Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 911: Ghost House

After hearing this, the old man shook his head and sighed, "It's good to survive!" When he regained consciousness early the next morning, he refused to listen to my dissuasion and insisted on returning to the apartment. He also invited many Taoist priests to do the ritual, saying I wanted to avenge my wife. In the end, the ghost was not caught, and he and the Taoist priests all died inside."

"Is it?"

I bit my lip, feeling inexplicably terrified.

Although the vast majority of Taoist priests in the world are fake, they would never dare to take a risk. Since they dare to do so, they have a few brushes, but none of them is spared and dies in the apartment. This is very strange. Explain the problem.

"Are you scared now? What happens next is scary."

Seeing that I was dazed, the old man handed me a New Shijiazhuang cigarette, found a piece of lawn to sit down on, and continued to talk.

After the man and the Taoist priests died, the uncle knew that he could no longer go to that room. At the same time, he also went to the temple outside to ask for some protective items and continued to observe from the outside. He felt that although he could not stop the evil spirits in the apartment, he could warn everyone against them.

Within a week after the man's death, the apartment became calm again, and the residents here gradually came out of the shadows. The old man also began to chat with the people here when he was free. He even became friends with a few old men and got together when they were free. Have some tea or something.

As the friendship deepened, one of the old men named Wang finally believed his words and went back to ask his son to move.

But few of the younger generation believe this before seeing the truth. Not only did Lao Wangtou's son not listen, he also thought his father was superstitious.

Lao Wang was so angry that he had a big quarrel with his son, and finally moved to a nursing home and lived in the same room with his uncle. The two old men played chess and talked about what they had experienced when they were young, which was quite pleasant.

This peaceful life lasted for half a month and was finally broken again!

Lao Wangtou didn't get up until noon that day, and he usually got up at six o'clock in the morning to go for a walk. The uncle thought he was sick and wanted to wake him up, but he couldn't wake him up no matter how he screamed.

The uncle told Lao Wangtou not to die in his room, so he hurried out to call for help. However, he found that he could not get out of his small room no matter what. There was no signal on the phone or TV, and he was isolated from the world almost instantly.

The only good thing is that there is electricity in the house, but in this environment, the quiet light becomes so scary.

The uncle thought of many ways but did not run out. In the end, he simply sat cross-legged on the bed and smoked a cigarette until he accidentally fell asleep.

After an unknown amount of time, the uncle was woken up from his sleep. When he looked up, he found that Lao Wang was standing in front of him with his head straight. His face was gray and his eyes were surrounded by serious dark circles. It seemed as if he hadn't slept for a long time.

"Old Wang?"

The uncle looked at him doubtfully for a while, shook his head and asked after he woke up completely: "What's going on with you? Do you want to go out and see a doctor?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he recalled that he couldn't get out. He sighed and wanted to talk to Lao Wangtou. Unexpectedly, as if Lao Wangtou knew he couldn't get out, he suddenly reached out and covered the uncle's mouth, and raised a finger to signal him not to speak.

The uncle thought that the old Wangtou had discovered something, so he blinked at him. Unexpectedly, the lifeless old Wangtou suddenly smiled. The smile was unusually charming. It didn't look like the face of a bad old man at all, but more like a young girl in her early twenties.

"you you you……"

The uncle was really scared this time. He took a step back and pointed at Lao Wang's head and cursed fiercely: "Get out of here, I will kill you if you come here again!"

As he said this, he took out the incense ash he asked for from the temple from under his pillow. In fact, he was just pretending. He understood that even if the incense ash was real, it could only protect himself at most and could not hurt the evil ghost at all.

Unexpectedly, after the two parties looked at each other for a while, Lao Wangtou changed back to his own face. He looked at the old man expressionlessly and said calmly: "Old Chen, I'm leaving. The children are here to pick me up." .”

After saying that, Lao Wangtou turned around and left the room minding his own business.

The uncle said to himself that since the children are here to pick them up, let’s go back! After all, living at home is more comfortable than in a nursing home. But when he saw Lao Wangtou, he realized: He can actually leave the room?

The uncle quickly chased after him and found that he had also walked out. It was estimated that the female ghost had left. He breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly realized a problem: Lao Wangtou said that the child had come to pick him up, why was he alone?

Following the route that Lao Wangtou left, he found that Lao Wangtou's walking posture was strange, with his arms stretched out exaggeratedly, and his movements were stiff and weak when he walked, as if he was being carried along. But there was obviously no one else around him.

The uncle felt that something was not good, so he chased after him. Along the way, he felt more and more that the old Wangtou was possessed by ghosts, because he always said something carefully and looked to both sides while talking. , undoubtedly communicating with the children around him.

"Lao Wang, come back to the nursing home with me quickly to get your things."

The uncle understood that he could not expose the dirty things directly, he could only outwit them, so he thought of a way out of desperation.

But Lao Wangtou continued to walk forward as if he didn't hear anything. Seeing that he was about to enter the apartment, the uncle rushed up and grabbed Lao Wangtou and pulled him out.

But then suddenly several invisible hands pushed over hard!

After all, he was old, so he was pushed to the ground inadvertently. When he got up again, Lao Wangtou was already close to the door of the apartment. He gritted his teeth and rushed over to sprinkle the ash on Lao Wangtou, but he was ejected several meters away by an invisible force.

"Mother Rinen, I still don't believe it."

The uncle's anger was aroused, and he cursed loudly, then grabbed a stone from the edge of the rockery and tried to throw it over. And this was when the originally calm night sky suddenly "clicked" with a bolt of lightning that directly hit the high-voltage wire above his head. The broken wire fell accurately on Lao Wangtou.

His body suddenly trembled like fried beans, and in just a few seconds, the aroma of meat emitted.

Lao Wang’s head was cooked with electric shock.

Seeing his friend die in front of his eyes, the uncle was stunned. But at this moment, the limp corpse actually stood up again, and the strange woman's face appeared again on Lao Wang's burned face. She licked the blood on her tongue and raised her finger at the uncle!

The uncle knew that something bad would happen to him if he continued like this, so he stepped back while yelling.

The female ghost controlled Old Wangtou's body, crawling on the ground like a snake, obviously trying to catch up. Fortunately, at this moment, another bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, exploding between the uncle and the female ghost. She stopped and the uncle took the opportunity to escape from the apartment.

From then on, the uncle didn't dare to enter the apartment at night. He usually saw unsuspecting people in the periphery, so he would come up to remind them or do mobilization work during the day.

People didn't believe it at first, but after the accidents happened one after another, everyone realized the seriousness of the matter and moved out one after another.

After hearing the news, many paranormal enthusiasts wanted to come and explore, but most of them were persuaded to go back. Even those who went in were quickly frightened and ran away!

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