood, and he realized something was wrong. He hurried to the bathroom and found that the hostess was dead.

She was very similar to the scene in her dream. She was hanging upside down on the wall, with a white plastic tube stuck in her throat. Blood flowed all over the floor along the tube, and the entire bathroom floor was stained red.

The blood continued to spurt out, but the young woman's body was already stiff, but it took him at most one minute to rush in from the door. One minute ago, the young woman was still alive, but now she was hard!

The man chased after him at this moment. After seeing his wife's death, he knelt on the ground in pain and hugged his head. He undoubtedly collapsed. After all, the old man had enough experience. He knew that he could no longer stay in the apartment, so he tried his best to drag the man down.

Fortunately, the man's faith was destroyed and he was dragged away like a zombie, otherwise the old man's body wouldn't be able to drag him away.

As soon as I walked downstairs to the apartment, there was a cold wave behind me, vaguely mixed with bursts of sneers, which was extremely eerie.

In his haste, the old man suddenly recited a random sentence: Infinite Heavenly Lord, and at the same time he danced a few times imitating the postures of Taoist priests in movies. Unexpectedly, it really worked. The cold wind obviously paused, and the uncle used this opportunity to escape.

"Where is the male master now? Can I see him?"

I couldn't help but interrupt when I heard this. I admired the old man's bravery and wit very much, but I was also really worried about them. Fortunately, the Yin Qi had not grown up at that time. If he were allowed to rush in now, he would definitely not be able to get out.

Judging from what he said, the male protagonist survived in the end. I think since he was tied to the bed with five flowers, he should know more information!

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