Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 913 Murderous Illusion

I walked to the sink, turned on the faucet and tried it. There was actually water in it. I put my hand in and felt the moistness of the water, which made me feel much relieved.

But I soon discovered something was wrong. The entire water in the pool turned blood red.

The wound on the hand is neither big nor small, but it will never bleed so much. What's going on? I frowned and looked carefully, but I was horrified to find that the water in the faucet turned red at some point.

I gritted my teeth and took a handful of blood with my hand, put it under my nose and sniffed it, and my hair stood up instantly.

What the hell is this blood? This is 100% blood, human blood!

I almost reflexively threw the blood in my hand away. The blood spilled on the mirror opposite, and a fishy smell hit my face.

"What bad luck."

I cursed secretly, looked in the mirror, and found that my face was pale and pale, but there was an imperceptible smile in my eyes. But now I am almost crying in frustration, how can I still laugh?

Suddenly, I realized that the person in the mirror was not me at all. The blood I had just sprinkled on it did not flow down the mirror at all, but gathered into another me.

I was so shocked that I clenched my fist and punched it without thinking.

The mirror was smashed to pieces with a bang, and the me inside disappeared with a miserable smile. I looked at the bloody back of my hand cut by glass shards, and a sense of powerlessness slowly rose in my heart.

"You want to kill yourself?"

At this time, a familiar voice came to my ears. It took me a second to realize that it was my own voice. I turned my head sharply and found that another me was standing behind me. He was wearing the same clothes as me, with his arms folded, miserable. He said miserably: "Kill me! If you kill me, you will kill yourself."

The corner of my mouth twitched, and I was determined to kill him first even if I died. But he suddenly disappeared. I thought it was a ghost fighting for me, but the next moment I saw an unforgettable scene.

All the lights in the room lit up at once, and the mirror fragments on the floor became extremely dazzling. There was another me on each fragment. They kept saying to me: "Kill me, kill me too." Kill yourself, kill yourself, hahaha..."

At first I had the courage to crush all the lenses, but in the end I realized that the number of other me's would continue to increase with the number of mirrors. Gradually, I felt that I was the same as them, that I was them, and they were me. .

Just when I had this idea, each one of them started to stab his own chest with his own scimitar. Soon it was my turn. Countless "Is" were happy or sad, laughing or shouting in pain. : "It's your turn, do it quickly. If you don't do it, we will help you."

I knew I was confused again. I thought about reciting the Tao Te Ching, but my mind went blank. Even the Fantasy Bell didn't work. I could only fight with my out-of-control body with my remaining will.

The scimitar was getting closer and closer, and countless me on the ground came out of the lens and gathered together. It easily took the scimitar from my hand and said with a smile: "I'm here to help you."

"screw you."

At this time, the pressure that I had accumulated for a long time suddenly burst out. An inexplicable spiritual power surged out of my Dantian, and I instantly regained my consciousness. Where could I see another me in front of me?

The scimitar was still in my hand. I wielded the scimitar and slashed randomly, and soon all the lenses were reduced to powder, and then the person in the mirror disappeared.

After I calmed down, I looked at the Huansi Bell on my ankle and found that its little bell was filled with minced meat. No wonder it didn't remind me just now.

But how did Yin Ling silently stuff pieces of meat under my nose?

I didn't know what else was wrong in this room, but I knew that I had to leave the apartment as soon as possible, otherwise it would be difficult to get out.

I quickly used an invisible needle to pick out the minced meat from the bell, put the Fantasy Bell on my hand, and prepared to walk out carefully. Unexpectedly, as soon as he left the toilet door, he saw a figure sitting in a wheelchair appearing in the corridor.

From the back, I could see that the other person was wearing a smart Chinese tunic suit. His hair was pale and messy, and his figure was a little unreal, but it gave me a familiar feeling. I tentatively said, "Grandpa?"

Yes, this person is my dead grandfather. Although I know that what I see in front of me is definitely fake, I still can't help but ask. After asking, the corners of my eyes became moist.


He held the wheelchair with his hands, turned around slowly, shouted expressionlessly, and then looked at me with a very cold look.

"Grandpa, grandpa, why are you here?"

From the moment he called me, I completely lost my mind. I sat down on the ground without strength and kept calling him.

Grandpa's face was pale, as if he had been smeared with frost. He did not approach me, nor did he show any concern for me. He just said indifferently: "You will die just like me. You can't run away."

Grandpa would never speak to me like this at any time. I gradually recovered my senses, but I couldn't muster the courage to deal with him and was forced to endure his every word of torture.

Finally, he slowly disappeared. I shook my dizzy head and wanted to leave, but found that the door was locked. I kicked it twice, but there was no movement except for a muffled thud.

"You want to trap me, Zhang Jiulin, with just a door?"

I licked my lips, suddenly took out the machete and stabbed at the door repeatedly, each blow filled with Ran Min's power.

According to my understanding, it only takes one knife to poke a hole in a rigid security door, and then a casual slash can cut a gap.

However, this door is just like the human skin I encountered before. No matter how damaged it is, it will restore immediately as soon as I draw my knife away.

The only way is to cut the door open with a knife, but the Silver Moon Scimitar doesn't have that kind of power yet. The man in the T-shirt's Eight-sided Han Sword does, but it's a pity that he's not here.

After all the trouble, I was still trapped in the room, but my physical energy was almost exhausted. I came in a hurry this time, and there was nothing edible in my bag. I sat on the ground and calmed down for a while, deciding to get used to it first. I drew a simple Bagua array within a few square meters of the living room, and I felt a little more at ease when I hid in it.

After having the Bagua Array, there were no ghosts in the room, but there were constant squeaking sounds from the doors, windows and even the surrounding walls, as if countless people were scratching the door with their long nails.

Even though I was sitting cross-legged in the Bagua array, I couldn't help but break into a cold sweat. Deep in my heart, I had a faint urge to rush out and fight them desperately. I relied on the Huansi Ling and the "Tao Te Ching" to persevere. I don't know what happened. It took a long time for the scratching at the door to stop.

My body, which had been in a stalemate for a long time, instantly softened like a noodle, and then bursts of sour water came out of my stomach. The feeling of hunger but not hunger made me tremble all over, and big beads of sweat oozed from my forehead.

Hunger made me give up being trapped in the Bagua array. I took out the flexible Sirius Whip and held it in my hand, slowly approaching the refrigerator. In order to avoid being assassinated again, I was careful enough to use an invisible needle to open the refrigerator before opening it.

Fortunately, everything was normal in the refrigerator. There were some refrigerated drinks and quick-frozen cooked food, some chicken feet, red sausages, etc. You could smell the aroma coming out of the bag through the bag. I laughed and tore open these snacks and went inside. Pouring it in his mouth, he suddenly realized how could something so fragrant be stored until now?

Will the Yin spirit let go of this delicious food?

I put the cooked food on the ground, took a few steps back, took out some cinnabar, and sprinkled it on it. The fragrant food suddenly emitted black smoke. When the black smoke dissipated, a small pile of squirming rat cubs with pink and tender flesh exposed were revealed...


I spit it out directly, then used spiritual fire to burn away all the filth in front of me, and sprinkled some cinnabar into the refrigerator, only to find that the only edible items in it were two shriveled carrots and half a small bottle of wine soaked in snake gall.

"Damn, the carrots are so delicious, I have to buy a cart of them when I go out!"

I chewed the dehydrated carrots, yelling as I ate them as if I was fighting a ghost, but my eyes couldn't help but shed tears.

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