Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 912 You can’t escape!

"Speaking of which, no one dares to come in during this period..."

After telling me about his experience, the uncle let out a long sigh, patted me on the shoulder without saying anything, and left staggeringly on crutches. It seems that he also knows that there are some things that cannot be dissuaded. Now that he has finished speaking, the rest is up to me to decide.

I didn't think anything was wrong at first, but when he said that, and then I looked at the dark apartment door, I felt a little trembling in my heart!

But now that I've reached this point, I can't give up no matter what. I encouraged myself and walked in.

As soon as I entered the door of the apartment, I smelled a faint smell of blood. Maybe the blood was spilled on the ground and no one cleaned it up, so it became rancid and smelly, filling the entire apartment.

I held the magic talisman in my pocket and guarded the surroundings, fearing that something might bite me the moment I came in. Fortunately, I was not attacked until I adapted to the light in the room.

I wiped my eyes and looked around in the night light, and found that the first floor was the lobby, which was relatively empty with only sofas and some boxes for express delivery.

This made me feel a lot more relaxed, and I fumbled to turn on the light. The whole hall was instantly bright as day, and the bright lights above even stung my eyes. The walls on both sides are covered with majestic landscape paintings, and two pure golden lions are placed on the left and right of the innermost corridor.

The two lions were carved lifelike, with their eyes wide open and their mouths wide open, as if they wanted to devour anyone who came in. This is a taboo in Feng Shui. The health of anyone living here will be affected, not to mention the ghost spirits of a couple hiding under the foundation of this apartment!

However, I think the developer may have wanted to frighten the evil spirits underground when they built these two lions.

It's a pity that he was self-defeating. Instead of achieving his goal, he actually exacerbated the residents' deaths!

There was no problem on the first floor, so I walked upstairs carefully. This building was not clean anyway, so there was no need to go to a specific room.

I walked a few steps up the corridor, and suddenly I heard the sound of marbles beating under my feet. The ticking was very rhythmic. I focused all my attention on the surrounding environment. I couldn't help hearing the sound. He trembled for a moment, and then subconsciously threw the magic talisman towards his feet.

Unexpectedly, the magic talisman was suddenly bounced into the air before it hit the ground, and then stung and burned.

The sound of marbles under my feet disappeared, but I knew that the guy was just hiding temporarily, and the magic talisman didn't touch it at all. Generally speaking, the little ghosts who appear as soon as they enter the door are just soy sauce. As usual, I can get rid of them by yelling or throwing a magic talisman. I didn't expect that this time they were defeated when they came up.

The Yin spirit must have sensed my presence, so I simply stopped pretending, pulled off the sun-shielding charm, and showed off the Silver Moon Scimitar to be on guard.


Suddenly a woman's sneer came from above my head. I subconsciously wanted to reach out and pull out the Silver Moon Scimitar, but as soon as I touched it, I found myself grabbing another cold arm!

"Go away."

I cursed reflexively and rolled violently on the spot. After rolling over and landing, I looked back at the place where I was just standing. I was shocked to find a piece of human skin floating there. The skin looked wrinkled, but the limbs But it is surprisingly full, especially the arms are vivid.

I thought this was the woman who sneered just now. At this moment, she held her arm in her dark mouth, chewed it, and smiled at me while eating.

My stomach was churning, and I screamed and stabbed with an invisible needle. I wanted to solve it with one move, but I didn't know that the invisible needle directly passed through its body after touching it. Apart from a small hole that was difficult to identify on the human skin, no harm was done at all.

Before I could take action again, the needle holes in the human skin miraculously disappeared. She took her arm out of her mouth, stretched out her bitten and bloody palm and pointed at me, as if I was no opponent.

Being despised by a Yin spirit at such a close distance made me feel a little unhappy. I raised my hand and swung the scimitar out, and at the same time, I leaned forward. As long as the machete hits it, it will definitely be able to slow down its movement. I am confident that I can take it down with a second shot.

Unexpectedly, the human skin seemed to know the power of the scimitar, and the body disappeared in a flash. After my body stopped, I only heard the increasingly ethereal laughter in the corridor: "You can't escape..."

The terrifying reminder echoed over and over again, like a repeater. For a moment, I felt so desperate that I even swung the knife to wipe it on my neck. Fortunately, when the scimitar was close to my neck, the Eternal Spirit Ring flashed violently, bringing me back from my thoughts.

Thinking back to the scene just now, I couldn't help but feel scared, and I also understood that the weirdness of this apartment was beyond my imagination.

For safety reasons, I took the Huansi Bell out of my bag and tied it to my ankle, so that it would make a sound all the time as I walked around to prevent me from being confused again.

I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect or something else, but after I tied the Huansi Bell, I didn’t encounter anything when I went up. I pushed open the rooms on the second floor one by one and found that the homes of these residents were very messy. It was obvious that they had moved. How hurriedly he walked.

It's just that although these rooms are messy, they don't have much Yin energy. Most of the rooms still maintain the atmosphere of living people, which means that Yin spirits have never been here.

But judging from my experience when I first entered the apartment, there was more than one ghost inside. Where were they hiding?

Every time I walk through a room, I will leave cinnabar, plant ash, raw glutinous rice and other evil-dispelling materials on key locations such as doors and windows, so that I can immediately feel where the ghosts are.

After reaching the end of the second floor, I made sure that there was nothing weird on the second floor, and turned around to go to the third floor. At this moment, I caught a glimpse of a strange house out of the corner of my eye!

The reason why I say it is strange is because there is no plant ashes left by me in front of that room.

Strange, I obviously peeed in every room!

I observed suspiciously for a while, and then cautiously opened the door out of professional habit. As soon as I touched the door handle, the door popped open with a bang, followed by a stench.

Before I could recover, a tall and burly figure wearing clothes similar to those of King Yama rushed over. It was carrying a machete and a shield and was about to cut off my head. Since the entire second floor was relatively peaceful, I had already inserted the machete into the scabbard on my waist. Now I became very passive and had to lean back with all my strength. The machete passed across my eyebrow and even cut it off. A few strands of hair on my hairline.

While it was trying to retract the knife, I rolled around hastily. When I stood up, I pulled out the scimitar to confront it. I looked around quickly with my eyes and found that it was really the image of King Yama in hell, and there were still... Wearing a black and purple robe.

My heart skipped a beat, secretly thinking that the King of Hell had come out, and I was probably going to end up here. But then I thought about it, if this was really my deadline, how could grandpa not remind me?

It was obvious that the King of Hell in front of me was just an illusion. I gritted my teeth and shouted loudly, then rushed over with my scimitar and prepared to fight with it. Unexpectedly, this guy missed the target and turned around and ran away without bothering me at all.

In a blink of an eye, it jumped into the bathroom, and the door made a muffled sound again and was shut tightly. Although my scimitar pierced the door directly, it was still stuck on it. After I kicked the door open, where was the shadow of King Yama inside?

"Oh shit."

I took a long breath and wiped the cold sweat from my face. Then I noticed a dull pain in my hand. When I looked down, I realized that I was too nervous just now and accidentally cut my palm with a machete. Coupled with the vegetation ash and cinnabar all the way, the whole hands looked dirty.

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