Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 916 Ancient Formation

The old man had nothing to do and continued to wander around, so I thought of it as a good deed and sent Little Red Riding Hood to school. I pulled her all the way to the gate of the primary school, patted her head and told her to go to school, but Little Red Riding Hood refused to let go. I asked, "What's wrong? Don't you want to go to school?"

"Uncle, can you do me a favor?"

She raised her face and said, I was amused by the little kid's appearance: "What are you busy with? Let me tell you."

"Can you pretend to be my dad and ask the teacher for a day off?"

I immediately refused: "No!"

Little Red Riding Hood pouted as if she was unhappy. She was a shy little girl and probably didn't get along well with her classmates. As the saying goes, seven and eight-year-olds are considered dogs. Boys in this age group are very naughty. Not to mention others, when I was that old, I often pulled girls by their pigtails and put toads in their pencil cases.

I explained to Little Red Riding Hood seriously why I didn’t help. It’s not that skipping class was bad. The point was that she was lying. She had to lie to the teacher and her parents at the same time. If the teacher saw her parents during a parent-teacher conference in the future, she would have to Try to find a way to lie. Behind one lie are endless lies. If one day is exposed, it will be a huge harm to everyone.

Little Red Riding Hood listened carefully, nodded and said: "Uncle, I understand, I will go to school now."

"You're so sensible. Go to class. Can uncle take you to KFC for lunch?" I said.

"Okay!" Little Red Riding Hood happily agreed, carrying her schoolbag and entering the school gate. After walking a few steps, she suddenly turned around and said to me, "Uncle, if you are too anxious to wait for me, just chat with that sister for a while."

I was surprised for a while, and looked back strangely, "What sister?"

"It's under that tree." Little Red Riding Hood pointed.

My heart skipped a beat, and I subconsciously opened my eyes, and suddenly I saw a woman in red standing under an old locust tree, her face covered by thick black hair!

This woman was slender, probably about sixteen or seventeen years old, and was wearing a rather charming ancient red skirt. It's just that her skin is too white and has no color at all. Coupled with that terrifying long hair, at first glance, she looks like Chu Renmei from the Hong Kong horror movie "The Corpse in the Village", which makes people panic!

I looked up and saw that it was cloudy today, so this evil spirit could appear in broad daylight. Fortunately, I didn't stay stupid in the apartment until dawn last night, otherwise someone would have collected my body in a few days...

I vaguely felt that this ghost had a close connection with the haunted apartment, and she seemed to want to tell me some clues, so I slowly walked towards her, and held her hands in a very polite manner: "Hello, Miss, may I have any advice? ?”

The woman in red covered her mouth with her sleeves, as if she was smiling, and then started to float gloomily.

When I saw there was a door, I quickly followed it!

As I walked, the woman in red came to the place where I had just had breakfast, and then disappeared. It's only after eight o'clock, and there are quite a lot of people here. At first, I thought it was too much Yang energy that drove her away. Then I found a big mound behind the old tofu shop, which looked like an ancient tomb.

When the guy came out to take out the trash just now, I asked him, "Brother, let me ask, how long has this pile of dirt been here?"

The boy said angrily: "You are talking about this garbage dump. It has been here since I was a child. Why are you asking about this?"

"It looks a bit like an ancient tomb to me." I said.

The guy laughed and said, "Brother, have you read too many tomb robbing novels? How could an ancient tomb be built here?"

Is this really just a garbage dump?

I was dumbfounded for a while. After careful inspection, I discovered that there was a circle of blue bricks surrounding the mound. These green bricks were quite old and were clearly the Baotou bricks outside the ancient tomb. This kind of thing is not uncommon. In Wuhan, archaeological teams often discover shocking ancient tombs in usually inconspicuous mounds.

I asked the guy for a plastic bag and grabbed some soil from the tomb. I felt that the woman in red must be related to the couple's coffin that was dug up in the apartment in the early years. The soil might be put to some use.

I originally planned to go to the apartment to explore during the day, but today is cloudy, and after what happened last night, my body's yang energy was severely depleted. When I thought about the horrific scene in the apartment, my scalp became numb.

I wandered around for a while. When the primary school students finished school at noon, I came to the school gate to wait for Little Red Riding Hood. As soon as she saw me, she affectionately called "Uncle" and took my hand to eat KFC.

We took a car to a relatively prosperous area in the county, ordered a children's set meal for her, and exchanged money for a Hello Kitty toy. Little Red Riding Hood chewed on the original chicken and said to me: "Uncle, I really wish you were me. dad."

I laughed: "Why do you say that?"

"My dad goes to work every day and never goes out to eat KFC with me or reason with me. He just scolds me." As she said that, she pouted her little mouth and looked like she was about to cry in grievance. She was pitiful and cute.

Looking at Little Red Riding Hood, I suddenly thought of Fanfan. Childhood is the most important time in a person's life, but this time is often also when parents are busy with their careers. Therefore, many people lack the company of their parents when they are young. When they grow up, You will also become insecure. I think when Fanfan grows up a little bit, should I close down my business? Stay with Xinyue and Fanfan at home.

After eating, I took her back to school. When we walked near the apartment, Little Red Riding Hood kept looking in that direction. I asked her if she saw anything? She said: "Dark."

I was stunned for a moment. Although it was cloudy today, it was still bright at noon. Then I thought about it. It turns out that the little red eyes are born with yin and yang eyes and can even detect the yin energy. It is really admirable.

I asked, "What else can you see?"

She said seriously: "That mass of black air has legs."

"Growing legs?" I was stunned for a moment.

After she gestured for a long time, I realized that the negative energy gathering in the apartment was spreading in all directions. If you looked down from above, it would look like a huge black spider lying on the ground. I had an idea and asked Little Red Riding Hood to draw it for me. She put her schoolbag on the flower bed, lay on it and drew crookedly on the homework book with a pencil. After I finished drawing, I picked it up and saw that the shape made of Yin energy seemed to be It's a big formation, but I've never seen it before.

Last night I broke into the apartment alone, and there was one weird scene after another. It felt a bit like breaking into an army.

At first, I thought that after the couple's coffin was dug out, the evil spirit inside was offended, and they began to take revenge. However, the matter did not seem to be that simple. Could it be that there was an ancient magic circle in this place? Turned on accidentally.

There was still more than half an hour before Little Red Riding Hood went to school. I asked her to take me to one of the 'foots' of the 'Yin Qi Big Spider'. The area near the apartment building was very clean and there were piles of rubble everywhere. It was probably the original real estate. Shang wanted to build a luxury community, but he didn't expect that something like this happened just after the apartment was built.

We came to a place where there was indeed a yin energy that was ready to stir! Little Red Riding Hood was writing and drawing in the air with her fingers. I didn't know what she was doing at first, but when I opened my eyes, I almost scared me. She actually drew a gray wolf in the air with a wisp of yin energy around her hand.

I quickly grabbed her hand, and Little Red Riding Hood looked at me with curious eyes. I secretly wondered, could this Yin Qi be kind and harmless to Little Red Riding Hood? No, Little Red Riding Hood has a very yin constitution and may be regarded as the same kind by yin spirits.

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